Sunday, May 12, 2019

Waffle House BS: It Is About The Waffle: The Waffle Is About The Holes

A waffle is a piece of bread with continuous empty holes in it. If most of our nations reservoirs are emptied, well then, A Gigantic USA waffle is what we will have. Laugh if you like, but this is why they use Waffle house again, and again and again. I have shown you this many times. Note that the worst Waffle House BS was in Nashville, TN. I have a post coming up that covers some of the Nashville, TN story.

Below are all separate Waffle House BS deaths. New Orleans, Nashville, Gainesville, Biloxi, N. Charleston, Atlanta

Take special note of the Atlanta story my friends if you do not believe me. You need to read it. The victim and the perpetrator had both eaten at Waffle house before hand. The BS incident took place at the supposed victim's home, but this is how they chose to work in the two words "Waffle House".

Various Waffle House Bullshit Stories

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