Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trump Will Retaliate Against North Korea And China: China Will Support North Korea

This is how it is going to go down my friends:

North Korea attacks Japan early August.
China sides with North Korea.
Russia sides with North Korea
Trump sides with Japan.
Trump attacks North Korea.
Trump imposes more tariffs on China as punishment for siding with North Korea.
Trump imposes tariffs on Russia as punishment for siding with North Korea.
I knew North Korea would be very prominent in what would happen, and I also knew it would be very different than most would think.

Over 2 month period the stock market crashes back to beginning of Trump Rally, Military Actions against North Korea begin.

On 9/28/2019 Russia Hacks and takes down our grid.
On 9/30/2019 thru 10/2/2019 China and Russia attack us from shore to shore, dam to dam, building to building. Nationwide all of our reservoirs are gone, tens of millions are dead, bridges and interchanges are destroyed.

Have Fun!!! 



Last attack or major event of WW2 was the bombing of Japan on 8/6 and 8/9 1945.
Will the initiating event of WW3 happen to Japan as well???

The end of WW2 was because of Nuclear Weapons used on Japan.
Will the beginning of WW3 be blamed on an Nuclear Power Plant Attack???


Heat Wave Kills 11 In Japan: 8/3 Power Outage Coming: Courtesy of North Korea


North Korea Will Fire Missiles Into Japan On 8/3/2019

I think it will cause a very large power failure.
A huge false flag is coming this coming weekend. It is written in the charts folks. The stock market is getting ready to crash. It is here. It is time. It is over.

Today's launch is 3 days before 8/3. 7/26 launch was 8 days before 8/3...BAM

8/3/2019 = 833 or 86
"North Korea" = 8
"Japan" = 6


Like I Said Yesterday: Dow Jones Last Words Before Crash: World War 111


Don't forget about the huge WW3 that was drawn 2015-2016. The blue line is the start of the Trump Rally or where this market is going to...in 8 weeks time. It took over 2 years to get this far, but only 56 days to take it away. That is why it is and will be called a crash. Notice the blue line or Trump Rally beginning is right in line with the tops of the W's..

North Korea Fires Missile Into Japan: Large Scale Power Outage: 8/3/2019: This Will Be The Event

I hope I have enough time to cover this, but this is what I believe is getting ready to happen, that causes the crash on Monday.


Day 215

 Something will happen over this coming weekend, and I believe this is likely going to be the event or false flag that plays out.


The 1987 crash began in Hong Kong and worked its way west.
Dow fell exactly 508 points on 10/19/1987.

Remember last top was 10/09/2007

The below blackout happened on 9/6/2018 at 8:03 AM


Monday, July 29, 2019

Dow Jones Last Words Before Crash: WW: World War!!!

"Vix" plosion Coming: Day 217: August 5th Crash: Third Trading Day In August

"Vix" = 37. 37 = 1. We are now at 27 or 9. The market is going from 9 to 1 direction, and it starts on 8/5/2019. Day 217 = 37. Now we have two choices:

1. A false flag of some sort happens between 4:00 PM Friday, 8/2/2019 and 9:30 AM Monday, 8/5/2019. If this is indeed the case I believe the event will happen on Sunday, 8/4/2019 (Day 216, 33).

2. They tell you the market had no reason other than sellers finally overtook buyers after a 10 year plus long and tired bull market. In other words...no real reason other than it is just time.

I hope it is a false flag as that will help to win people over. It is a damn shame that I have to spend so much of my time and even money to simply try and help people save their own lives. I have never made a dime (I have spent plenty) off this shit. I have never wanted to. I can not understand how anyone would want to charge someone to try and convince them that they are in danger.

I swear to God, maybe you know others, but I am the only person that I have ever seen that does what I do, that has done what I have done. It has only cost me money. It has caused others to attack me. It is a shame, is what it is...that human beings have turned into the brainwashed, selfish pigs that they have...but they indeed have...the average human being cares only about themselves and thinks the government and news are their heroes and that they tell you the truth and that I am simply paranoid and delusional.


 And very few of you have spread my message...IF AT ALL. I will never forget this as long as I live. LET ME PLEASE GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE OF ALL YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO:

Folks, I have done all of the hard work and put in the sleepless nights. How hard would it be to...

Compile an email or text message like this: Mom, I know this is out of the blue and may sound extreme or even crazy but would you at least please read what I am saying and study what I am sending you. There is this guy who just out of the blue came by and is warning us that that rivers are going to be flooded. He is saying that the Cumberland River in Nashville...right where you and Dad live, is going to be completely flooded and that downtown Nashville, TN will be completely underwater. Maybe this guy is just crazy  but I am worried and want to know what you think. Please read this and get back to me ASAP. I have included a link to his blog. It seems really cheap and homemade but every single thing he says actually makes sense when you look deeper into it....

How fucking hard can the above paragraph be to type out and send to people that you care about?????????????? Compared to the years and years of time and research that I have already done. Please tell me cause I do not understand????????????????????


Click Bait For Article: Note VIX in Caps: Vix = 19 or 37. Vixplosion = 1388 or CRASH ON 88 (853)

Long Term Vix Chart Showing 3 False Flags In 1. Crash Is OTW ASAP. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

The River And The Flood: It Is Coming For You: Planned For Ages

The River, The Tidal Waves, The Hard Rain: All Coming To Drown You, To Starve You And Ironically Thirst You:

The longer you wait to prepare and warn others, the more difficult it will be for you or them. If you wait until you are 100% satisfied that I am right, before you call your parents that live along a major river or coastline, the harder it will be for them to believe you, and to have enough time to get the hell out in orderly fashion.

