Wednesday, May 29, 2019

It's A Fool's W: For Golden State's Loss: M For Koepka's Win: 57 For Trump

Buckle Up my friends...The great stock market crash of Summer already underway!

I was right about "Sell in May and Go Away" as the market is getting ready to crash....9000 points over the summer. The top was on 10/3/2018 for the Dow and the top was on 4/30/2019 for the S & P. This is what they do, and they are damned good at it. They did this for the few people who can even get close to reading their asses. They fooled me.

As you can see, and I should have looked at this whole picture better, the Dow has gotten very close to 27000 three times. The time in the middle is the closest and it was on 10/03/2018, the top so far, and also the FEMA Presidential Alert Text day.

What looks like the current "W" is actually a broken "W", for Golden State. The "M" that will get left behind is for Brooks Koepka's 3rd US Open Win in 3 years. Also note that the first half of what looked like a W forming is actually a V. There is a V and an M at the bottom of this dip, that could have easily been a W. This is how they fool. The V is for the crash, just like its' big brother to the left.

Could I be wrong about this...absolutely. They could still make a perfect "W" out of this. As a matter of fact, this "W" that seems to be forming is a much clearer "W" that Tiger's W to the left, and is partly how I have been fooled. They would have to finish higher today, and not have too much of a downward move at open. They could gap it down at the open and close it up during day, which they do a lot. This one is very hard to call, especially with the three peaks near 27000. At this point I find the next few days hard to call, but for some reason I am leaning toward a gap down today, that does not get filled, then a crash ensues. I realize the 9 is the top or the highest digit...and that is reflected as their plan below. Sometimes close is enough my friends, and I think this may be their plan.

Here is an very interesting fact about this whole chart. 26828 (the high and top so far) is 99.36 % of 27000. I think that 99.4% may be as far as we get to 27000. And...the actual high that day was 26,951 or 99.81 % of 27000. I really think this may be it. What a summer it is going to be, if it indeed is.

You need to understand something friends...the New World Order has two favorite things or missions that they love to do to people....1) They love to lie, manipulate, brainwash, program and fool people (the masses)....and 2) They love to kill people.

Their overall mission is to take over the World, but their two loves of life in doing this mission are Brainwashing and Murder.

There is one thing that could happen today, that will take all doubt away and make the call easy and certain....If there is a gap down today, and it does not fill completely, or if it very close one way or the other (if it overlaps slightly), and then goes back down to finish way down, the crash is underway and the top is in. The only way, that the top is not in, and we go to 27, would have to end above the close yesterday (at least 25% up into yesterday's candle in my opinion). Here is what to look for: The actual open. Even if the futures are way down just before the open does not mean it will open nearly that far down. If it opens fairly close to yesterday's close, and then goes down, and then goes back up, we could be looking at a "W" with a long lower wick. If it gaps down, the likely hood of it going back up to finish up gets much, much less. If it does gap down, I think it will fill part of that gap, but not all, and then it will resume down for the rest of the day. At the end of the day today we will know where we are headed, and it looks like it is down to me, never to go back up.

And I will be very frank and honest here: If the "W" is indeed a fool's W, I am glad. I will be glad to finally see the end coming. I do not want to see people get hurt, financially or physically, but that is what is going to happen. I have tried for nearly 5 years to help people see this so they can avoid physical calamity. I am just relieved that the crash is indeed about to happen, so that people can use this as "their own little proof" and hopefully begin to prepare. If this market indeed begins to crash, and keeps going down...the closer we get to September, and the closer the market is to 18332, the more you guys will believe me about what is going to happen on 9/11, and even though the crash before and after 9/11 will be the worst will not be nearly as bad as all of the physical calamity that us humans (babies, toddlers, teenagers, college students, aunts, uncles, Mothers, Fathers) will have to go through and endure. Folks, you can use this money now to buy things you will need after there is nothing else available...including money or cash.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024