Monday, July 8, 2019

"Kill" (89) Plus 9/30 (966) = 26966: Trump Is 73: Dow Jones First Publication 7/3/1884 = 7/3/2019 = Top May Have Been July Third

Update: If the top was not on July Third, then tomorrow July 9th is still the best date, and Monday, July 15 is probably the last day it could happen. I really think that 7/3/2019 was the top, but this one is very hard to call, and I should have know they would make it this way, as this is what they do, and they are damn good at it. I have spent so much time on this and all of the numbers, and it really seemed as though they would take it above 27000, and they still might but the more I have examined and learned and researched about the number 89 the more I think that the numbers on 7/3/2019 were absolutely perfect, relating to Trump and his September 30 demise.

7/3 to 9/3 = 7/3/2019 or 733 or 76 or 13 or 22 or "Crash". "Cup" = "Crash". 7/3/2019 was last day of  the "Cup" or the top of the "Cup" handle.

July 3: Day after Declaration of Independence Drafted and Finalized. Day before Declaration of Independence is actually proclaimed aloud. Exactly 135 years to the day, after first Dow Jones Publication. Donald Trump's age. Assassination number is 73. Kill number is 89.

July 3: High of Day AND Close were: 26, 966.00. 89 Means "Kill". 966 Means 9/30/2019. I really think that July 3rd may be the day, now we are waiting for the "REAL CRASH" TO BEGIN. Which will be between today and next Monday more than likely.

One thing is for sure. The top at this point has to be on 7/3 or one day in the very near future. Everday from today forward that the market does not advance, is more proof the top is in. I expected a point, but we got a "TALL GREEN CANDLE". We may have simply gotten the "stand in point" on 6/21/2019. If another top is not reached by weeks end I think we can safely conclude the top was on 7/3. It is the very day after the exact middle of the year as well. The numbers of the last market low and top do not match like I would have thought for the top, but these other numbers do.

It really may be an "M" they are forming. They like to skew them anyhow. We shall see. My job will continue to focus more and more on simply warning people out there "in the field". I absolutely hate to do this part of it, but if I am going to keep warning people I am going to try and put up at least a few new posts.

The China Lake Earthquake, The Clemson Running back "drowned" in the Savannah River are the two best pieces of evidence, to date, of very specific hell that is coming, that I have exactly told you about. You need to listen to me folks. As surreal as it may seem. As counter-intuitive to your entire brainwashing stint in the public school (mine too) system as it may be...they are going to destroy all of our major reservoirs, and many of our smaller ones too. They are going to directly attack cities, skyscrapers, interstate highways, bridges and more. They are going to cause flooding from several ways including, man made rain, destroying dams and....tidal waves from the coastlines. You need to believe me, buy as much insurance on your property as you can and make plans to vacate as soon as you possibly can before late September.

26,966 Close On 7/3 To 9/30 = 89 Days. 89 Means "Kill". Trump Is 73. 73 Means Assassinate.

Dow Jones Very First Publication Was On 7/3/1884, Perfectly Timed 135 Years Before All Time High Forevermore?

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024