Saturday, June 29, 2019

Eden, NC: No Match For Townes, Talbott, Belews, Hanging Rock, Philpott, Fairystone, Martinsville

This post is not complete. I hope to complete it within a couple of days or so. Eden, NC you will be completely underwater on 9/30/2019 or within days of this date.

Fall Of Man - What Eden Is Famous For



20th century to present[edit]

  • In 1967, the three cities Leaksville, Spray, and Draper were consolidated into one city which is now the city of Eden.
  • In 1970, the city had considerable growth.
  • In 2000, city population grew to 15,908.
  • In 2010, the US Census population was 15,527.
  • In 2014, 39,000 thousand tons of coal ash and 27 million gallons of contaminated water spilled into the Dan River near Eden from a coal-fired power plant owned by Duke Energy.
Huge, Important, Take Notice Below Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the third weekend of September; Eden hosts the annual River Fest each year to celebrate Eden's history. The Boone Road Historic District, Bullard-Ray House, Cascade Plantation, Central Leaksville Historic District, Dempsey-Reynolds-Taylor House, First Baptist Church, Dr. Franklin King House-Idlewild, Leaksville Commercial Historic District, Leaksville-Spray Institute, Lower Sauratown Plantation, Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Site 31RK1, Spray Industrial Historic District, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Tanyard Shoal Sluice, Three Ledges Shoal Sluice, and Wide Mouth Shoal Sluice are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.[8]

Alison Parker: Smith Mountain Lake: Martinsville Reservoir: Patrick Henry Community College: All Connected

I do not have time to get into the Smith Mountain Lake Complete and Utter Bullshit, Nonsense that any person with even half a brain should be able to tell was a complete hoax, bullshit staged scam. Of all the hoaxes, false flags that I have ever researched...this one was the worst acting, the worse reasoning. It makes no sense how anyone who would just look at it with reason could not see through this garbage. Don't forget this is the stupid hoax that your were told was the reason the "Dylan Storm Roof" shot up Charleston Church...all complete BS

Right now all you need to know is that Allison Parker went to Patrick Henry Community College. Martinsville Reservoir...and of course Smith Mountain Lake will be destroyed. It is this simple.

Philpott Lake, Fairystone Lake, Martinsville Reservoir: All Destroyed: Martinsville Flooded

Martinsville Reservoir is small. It is about 175 acres. For those from my area, Salem Lake is about 85 acres so Martinsville Reservoir is about twice the size of Salem Lake. I realize how hard it is for people to come to grips with what I am telling you they are going to do. The biggest excuse for people against wanting to believe me is this...they want to believe that the reservoirs were built for "good reasons". In other words...most all of these reservoirs were built for drinking water...or electricity...or flood control...or a combo.

MY FRIENDS PLEASE LISTEN TO AND TRY TO COMPREHEND WHAT I TELL YOU NEXT. You can feed a steer for months or years, keep him up, and then kill him for beef (to the steer everything was utopia; all the grass and feed he can eat, taken care of everyday, with no knowledge of the doom that awaits him one day. (The irony between the steer and human is that you can try and tell either one, and neither will listen. The steer just can't comprehend "people talk" and the poor human has been brainwashed to think what I am telling you has no chance of indeed happening.). A person can live for 60,70,80,90 plus years. In their latter years they can even have others care for them because they are too old...and then, this person could easily be murdered or killed in an accident. The evil people that run your world can easily build a reservoir, in a particular area (hand picked area for many reasons). Then the people near that reservoir benefit from the utility of that reservoir. The area will likely grow as plenty of drinking water is near, and possibly electricity as well. Just because they told you of the benefits when they were selling you on stealing your land and flooding it, does not mean that in the end these reservoirs were not built for sinister purposes. For opposite purposes as they told take away life, to reduce the population. This is exactly what they have done my friends. And the only thing you can do if you live to move.

Think Columbia SC and Lake Murray...think Charlotte NC and Lake Norman...think Lake Mead, Glen Canyon Lake and Los Angeles and Southern Cal....think, think, think my friends. The biggest scheme and scam going is LA. How on earth people would live in a place, should their water be interupted they have almost no chance of survival. There is no where close in LA to get more water, should the Colorado River become unavailable. And there is 30 million people in Southern Cal. How could those people escape, and where would they go to. It is insane to live in Southern Cal.

Martinsville VA was founded by Joseph Martin, Revolution General. Also, Martinsville was a tobacco town just as Winston Salem. RJ Reynolds came from nearby Patrick County.

