Sunday, May 19, 2019

Stock Charts Once Again Telling Us World War 3 Is Coming (Tribulation of Matthew 24)

The Tribulation of Matthew 24 will begin on 9/11 (Jesus' Birthday) in 2019. It will be called WW3 so as to confuse you. You have been lied to by the very people you put your trust in (most every preacher today, is a False Teacher, wearing Black and White - 911, and attaching the murder weapon (a cross) to their structure somewhere. "Black" = 9; "White" = 11. You have been deceived my friends...just as Jesus told Matthew 24:4...not to be.) 

You can keep on believing the following BS (that only people "in the club" are told)..."don't worry about it, everything will be ok, God has got it under control, it has to be this way, you will understand why after it is over".

 If any of you want to worship a God that murders his Children, just so He can lower the population and cause a state of Utopia to come about...go ahead. I will keep believing the God that tells the truth and is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

In 2015 the now infamous WW3 pattern began. I did not discern what they were doing until they were nearly halfway into the second W (early 2016). Note below that the 3 is in the 3 long lower candle wicks (1 on the left W, and 2 on the right one).

Now on the current and second chart you can clearly see they are doing the same, but instead of lower wicks, this time the 3 is represented by a "U". This second chart was annotated for the purpose of the US Open 2019, but as always, they "kill multiple birds" with one stone.

Dow Jones WW3 Prediction 2015-2016

Dow Jones Close On 5/17/2019 - Annotated Showing WW3

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024