Thursday, July 25, 2019

Andy = 71: 491: Crash On 8/5/2019

Update: After looking at the number below the board more, I think it is 1007

The graphics and articles below are both from yesterday, 7/24/2019.

The market should continue to meander back and forth and end up close to 27,332 on Friday, 8/2/2019. August 5 will not be pretty. I am going to get this one right I do believe, all of the numbers are perfect. The top was on 7/15 and 7/16 as I told you they would be, and a double top...before it happened, not based on my  ingeniousness, just based on the willingness to look deeper into what the evil bastards that run our world do everyday. Not only was the top when I told you it would be, it was exactly where I said it would be. I hope I have time to do a summary and graphics of the top and all of the numbers that go along with it. You need to take this as a warning folks and prepare. My whole reason for working so hard on stock market, news and sports is to try and get you to believe the important part...they are getting ready to try and kill us all and they are going to succeed with about 10-50 million. They are going to murder your college students...and you if you or they are in...Charlotte, Wilmington, Clemson, Columbia, Charleston, Savannah, All Coastlines, especially Florida, Long Island, all cities on major rivers below major reservoirs will be flooded.

The DJIA will not make any new record highs or tops. 273 was handle for a reason. Day 273 and 9/30.

15 trading days (candles) after the all time closing high: 7/15/2019
3 weeks (37) after the all time closing high.

8/5/2019 begins the deletion of the Trump Rally

Note the DAL twice on Andy's Graphic. 88. 853. BAM.

Note the number on Andy's graphic, under the upper left board. It is either 1207 or 1307.

Day 217 is August 5. Day 317 is 11/13. 11/13 is exactly 44 days after 9/30.

Also on Andy's shirt: "Prime Execution". I have already shown you the perfect DJIA top on Amazon's Prime Days on 7/15 and 7/16. I have shown you that "Prime" means the best you can get or the top. "Execution" means KILL. Note also that Prime refers to President or the highest political bullshit office holder. KILL means KILL. Execution means execution.

December = 1. 142 = 7. 8/5/2019 = 7. BAM.

Andy = 8. 491 = 5. BAM.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024