Baylor University Largest Baptist College In World; Oldest University In Texas; 17,000 Students; On The Brazos River


Purdue University: On The Wabash River: 43,000 Students: Note US 52

The Dow Jones Trump Top In A Nutshell: August Fifth Crash Coming ASAP

First Note Yesterday's Closing Numbers 7/25/20019 (773 or 8):  27,140.98...or 8/5. And the other numbers equal 13 as well.

Now to the graphic below. Notice, as I told you there would be after the 7/3 record close, there was another record close on 7/12. Both of these are for Trump/Pence. 73 is assassination number. I showed you the "Prime Execution" on Andy's shirt yesterday. I have been telling you what was going to happen to Trump since 11/9/2016. I have never wavered. I have had people that I thought would assault me because they are so brainwashed by the division of politics. You have never had a "real president" folks. The power has always been "behind the curtains". That is the way God said the devil would operate..."In The Dark". "Donald John Trump" = 977 or 5. He will be the Assassinated President Number 5. He will be 73 years old.

This whole top is in two sections. Trump's top is first, and then the real top that disguises Trump's top occurred on 7/15 and 7/16. But Trump's top was 27,332.03, 71 cents short of 9,000 points ABOVE 18,332.74 which was the close on 11/8/2016. The first section is 6 candles and the second section WILL BE 16 CANDLES ending on 8/2/2019. Then the crash happens.
Dow Jones Close On 7/25/2019 (53). Close Equals 13.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Andy = 71: 491: Crash On 8/5/2019

Update: After looking at the number below the board more, I think it is 1007

The graphics and articles below are both from yesterday, 7/24/2019.

The market should continue to meander back and forth and end up close to 27,332 on Friday, 8/2/2019. August 5 will not be pretty. I am going to get this one right I do believe, all of the numbers are perfect. The top was on 7/15 and 7/16 as I told you they would be, and a double top...before it happened, not based on my  ingeniousness, just based on the willingness to look deeper into what the evil bastards that run our world do everyday. Not only was the top when I told you it would be, it was exactly where I said it would be. I hope I have time to do a summary and graphics of the top and all of the numbers that go along with it. You need to take this as a warning folks and prepare. My whole reason for working so hard on stock market, news and sports is to try and get you to believe the important part...they are getting ready to try and kill us all and they are going to succeed with about 10-50 million. They are going to murder your college students...and you if you or they are in...Charlotte, Wilmington, Clemson, Columbia, Charleston, Savannah, All Coastlines, especially Florida, Long Island, all cities on major rivers below major reservoirs will be flooded.

The DJIA will not make any new record highs or tops. 273 was handle for a reason. Day 273 and 9/30.

15 trading days (candles) after the all time closing high: 7/15/2019
3 weeks (37) after the all time closing high.

8/5/2019 begins the deletion of the Trump Rally

Note the DAL twice on Andy's Graphic. 88. 853. BAM.

Note the number on Andy's graphic, under the upper left board. It is either 1207 or 1307.

Day 217 is August 5. Day 317 is 11/13. 11/13 is exactly 44 days after 9/30.

Also on Andy's shirt: "Prime Execution". I have already shown you the perfect DJIA top on Amazon's Prime Days on 7/15 and 7/16. I have shown you that "Prime" means the best you can get or the top. "Execution" means KILL. Note also that Prime refers to President or the highest political bullshit office holder. KILL means KILL. Execution means execution.


December = 1. 142 = 7. 8/5/2019 = 7. BAM.


Andy = 8. 491 = 5. BAM.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Crash On 8/5: 3 Weeks (37) After The Top: 15 Candles After The Top On 7/15

I have searched, and searched and researched. This is the day. The top is already in. Crash = 22 or 13 or 85. "Stock Market Crash" = 5. "Bear" = 89 or just 8. Kill = 89 or just 8. August = 8 both ways. The crash is coming in the month that equals 8, on a day that equals 5, 3 Weeks Times  7 Days after the top. 15 Candles after the top.

It will happen on day 217. 8 Weeks times 7 days (56) until 9/30 (Beginning of WW3). WW2 began on 9/1, ended on 9/2. WW3 begins on 9/30.

They obviously will not make a new top, but they will probably move higher just to meander towards the day of the crash. I really have no idea which direction they will take it other than sideways.

My guess at this point is that they will probably have the Dow Jones close to the top when the crash occurs, this would make for 9000 point drop in 8 weeks. Sounds even better to me.

Monday, August 5, 2019 will mark the great stock market crash of 2019, or at least the beginning of it.

There will be 17 candles with a 2 digit handle of 27. 89. BAM.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

They Are Going To Murder College Students (Students) Higher Than Any Other Demographic

Complete 100% BS. Cheat Lake and Tygart Lake, both in WV, and Deep Creek Lake, MD will be destroyed and the Monongahela River will flood Pittsburgh and on down the line.


Tidal Waves Coming To NC: To All Shores Of USA

This is complete BS, or he was murdered. He was not killed by a wave. They are telling you what they are going to do starting on 9/30/2019 or thereabout.


Friday, July 19, 2019

First Time Ever I Have Seen This On CNBC: Very Bad News Folks: Crash Coming

Something very bad is on the way. I am going to try and cover the close yesterday, today if I can but definitely by Monday Morning....but this you have to see...In all of the years I have been researching CNBC online I have never seen one of their "emotional trader guy photos" where the numbers were blurred out. This is big my friends. They are telling you here...it is over.

Note the one thing that you can see on the guy's back - GTS, or 73. Note the expression on their faces of stress, it is not one of cheer at all, it is negative. Worst of all is the photo in relation to the headline of "In The Week Ahead"


The Dow Jones Numbers Today Prove Everything: You Need To Warn Folks Now!!!

