Friday, May 17, 2019

Town Fork Creek Watershed Lakes: Something Is Very Strange And Suspicious

This topic is not finished. I may add to this post or I will add another post to this topic. This is huge. You can doubt me if you like, but all of the Town Creek Watershed Lakes will be destroyed and add to the "Dan River Flood". Walnut Cove, NC will be flooded as a result. (At least the southern portion but I feel as thought the creek will rise up into the downtown area as well)

Here are the numbers to these lakes:
2,5,6,10,13,14,15,16. This is it, there are no more. There are 8 lakes numbered to equal 45 or "September" 11, 2019 (423)....BAM. So 8 and 9 are the relevant numbers here. I find it noteworthy that these lakes are near or around highways 8 and 89 and 311 and 65 as is Walnut Cove and Danbury. 

Building a reservoir is a huge undertaking, especially the larger it is. No one would ever build a lake for no purpose, especially if it was built by the government. Why are these lakes here? They are numbered but there are numbers missing from the sequence.

Here are the purposes for reservoirs to be built:

Flood control: (none of these dams can control floods as their spillways are...uncontrolled spillways and earthen dams). Unless the water gets too high, all the spillway will do is save the dam from eroding away. Flood control with reservoirs does not work anyhow...they just tell you it does. Once a bathtub is completely full, one drop will go over the is really this simple.

Power generation: None of these reservoirs can generate power

Drinking water: None of these lakes are used for drinking water. They might could be, I don't know, but they are not and why would they be for drinking water they are so spread out. These reservoirs make sense for only one purpose...CONTROL THE FLOOD

Recreation: None of these reservoirs are for public or private recreation (property owners adjacent to the lakes can fish and boat in them, but it is not advertised to the general public...there is no public access to these lakes) From my understanding they were built between the 50's and 70's but it is hard to find out anything about these mysterious reservoirs.

All of the Town Fork Creek Watershed Lakes will be destroyed to add to the Dan River flood. I am convinced of this 100% at this point. Danville, VA is the main focus of the Dan River Flood and it is very important.

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