Monday, May 6, 2019

33 Weeks After Presidential Alert: The Last Top For A Lifetime

With 33 as their favorite all time number, and 7 probably their second and 322 being the Skull and Bones Number, I believe that the all time high on the Dow will be 5/22 and 5/31 is now my second choice. The Johnstown Flood being on 5/31 makes this choice hard but the 22 Trumps and 322 Trumps. It will be on or the other.

On the chart below you can see that I have placed a candle in today's place for what I think it may end up looking like. I think the possibility is there for a large gap down of around 400 points or so, then it continues down for a lower wick and then goes back up to close above the open, giving us a green candle today. It may not end up like this but I think by Wednesday the market is moving much higher, much faster. Even if the market closes around 26000 today, that is only about 1300 points to get it to 27332.74. I now believe the final closing 3 digit handle at the top will equal either 274 or 275 with 274 being my favorite. I believe the final close on 5/22 will be between 27332.74 and 27432.74...or somewhere between 9000 and 9100 points above where the Trump Rally began on 11/9/2016 at 18,332.74.

Closing numbers on Friday, 5/3/2019: 26, 504.95 or 8...522...5 or 522...22 or 5/22..."Crash". 5/22/2019 = 543. 12 days after 5/22, on 6/3/2019, the crash begins.

There are 13 trading days between today and 5/22, including 5/22.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024