Coming Up...Crash on Monday

73 days until 9/30

The Open 2019: The Two Battles Of Bull Run

The first Open Championship was in 1860 my friends, the year before the Civil War Began. This tournament is about The Battle's Of Bull Run, even though it happened in a different country. They (New World Order) runs the whole world. You have just been brainwashed to believe that there really is a separation or division of power. Sorry friends the only thing divided is ALL OF US LITTLE PEOPLE, and the has been the plan all along. 1 million people  (tops. probably way high) cannot defeat 7 or 8 billion but one way...brainwashing, programming and division.

I shouldn't do it cause I do not study it enough, but it is too much fun. I think that it looks like Brooks ought to win. The numbers match up perfectly with him winning, and on this date. And the numbers look good for JB Holmes as well. In fact the numbers look the worst for Shane Lowry, but I think he will win because I think this one is about killing the bull. That is my take on it and this is my call:

Shane Lowry - First Place
Brooks Koepka and JB Holmes will be T-2 or 2 and 3.

148th Open. It is in between the First Battle Of Bull Run (or right on first one and before second) and Second Battle Of Bull Run.

The three men below should be in some order of 1,2,3 at the end, but I believe that even though the numbers line up for Brooks, that it is about the death of the Bull Market. And, the confederates "won" the staged BS called bull runs, both of them. Could Shane Lowry, the Irishman, represent the confederates and beat both of the Bulls???

Brooks Koepka is Taurus or Bull
JB Holmes is Taurus or Bull

Shane Lowry is Aries Or Ram

Birthday = 4/2/1987 (32)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Top On 15: Crash On 22: 7/22: 22/7 = 3.14: Crash On Monday: 10 Weeks: 70 Days: 77: Stock Market Crash: Crash

The closing numbers yesterday, I do believe, are telling us "top" on 15. Then 7 days later..."crash" on 22. Take it or leave it. This is how they operate though.

I think it is a fool's "M" or a quick "v", then the market rolls over on Monday for the big crash. The close yesterday:

27,222.97 (That's a lot of 2's and 7's)
"top" = 222 (7/15)
"crash" = 67 (7/22)
"stock market crash" = 77 or the date 7/22/2019 (743)
22/7 = 3.14
"kill" = 3.14

The very fact that the "top" was a two day top, exactly landing on the two days of Amazon's Prime Days tells me that the top is already in. There is probably not another pair of days such as this, I have looked. The closing high happened on Monday (11 weeks from 9/30, or 77 days) and 7/22 will be on a Monday (10 weeks or 70 days until 9/30).

I say "Stock Market Crash" on 7/22/2019. And do not be surprised if today's close is very close to 27,332 once again, making the crash begin right from that level...on Monday. We shall see.

Research the following film and the numbers:

Looks Like A Possible "M": Or Could It Be A Fool's "M"

If it is an "M" they are likely not at the top yet. Will have to wait and see....should know for sure by close tomorrow.

July 18,19,22,23 In 2019: October 24,25,28,29: Apollo 11: Bull Run: 1929: Lion Air: UA 232

Apollo 11; Battle Of Bull Run; 1929 Stock Crash; Lion Air Flight 610; UA Flight 232

All of these events predicted the great stock market crash of 2019: July 18,19,22,23

J = 1
U = 3
L = 3
Y = 7

July = 5

Registration for UA Flight 232 on July 19, 1989 (Exactly 30 years tomorrow): N1819U (Could it be any more clear my friends)

Apollo 11 BS began on 7/16, same day as all time high so far. Apollo 11 BS ended on 7/21, the day before 7/22.

Lion Air 61 BS was on Monday, 10/29/2018.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

7/18/2019 Crash: I Am Not Telling You: They Are: It Is All Right Here

2019; 7/18; 85; 911 (Crash)
-115.78 (67 - Crash)
-.42 (False Flag Perhaps)%

I think it looks like crash numbers...we shall see

The market closed at 27332  last Friday, 7/12, a record high. It then made another record high close on Monday. Yesterday, as I told you would probably be the case, they did a double top, yesterday's high was the all time high, but yesterday's close was lower then Monday's. The market moved lower today so it seems as though all that's left to do is to drop rather quickly.

DJIA Close On Wednesday, 7/17/2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Prime Days: Top Of Stock Market: 15, 16

Amazon Prime Day was began, and in particular began on these two days...just for the stock market top...whether you want to believe it...or not.


7/15/2019 will mark the all time closing high forevermore.
7/16/2019 will mark the all time intra-day high forevermore.

(Finally The 7/8)1861 = 2019: Sorry Folks: The (Battle Of) Bull Run Is Over: 9000 Point Drop Coming Up

Welcome to the July/Thunder/Buck/Capricorn Full Moon. It is here. It is outside right now, go view it. Welcome to HELL. The Dow Jones, the stock market crash begins, today, tomorrow, Thursday. 7/16, 7/17, 7/18. HAVE FUN. I TOLD YOU SO. You will not be able to deny that I warned you. That is one thing you simply will not be able to do. 


I knew I would figure these evil bastards out, and I have. It is all about the two battles of Bull Run. 1861 = 7. 1862 = 8. It is this simple. Buckle up folks, the ride is getting ready to get scary. We have a free falling, crashing stock market coming up...all followed up with flooding.

The great floods will begin no later than mid-August to late-August. Barry has already come and gone. More flooding is coming up very soon, then it will go into overdrive. Before 9/28/2019 ever gets here, many if not most of our nation's rivers will be at crest or overflowing. This is what is going to happen, whether you want it to or not, whether you believe it or not. What you think, believe or want does not matter, in fact that is what keeps most from preparing, for they do not want what would cause need for the preparation, to happen.

