Sunday, May 26, 2019

July Third: Should Prove To You All, Once And For All: What Is Really Coming

There will be a lot in this post. This will be my last post for quite some time. I will not finish this post today. This post may never be finished, especially if it is my very last post. If I post again, it will be after the NBA finals and the US Open. There is a lot of info out there now, that relates to the last couple weeks worth of posts that I have already made, that has either changed, or my findings and analysis of those findings has changed. And these changes are very important to seeing...or believing what is really going on.

First and foremost is "When" and "Where" the stock market will top:

- Wednesday, July 3, 2019 is "When" the stock market will top. 27000, and more than likely 27300 is "Where" the stock market will top (Dow Jones Industrial Average and probably S&P and Nasdaq as well)

- Thursday, July 3, 1884 (1884 = 93 just as 2019) is when Dow Jones started publishing the now infamous "Average". It makes perfect since that the all time high ever, in our lifetimes, probably forevermore, would occur on its' particular its' 135 anniversary. Thursday, 7/3/1884 to Wednesday, 7/3/2019 = 135 years...or 2160 months...exactly. And, if the top = 27, it makes even more sense.

- Donald Trump will turn 73 (going from 72 to 73) on Friday, 6/14/2019. 7/3 (1) is exactly 19 (1) days after 6/14.

- "July Third" = 73 or 19 or 1 in numerology. 1 is lowest digit, with a value. 9 is the highest. Going from top to bottom would mean going from highest to lowest. (I realize that this bullet point seems counter-intuitive but I assure you, that it is not. They reverse numbers and meanings all of the time...just to confuse and fool. Here they are telling you that after the high (9 and at 27000), on 7/3 (1) we will be heading toward the low of our lives. But the important thing is we will starkly change directions....after the "Third" and of course "Fourth" of July.) I am not saying that this means the crash will begin on 7/5/2019...but it could (July 5, 2019 = 33 or or crash). But, sometime soon after the market opens on July 5, 2019 a big move downward should ensue. It may be on July 5. It may be on Monday, July 8, but it should be within a few days after July 4, 2019. This will probably be one of the updates I make soon after the US Open has finished. "Top" in numerology = 33. "High" in numerology = 32.

- Monday, March 9, 2009 (792 in Numerology...telling you where it was heading after the bottom...all the way to 27000) was the absolute bottom of the bear market (6547.05...again telling you from the bottom numbers, what the next "top" numbers would be...27) that preceded the current bull market. "March" = 7 in numerology, so the bottom ending in "March" (3 or 7) and then topping out in July (7) makes perfect sense, especially on the third. 3/9/2009 to 7/3/2019 = 3768 days! "Stock Market Crash" = 68 or 5. So..."Stock Market Crash"...7/3 = 7368...or July Third....then crash! (also note the bottom in 2009 is 10 years before the top (2009 with that 1 = 2019)

- "Crash" = 22 in numerology. 7/3/2019 = 733 or 4 or 22 or "Crash"

- The largest "V" ever drawn on the stock charts has just been drawn. "V" = 22 or 4 or 7/3/2019.

3/9/2009 - Absolute Low Of Previous Bear Market

Anything below this sentence is stuff that I will probably include in this post as topics. I am simply collecting it here so I do not forget. Go ahead and study any of this as it is very important stuff:,_California

Headline Link To Story Below Accuweather

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024