Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trump Will Retaliate Against North Korea And China: China Will Support North Korea

This is how it is going to go down my friends:

North Korea attacks Japan early August.
China sides with North Korea.
Russia sides with North Korea
Trump sides with Japan.
Trump attacks North Korea.
Trump imposes more tariffs on China as punishment for siding with North Korea.
Trump imposes tariffs on Russia as punishment for siding with North Korea.
I knew North Korea would be very prominent in what would happen, and I also knew it would be very different than most would think.

Over 2 month period the stock market crashes back to beginning of Trump Rally, Military Actions against North Korea begin.

On 9/28/2019 Russia Hacks and takes down our grid.
On 9/30/2019 thru 10/2/2019 China and Russia attack us from shore to shore, dam to dam, building to building. Nationwide all of our reservoirs are gone, tens of millions are dead, bridges and interchanges are destroyed.

Have Fun!!! 

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