You need to read the story below and watch the video. First off, just like all war and battles are planned and staged (they call it fucking theater folks, for a reason, and the poor guys that go to battle have no idea it is all staged)...so is everything you see as authorities, or news or government. Cramer is nothing but a shill. He is an actor. He is telling you here literally that the high water mark is coming or has come in the market, as well as on our nation's rivers.


1861 = 2019

Completed Bull Head or Goat Head on Dow Jones Chart.

The First "Battle Of Bull Run" was from (7/16/1861 March Began) to 7/21/1861. 1861 = 79. My guess is that Wednesday, July 17, 2019 will begin the crash in earnest.

The Second "Battle Of Bull Run" was from 8/28/1862 to 8/30/1862.

My guess is that we are going to have a huge, one leg down between now and just before the end of August, then we will have a quick, but huge snap back, then around the time of second Bull Run, the decline will return.

As The Span Of Days Suggests, Final Battle Of Bull Run Begins 7/17/2019 (783)

Monday, July 15, 2019

July 12: 7/12: 12/7 = 1-5: Were Going To 28,000 (18,332): Friday Top Perfect Numbers

If today is the top, it should open flat to somewhat higher, then move high enough for a decent upper candle wick, likely a "Gravestone Doji". Friday was a record close. Even if today is another and final record close, it does not discount the numbers on Friday. The numbers of the close today will be very interesting. Will we go to 27400??? I doubt it. It may cross it but I do not think it will close above it. If it does, it does not matter...the market is getting ready to free fall.

Vindicated yet again, and Friday was the best proof and vindication yet, in 5 years of posting the best gift I have gotten for myself, was Friday's closing numbers. I nearly fell off of my stairs when I saw the numbers. I did get a bump in views, but not like it should be. People are so brainwashed and programmed to only trust their government and media, that getting people to listen to their own brother or family member is next to impossible. This is how programming, brainwashing, 12 years of it when people are the most vulnerable to it, then 4-8 years more of for those who can afford the indoctrination....works.  Sad...very sad, but true. I have proven myself to be right, to know what I am talking about, yet people still will not spread the message to others for fear of being labeled paranoid or a conspiracy theorist.

The top was either Friday, 7/12, will be today, 7/15 or 7/16 or 7/17. I strongly think it was either Friday or will be today. Friday's numbers, were perfect. As I have been telling you since they coined the term "Trump Rally" that the numbers on 11/8/2016 or 18,332.74 would be their bottom parameter of the said Trump Rally, and that before BAM day, the Trump Rally will have been deleted...and it will. The story below tells us we are going to 28000 (18332). It tells us why. It will be based on poor economy and China Trade BS. They have already surrounded this 27,332.74 number with the high and close on Friday. They may close slightly above Friday's close or it could be under. The have gotten...very, very, very close, and sometimes that is all that counts. They closed it at 27,332.03 folks. That is pretty damn close to 9000 points above 18332.74.

I think today will likely be the top, or the all time intra day high, and that Friday was the top. I believe the decline begins tomorrow, no matter what the close is today.

Important: On The Fast Money Show on Thursday, 7/11/2019, while the board was discussing stocks, there was a siren going off. (It was made to sound like it was coming from outside). Sorry folks, the building is soundproof, unless they wanted you to hear outside, you could not. And yes I know that sirens go off on a typical NYC street, probably every few minutes. Sorry, this was planned. Sorry folks, the crash will begin Monday, or Tuesday. I do not have, nor can I find this video again. I should have saved it the moment I heard it. It did not even register until after I had stopped the video.

Open: 27, 139.49 (949; 13)
High: 27, 333.79 (979; 16)
Low: 27, 135.45 (999; 27; Top; Last Digit)
Close: 27, 332.03 (98...911; Kill, Look Out Below)

18332.74 (982) (11/8/2016)
27332.03 (983) (7/12/2019)

27332.03 - 18332.74 = 8999.29 (.71 (Kill) short of 9000 points)


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Eden, NC Goat Head/Bull Head Completely Wiped Out

At the very tip of the "Goat Head" the water will back up fast. It will keep backing up, up the peninsula, up toward Kings Highway. It will probably cover the homes in this area completely. Most of Eden will be flooded in the streets, the closer you are to the rivers the higher and more forceful the water will be.

Just as 311 was moved in Madison, to make more Dan River crossings, 311 was extended beyond Leaksville to make more Dan River Crossings. Only 770 went through Leaksville and Draper at the time. I have several 40's, 50's, 60,s NC highway maps.

Goat Head Of Eden Confluence Of Smith And Dan Rivers. Note Mohawk Industries At The Bend

Goat Head Of Eden In Between The 311's. 311 Used To Stop At Leaksville Leaving No Dan River Crossing Here.

Friday, July 12, 2019

DJIA Close 7/11/2019: Top On 7/17/2019 At 274 Handle

The chart below suggests a top on 7/17/2019, with a 274 three digit handle on the DJIA. This could be what I was seeing with the 7/8 thing. 6 Means top. It is day 198.

It could simply mean...top/crash, very soon. The top will be either 7/12,7/15,7/16,7/17. No other choices at this point. And the crash will begin very soon after, probably the day after the top.

Up 227.88
Up .85 %

The left blue line below is today. The right one is Monday. The top one is 27, 335.
3 digit handle of 274 makes good sense as it means crash, and along with a 30 handle on SP gives us 4/3....we shall see

"Barry" = 73: "Hurricane Barry" = 773: All Three Flooding Methods: Proof Again I Am Right

Just as the story suggests, with Barry, and with the floods coming on 9/30/2019 we will be flooded from 3 ways...storm surge (Tidal Waves caused by Man, Rain caused by Man, Rivers Flooded by man made rain and dam destruction)

You can see from the map below, the pictured woman is near the Mississippi river, the water and sewage dept., Tulane University. You see the kids, you see the expression on her face. This is how they operate. I told you so.

