Thursday, July 11, 2019

Too Good Not To Post: 7/15 Will Be Top Or First Day Of Crash

The All Time High, On Dow Jones, never to be reached again, will be either tomorrow 7/12/2019 or Monday, 7/15/2019. Neither would surprise me. The crash begins no later than the Full Moon In Capricorn on Tuesday, July 16, 2019.

The DJIA should have a 3 digit handle of 273 (274 Tops) (93). The S&P should have a TWO digit handle of 30. This will be your whole ball of wax. If the top is on Monday, then that will be exactly 11 weeks for a 9000 point drop. Sounds about right to me.

The number on his shirt is all you need. I told you so.

Go ahead: Stay in Eden, stay in Madison, stay in Columbia, stay in Wilmington, stay in Clemson, stay in Danville, stay in Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga...And, do not warn people you know along coastlines, rivers and the rest I have warned you about. It is all up to you. I have done my part. It would be nice if someone finally has enough balls to call their Mother, Father, Brother, Sister or whomever and say...I think you may want to listen to what I have to say.

Keep listening to the piece of shit scumbag morons just like the one below in the photo, instead of someone who has approached you...out of the blue, who actually invested time and money in trying to help an warn you. It is all up to you.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024