Monday, July 8, 2019

It's All Here: Top On 7/12/2019: 9 Days After 7/3: 27000: 7 Trading Days After 7/3

Check out the post after this one, for the final on this topic.

I knew that I would figure it out before it happened. This is it. It is at least a two part top. Will top 2 close above 27000? Probably, but not necessarily.

7/3 PLUS 7/3 EQUALS 614...TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is it folks...7/3 is Top One; 7/12 is Top Two. Nine days in between is his number...45. Trump = 7. Trump 45 = 79. 733 = Crash.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024