They are going to murder your offspring, your college students...and you.

"Barry" = 73

Belfast St. New Orleans, Water Sewer Plant, Tulane University



Thursday, July 11, 2019

Too Good Not To Post: 7/15 Will Be Top Or First Day Of Crash

The All Time High, On Dow Jones, never to be reached again, will be either tomorrow 7/12/2019 or Monday, 7/15/2019. Neither would surprise me. The crash begins no later than the Full Moon In Capricorn on Tuesday, July 16, 2019.

The DJIA should have a 3 digit handle of 273 (274 Tops) (93). The S&P should have a TWO digit handle of 30. This will be your whole ball of wax. If the top is on Monday, then that will be exactly 11 weeks for a 9000 point drop. Sounds about right to me.

The number on his shirt is all you need. I told you so.

Go ahead: Stay in Eden, stay in Madison, stay in Columbia, stay in Wilmington, stay in Clemson, stay in Danville, stay in Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga...And, do not warn people you know along coastlines, rivers and the rest I have warned you about. It is all up to you. I have done my part. It would be nice if someone finally has enough balls to call their Mother, Father, Brother, Sister or whomever and say...I think you may want to listen to what I have to say.

Keep listening to the piece of shit scumbag morons just like the one below in the photo, instead of someone who has approached you...out of the blue, who actually invested time and money in trying to help an warn you. It is all up to you.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"Walking Tightrope Over Niagara Falls": Goat: Capricorn: Trump's Demise: Market Crash: Flood

This is how they operate my friends. Why can you or how can you NOT SEE IT:


"Niagara Falls" = 11 or 73 x 2. The falls equals the crash and all of the dam destruction. THE TOWN OF NIAGARA FALLS, NY ELEVATION IS.....614 FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls, both of them, you would have to cross Goat Island. The Capricorn (Goat) Full Moon is coming up. Saturn (Capricorn) just crossed over it's closest and brightest point in relation to Earth. This is what this story is telling you. The two tops (Gemini, 73 x 2) will straddle Saturn's Opposition, then after the second top is in, it is Niagara Falls for the market, when The Full Moon will be in the constellation of Capricorn!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be last post until sometime after Friday's close. And yes I will finish the post that I have yet to. There is no reason to post more until the absolute top is 100% defined, and it is not yet. It could be on 7/3, but as of now I still think it will be 7/12 (or that 7/12 will be a very similar peak to 7/3, but 7/3 will be slightly higher). And the crash is coming 7/15 - 7/17. Either way (top on 7/3 or 7/12) the crash will begin in earnest on 7/15/2019. The numbers are all here. Look at his hands, both pics. Read the story and the numbers. It is telling of a 7/3-12 top and a Capricorn Full Moon crash.

The story, headline and photos below is another one where...anyone that has been following me, and you can not see what they are going to do, as far as flooding goes, I do not know what else to do. In fact if you can not see they are going to flood us, and you have been following me (actively, using your logic), you are in denial.


Just as predicted below, yesterday was the middle of a 7 candle "Cup" or "V".

Goat Head Telling Of What Is Coming And When: Top And Crash, Surrounding The Goat

Stock Market Crash Begins Early Next Week With Capricorn Full Moon

Goat Island, In Shape Of Goat Head, You Would Have To Cross For Both Falls

No, I do not believe in Astrology. But, they use it as another tool to brainwash you and make money off you and to convince you that you can predict the future from the stars. So, you need to understand what it is that they do, and why. Do they believe it??? Probably not, they do a lot of shit to you, that they do not believe in, just to program you.

Monday, July 8, 2019

2 "Cup" Top: 7/3 Times Two: 614: Trump's Birthday: Kill: 73: 9: 7: It Is All Here

Today will be the exact center of the 7 candle "cup" or "V" just as 6/3 was the center of the "V" prior. Today is also 7/9/3 or 73. It is day 190. Today the market will open up over 100 points lower but will finish very close to flat and it will be a "hammer". Then the market rallies three days in a row, based on Powell's speech and close at the high of all times on 7/12/2019.

12 divisors: 1,2,3,4,6,12


July 3 is day 184 (94 or 4): July 12 is day 193 (94 or 4): Cup = 4; V = 4
There will be either a Cup-V or a CupCup. Does not matter as both mean same thing.

Here is the important part: It may or may not go or close above 27000. It could break into 27000 and then close below. Look to the left of the chart at the two points they gave us. The second one was a lower close than the first. I promise you that the two points represent the double top to come, but this is how they operate...the second top may or may not close higher than the first...but, at this point 7/3 is what is important so whatever the close is on Friday, July 12 is the highest it is going to get, or 7/3 was...it is this simple.

I knew that I would figure it out, before it happened, and I have. The final top, the high of all times will occur on Friday, July 12, 2019 (Or it already happened on July 3, it will be one or the other).

It is going to be a two part, double "Cup" top folks. "Cup" = 4. "Crash" = 4. "Kill" = 8. "Top" = 6.

7/3 + 7/3 = 614. Trump's Birthday is June 14. Trump is Gemini...or Twin. Twin means 2. Pence Birthday is on 6/7. Pence is Gemini. It is going to be a two cup...double top. Watch, wait, and see. There is no way I could have figured this brilliance out, until after the first one has been shown, and it has.

Cup number 2 will contain 7 candles, but there is 9 days between the two 73's.

I told you this is how they operate.

