Monday, May 13, 2019

Dan River, Belews Lake, Madison NC, Eden NC Danville VA: All Destroyed

This post/topic is not complete. I may or may not add to this post, but I will keep adding to this topic, with other posts. The topic is The Dan River, NC, VA and its flooding and destruction. I will explain this all later, probably this week but I will probably will refrain from doing any more sports calls and will probably focus strictly on the Stock Market and some of the places closest to me, that will be destroyed, which I think I can be a big help to the people that might would be impacted.

Note first the Martinsville, Smith River Story...the guys last fucking name is "Sink". His buddy made it all the way across the mighty and wide Smith River, but Mr. Sink...Sank. Folks all of their story usually has some kind of "sick pun" that nearly everyone should catch, but they are too distracted. Also note that there is no put in where they said the two men put in. It is a steep bank, with vegetation and a fence. Why would two men put in a canoe, in October, especially here, where there would have been a serious struggle getting their boat to the water. They could have damaged the boat, but more than likely it would not have even been possible to put in here. Why would these two men put in a canoe at this location, at 6 PM in early October...why??? Why on a weekday? Note that it says they put in at 6 PM, canoed for 15-25 minutes, yet the search started at 6 PM. Folks they have records. This would have been an impossible error to happen.

Look at the satellite map of Smith River below, where the two were said to have capsized. The Smith River is not a large river here. By the scale you can see it is about 60-75 ft. wide here. Most of this river can be freely walked across by an Adult. There are pockets or pools of water that exceed 6 ft, but not very many. Unless you had been seriously injured, you would have to seriously work to drown in this river. All one would have to do would be to stand up, and walk. I have seen this river, in this locale. It is not big at all. I have not been in this river at this point but I have seen it, and I have been in many rivers the same size as this. My 9 year old daughter could get across this river and she is not a great swimmer at all. I know, she crosses the Dan River at Morotack and the Dan River at that point is deeper and wider than the Smith River is here.

The only way to flood the Dan River at the Morotack Furnace is from the Great Falls of the Dan. My friends, they have been planning this for hundreds of years. Danville Power Plant is 75 miles from Danville, VA. You need to read and study this.

I think there is a likelihood that even the dam at Hanging Rock Park is destroyed. It was built by the CCC (333 or 9). Either way, the below BS story is just more proof that the Dan River will be flooded, and it will be at this point, which means Townes and Talbott Lakes will be destroyed.

Smith River At Frith Drive Near Where BS Occurred

No Put In Here: Complete Bullshit

Philpott Lake, Martinsville, VA

Please see my other posts on this topic:

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024