Below, the second cup or "V" is 7/3/3..7/9/3..7/3/3.............BAM!
Dow Jones Close On 7/8/2019 Showing Second Cup Forming Now. Both Tops Will Occur On Cup Two

It's All Here: Top On 7/12/2019: 9 Days After 7/3: 27000: 7 Trading Days After 7/3

Check out the post after this one, for the final on this topic.

I knew that I would figure it out before it happened. This is it. It is at least a two part top. Will top 2 close above 27000? Probably, but not necessarily.

7/3 PLUS 7/3 EQUALS 614...TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is it folks...7/3 is Top One; 7/12 is Top Two. Nine days in between is his number...45. Trump = 7. Trump 45 = 79. 733 = Crash.

July 15: Could It Be The All Time High And Crash All In Same Day: Yep

July 15, 2019 = 763. So it can equal crash and 79. It is day 196, or 79. It is a Monday, exactly 11 weeks before Monday, 9/30.

Here is another scenario that could play out, and that they have done before, more than once. There could be a double top, in that the closing high and the all time intra day high are on different days, in this case 12 days and 7 trading days apart.

If they wanted to mark two days as being very special and important, especially as it relates to the stock market this is precisely what they may do.

Note the numbers on 7/5/2019 (Day After 243 Independence Day) represent the same thing as 7/3 numbers except 7/5 numbers use the Gematria Value for "September". 7/3 was 26966.00 (89-93). 7/5 was 26922.12 (89-43). We have seen the closing high, or we are very near it, within days.


Lion Air (Lyin Air) Flight 610 Crash To 7/15/2019

7/5 Closing Numbers Represent Exactly What 7/3 Numbers Do, With A Twist

"Kill" (89) Plus 9/30 (966) = 26966: Trump Is 73: Dow Jones First Publication 7/3/1884 = 7/3/2019 = Top May Have Been July Third

Update: If the top was not on July Third, then tomorrow July 9th is still the best date, and Monday, July 15 is probably the last day it could happen. I really think that 7/3/2019 was the top, but this one is very hard to call, and I should have know they would make it this way, as this is what they do, and they are damn good at it. I have spent so much time on this and all of the numbers, and it really seemed as though they would take it above 27000, and they still might but the more I have examined and learned and researched about the number 89 the more I think that the numbers on 7/3/2019 were absolutely perfect, relating to Trump and his September 30 demise.

7/3 to 9/3 = 7/3/2019 or 733 or 76 or 13 or 22 or "Crash". "Cup" = "Crash". 7/3/2019 was last day of  the "Cup" or the top of the "Cup" handle.

July 3: Day after Declaration of Independence Drafted and Finalized. Day before Declaration of Independence is actually proclaimed aloud. Exactly 135 years to the day, after first Dow Jones Publication. Donald Trump's age. Assassination number is 73. Kill number is 89.

July 3: High of Day AND Close were: 26, 966.00. 89 Means "Kill". 966 Means 9/30/2019. I really think that July 3rd may be the day, now we are waiting for the "REAL CRASH" TO BEGIN. Which will be between today and next Monday more than likely.

One thing is for sure. The top at this point has to be on 7/3 or one day in the very near future. Everday from today forward that the market does not advance, is more proof the top is in. I expected a point, but we got a "TALL GREEN CANDLE". We may have simply gotten the "stand in point" on 6/21/2019. If another top is not reached by weeks end I think we can safely conclude the top was on 7/3. It is the very day after the exact middle of the year as well. The numbers of the last market low and top do not match like I would have thought for the top, but these other numbers do.

It really may be an "M" they are forming. They like to skew them anyhow. We shall see. My job will continue to focus more and more on simply warning people out there "in the field". I absolutely hate to do this part of it, but if I am going to keep warning people I am going to try and put up at least a few new posts.

The China Lake Earthquake, The Clemson Running back "drowned" in the Savannah River are the two best pieces of evidence, to date, of very specific hell that is coming, that I have exactly told you about. You need to listen to me folks. As surreal as it may seem. As counter-intuitive to your entire brainwashing stint in the public school (mine too) system as it may be...they are going to destroy all of our major reservoirs, and many of our smaller ones too. They are going to directly attack cities, skyscrapers, interstate highways, bridges and more. They are going to cause flooding from several ways including, man made rain, destroying dams and....tidal waves from the coastlines. You need to believe me, buy as much insurance on your property as you can and make plans to vacate as soon as you possibly can before late September.

26,966 Close On 7/3 To 9/30 = 89 Days. 89 Means "Kill". Trump Is 73. 73 Means Assassinate.

Dow Jones Very First Publication Was On 7/3/1884, Perfectly Timed 135 Years Before All Time High Forevermore?


Sunday, July 7, 2019

China Lake Earthquake: I Told You So

I have told you since I have been warning you, since the first flier that I handed out...that China and Russia would be the two biggest attackers, that they will tell you attacked us. And since that day, I have figured out more and more of what they are going to do...and the biggest way by far, that they are going to kill us...is by destroying Lakes that they built exactly for that purpose. They just convinced you of the temporary benefit so you would let them take your properties and accept their evil bullshit. Nothing else needs to be said here. If the three words together China, Earthquake, Lake do not do it, on top of all the proof and research that I have shown you...nothing will (short of the power going out, or huge floods before hand...all of which may be too late).

...work in progress too, I am late on this one. I should have posted on it when it happened but I was too busy and distracted.

Note that right after the first BS quake happened, they told you then that more were on the way...and what happened...another one. These earthquakes were not real. They were either totally non existent and you believed their BS or they actually caused some kind of explosion.


Eden, NC, Amsterdam, NY, Mohawk Industries, Deliverance, Clemson, Flood, All Connected

Mohawk River, NY Will Be Flooded. Smith River, Dan River, Eden NC will be flooded. Calhoun, GA will be flooded.

Add Clemson University to the list...

Laugh all that you want to. Leak (Water); Spray (Water); Drape (Cover Up)...go ahead and laugh. I am not the one who lives in a city, named after a place, where the ENTIRE FALL OF MANKIND TOOK PLACE; named after three communities named Leak, Spray, Drape. I am not the one who lives in a town, already flooded over and over again. I do not have contempt for your town. It is absolutely beautiful. The rivers are beautiful. I am not the one who devised a plan to dam Smith River, Dan River. I am only trying to help. Why would I drive nearly two hours just to "joke around", or to try and "fool" someone, anyone that I have never even met. You (we) have been brainwashed and lied to our whole lives. Eden, NC will be devastated, however it is nothing compared to what Clemson, SC, Columbia, SC, Nashville TN...will get. Folks, it is the closest town (along with Madison) to me that I feel as though I have enough time to directly help. I have said hundreds of time..if I just knew I could help or save one life, it is all worth it. Plus, I really do like Madison and Eden and all small towns as such.

This was only one year ago Eden and Madison:



Saturday, July 6, 2019

Clemson Running Back: Drowns Downstream: Translation: Murdered As A Predictor

I am going to BE right, and no it is not about being right. Why on God's Green Earth will you not warn other people. Does anyone out there reading this, that believes me, at all, not have anyone that you know or care about...that lives along a coastline (including all five great lakes and all other coastlines in USA), or along a major river, NYC, LA, San Francisco. It will only do me good (vindication is not my goal - I could, and want to many days, quit now if that was the case...and just wait) if you do not believe me until it is too late, and that is not what I want.

Folks, this is only one in probably hundreds of stories just like it that I have shared. This may be one of the better predictors of Clemson's demise that I have seen so far. 

They are going to murder your college students. Clemson University, as I have been saying for years, will be possibly be the most devastated School from the destruction of Lake Jocassee, Lake Keowee, Lake Hartwell.

25 years old.
Played at both East Carolina and Clemson
Richard B Russel State Park, Elberton, GA (Savannah River, downstream from Clemson Tigers)
911 call made at 4:50 PM (911)
2 Brothers Could Not Help (Translation, when whatever happens, happens, nothing will help you)
Body Recovered 6:00 PM (62, 17, Kill)


Tyshon Dye, Supposedly Drowned Downstream From Clemson, Upstream From Augusta National Where Tiger Woods Won

Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 9th Will Be Top On Dow Jones: All Proof Needed Here: IT IS OVER: Finally, Finally Over

In a matter of days, what I have been waiting for, for 5 years will finally be here. I will finally be vindicated once and for all, long before the event I have been telling of occurs. Finally, I will be free. And of course, you will be free to believe or not, but the hardest part of my job will be over in less than 1 week. Then, more than likely most of my job will simply be preparing myself and trying to warn as many as I can.

...coming up, but know this: Tuesday, June 4 and Yesterday, July 3 are the great markers, just before the top, that along with Trump's election day and numbers.

After the ninth of July, over next week, between the Saturn Opposition (On 7/9) and Capricorn Full Moon on Tuesday, July 16, the market will begin it's big crash.

Study the numbers below, I have more coming hopefully before Market opens tomorrow, but definitely by the weekend.

As I have said many times, they "kill more than one bird, with one stone"...with nearly everything that they do. Here the "Goathead Cup" combo represented both the Women's World Cup, and the upcoming top and stock market crash. Here is the most important part of the graphic:

The point that occurred on 6/21/2019 (exactly 18 days after the New Moon and the center of the Goat Head on 6/3/2019) is EXACTLY ON THE DIVIDING LINE between the Goat Head and the Cup. In other words, the top will happen on the exact day of the closest alignment with the Earth, Saturn and the Sun. Saturn will be it's brightest and closest on that day...got it..good. Then after Saturn, the Devil planet is closest to the Earth and the Brightest and Biggest, the Full Moon will be in Capricorn. Then, after this...look out below.

Now for the closing numbers on Wednesday, July 3, 2019. First the date itself. If 7/9 is indeed the top, then that would mean 3 candles to the top, after the close of 7/3/2019. 5 days, but 3 trading days.

The actual close: 26,966.00. As I have said many times, when the close has even numbers, especially 00s for both cents...it is very, very important...and this is. First off this numbers tells us what is going to happen on 9/30....Kill or 89. But here and most important for now, it is telling us that...in three more trading days, the top will occur, 83 days before 9/30.

Now, for the next numbers: Up 179.32!!!! Could it be any more clear, to the few who can discern their Bullshit. The top (123 or 6) will occur on 7/9. 

Up .67%. Very last thing, after the top comes the crash (13 or 22). It is all right here.
DJIA Close On July 3, 2019

83 Days Will Separate Dow Jones Top And 9/30/2019 
Study the rest of the time spans on your own. If it is important to you then you will. I have had enough, and simply want to spend the last few "somewhat" peaceful days in my life and on this earth with my wonderful daughter. That is ALL I WANT TO DO. Study the span between Trump Inauguration, Election to the top and 9/30. Study the last market low (3/9/2009), the last market high (10/9/2007) and the relation to 7/9/2019. It is all here.

Mad = 45 = Trump: Issue 9 In August Last: Issue 11 In October Completely Different

Note who the face of Mad Magazine is.


Just another story, that no one will get, that points to Trump's and our demise.

They are also telling you here that, 27000 is it on the Dow Jones.

Dow Jones Chart: Capricorn Full Moon: Nothing Else Needs To Be Said

Cup = 337 or 67 or 13 or 4 or 22 or "Crash".

Bull Head Or Goat Head...Then Cup (Crash)

Goat Head Full Moon Coming Up...Crash Afterward???
Capricorn Full Moon (Goat Head, Bull Head)

Tuesday, October Ninth 2007 To Tuesday, July Ninth 2019: 11 Years, 9 Months

Note: They have been telling us for nearly two weeks, on CNBC that the upcoming earning season is going to be dismal, worse than expected...and it all begins on Monday, July 15, 11 weeks exactly from 9/30. This will be either the catalyst to begin the decline or the one to cause it to completely give away and free fall. 

7/9 is day 190. 10/9 = 19. 7/9/2019 = 73 or 19. The previous top, of the previous "bull market" was on 10/9/2007. Top = 6 or 33 or 123 or 24 or 42 or whatever way you want to count 6. October 9 is day 282. Here is what you need to understand about the way they use numbers. Many times when they refer to a date, or when they relate two dates to one another...they will use the 2 number date for one number and the 3 number date for the other.

In other words..they might use the date 10/3/2018 (6) to refer to 7/8/2019 (78 being the six). I am not saying that is what they are going to do here. We simply can only guess at this point.

I believe the top will be tomorrow or Monday (or it could have been on 10/3/2018) and that the market will begin its decline on 7/9. 7/9 may be the top. At this point, I believe strongly that it could be Friday, 7/5/2019 (78 or 6). If the DJIA goes up to the area of 27,332 tomorrow, it may very well be the top. I think we will know by early afternoon tomorrow if it is indeed the top. Today is the 243 Independence Day. (27). July 5 is day 186.

And remember: That 243 = 27 or 9 or the highest digit or top.

Today, is the last FREE AND INDEPENDENT FOURTH OF JULY THAT WE WILL EVER HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do not believe me, it is all up to you.

If the top was indeed on 10/3/2018 then I think tomorrow will be a decline and possibly start of the crash. If we get a false flag or otherwise bad news today, then I think the possibility that the top is already in is real. I still think that the closing high of all time will be a point, probably a gravestone.

As you can see below, The Great Train Hoax happened on a Tuesday...7/9/1918. This year 7/9 is on a Tuesday...101 years later. 7/9/2019 is 101 years after The Great Train Wreck and it is 11 years and 9 months after the last stock market top.

Something very bad is getting ready to happen my friends. It may only be on the stock market, or it could be much, much worse. A Great Train Wreck is getting ready to happen...it will be FOR REAL this time.

As you can see below: "Donald Trump" = 57. 7/5/2019 = 78 or 6. It is day 186 (6). 9/30/2019 = 96 or 6. You can clearly see the spans. The 6 is there. As is the 27. I think you should prepare yourselves for the fact that tomorrow, Friday, July 5, 2019 will be the all time high, never to be seen or reached again...Christ will return first.

Today is the very last free and independent and peaceful 7/4 that we will ever experience. And we are within hours or days of the highest high ever reached on the Dow Jones and the S&P.

July Ninth: Train Wreck Coming: 101 Year Anniversary Of The Great Hoax

Saturn (Satan-Devil) Opposition Coming: July 9th: Capricorn (Saturn-Satan-Devil) Full Moon Coming: July 16


THE POPULATION OF NASHVILLE, TN WAS ABOUT 115,000 IN 1918. Nearly half of the whole city came here, and congregated on 5 acres of land, and could not count, and conclude they have counted all of the men. Fifty thousand people will not fit on 5 acres of land my friends...sorry you were scammed.

The Name Itself, that they gave this great bullshit, should tell you it is a hoax. They love to attach great to anything they do, especially bullshit disguised as sinister bullshit.

How many times have you exclaimed, after 1 person got killed or 1000...that was Gurrrreat!!!
You have been foooooled...my friends....and folks, I realize that the word "great" can simply mean "large" or "big" but really folks, this is how you fall for their words. No, if this event had really happened it would be anything but great. If 100 plus men died...it would be horrific...but they did not, as all of the pictures, all of the bullshit stories and numbers PROVE.


This one bullshit photo, that they plastered on Newspapers nationwide, is all you need to see that what they say happened here...indeed DID NOT HAPPEN. But, they put a suit and tie on, they have all of the money, the equipment. They seem like authorities...so you believe their words, and not the pictures. In fact, you trusted the VERY ELECT so much that you did not even give the photo a second thought. No one died in the train cars below. How many people have you seen killed in a car wreck, when there was almost no damage to the car. You can place a car on an interstate, headed in the wrong direction, place it in a ditch, but if there is no damage to the car, no one got hurt in a wreck. Case Fucking Closed...you were fucking scammed.

Research this story yourself folks. The number of dead, HAS BEEN IN CONTENTION, since they announced the bullshit hoax. And...they blame it on the men being "black". In other words, what they want you to believe is that the dead were poor black men, who had no one that cared about them enough, that they would go unnoticed if they died. Really, they also tell you these men were employed at an ammunition factory and that they were on the way home from the factory. So, there were no records of their employment, and they were going home to "no one". I do not give a fuck where you fall on terms of race, color or people...you can hate the person you can see across the room, but just because you hate that person, and just because that person may be your enemy...there is always someone that cares about that person, and counts them as a human being.

And what is more important, that all you missed is this...no matter if there were any records where these men left, or where they were going...look at the cars, all you would have to have done is count 1,2,3...100, 101 or whatever the ending number would be....they were fucking dead were they not, they could not have escaped and by looking at the damage they did not get thrown hundreds of feet away. You were fucking scammed and they used the race card again...to get you to believe their Bullshit.

You have been divided and scammed all your fucking lives my friends and IF you do not wake up it is not going to end up very pretty.


Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