Notice that the outflow (Beaver Creek) will cross and flood 108 and 174 (93) before flooding Martinsville and joining the Smith River. Also note that highway 741 is right beside 174. Notice the name of the road coming into the college is "Patriot Ave" and 371.

Martinsville Reservoir With The Pin Will Add To Smith River Flood

Martinsville Reservoir, Right Above Patrick Henry Community College,_Virginia

11 Degree X Over Dan/Smith River Confluence: Madison, Eden, Danville Will Be Underwater: Proof Here

Update: Eden, NC deserves it's own topic all by itself. But more importantly, I really think the flood in Eden will much worse than I have depicted below on the map. I am not a water flow expert, although I have learned much about it over the last 5 years. They have all of the data and expertise. All I can do is guess. I think that the map below, of Eden, will likely be nearly all flooded. I am going to start an Eden Post, but I may not be able to finish it.

Ok, so this morning as I was eating at Fuzzy's BBQ (good food by the way, you should definitely try it out) I noticed a large X had been drawn to the east and north. It had already been drawn for a while as the remnant was starting to get wider and fade. After leaving, I was travelling south on Wilson St. and I decided to stop and take a picture. And I thought, this makes several times now that I have been to Madison and noticed an X in the same general area. These large X's can look much closer than they are so I decided to follow this as best I could. I took 704 but I should have taken 311 because as I was getting closer and closer to Wentworth the X kept moving further to the North. And then it hit me, this thing is right over Eden, right over the confluence of the Smith and Dan Rivers right in between the two crossings of the Dan River on US 311. I did not have the time to go all the way to Eden, and I was going too far to the south and the X would have been too far dissipated by the time I got there. You need to believe me on this one. This X was over Eden, and this makes several that I have seen just in the past couple of months. I will more than likely get another one. Now I know that I need to get to this area well before 6 AM to find and get a decent picture.

I asked my daughter three times...what letter is that...X. Are you sure that is an X...yes. Could that letter be confused with any other

Note: Today is 6/29/2019. The middle is all that matters as the day and year cancel each other by totaling 9. Today is 9/11. And it is also day 180.

Eden, NC will fare the worst. Water from Townes, Talbott, Town Fork Creek Watersheds, Hanging Rock, Belews Lake will come at you from the West. Philpott and Fairystone Lakes will come at you from the North. They will collide in between the two 311 Crossings. Study Eden NC and how it is a 3 in 1 city.

For previous posts discussing Madison, Eden, Danville just click those label links

Eden, NC Will Make Madison Look Like A Walk In The Park

Residents In Madison, South Of Academy Street...Are Doomed

Lower Angle Is 11 Deg.: Upper Angle Is 79 Deg.

11 Degree "X" Over Eden, NC, Viewed From Madison, NC 6/29/2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

CNBC:JP Morgan: New World Order: Says: Top Is On The Way: Then The Crash

After reading the article below, yesterday's action, along with today's futures...I still believe we are going to 27,000 plus, and...the S&P will go to 3,000 plus. That will be your 9/3.

On Monday, July 8th (possibly July 1st, but this is way too soon in my opinion) the market will top out around 27,332.74, and then will proceed to crash by Monday, July 15, 2019. They may not even give you a reason for the crash to begin, or they might. It could be Trade War BS, it could be interest could anything...or  they may tell you...the market is just tired. They can and will tell you anything...just know whatever they tell you it is pure bullshit.

They are telling you in this article below, that the rally is going higher, but not much more, and that after a few more days of this...look out below.

Something I have debated myself on, since figuring out that they were drawing points on top of this graphic was whether or not to count the point on the inside pinnacle of the "W" (Tiger Wood's "W"). Since it is not on top and inline I did not, but I think it should probably be that it is almost finished. I believe that even though the market will have a 27 handle, that the final point count will be 10. The most important part is that it will be split...3 and 7. Either way, 9 or 10 I believe the top will be on July 1,8 or 15...with 8th being most likely. You can see below that the Grand WV Bullhead is now completely complete and also notice that on either side is a 5 candle flag or wedge for a 55. I think it will be 10 points divided into 3...7 and that the closing high of all time will have a 273 or possibly 274 handle.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hoover Dam: September 30: October 2: Let's Make A Deal: Sweet Home Alabama: 123

Monte Hall (Host of Let's Make A Deal): Died 9/30/ age 96

Hoover Dam, with US 93 going over the dam until it was replaced with an arch bridge, in front of the dam...dedicated on 9/30/1935, by FDR

Hoover Dam will be destroyed, along with Glen Canyon Dam and all of the water and debris will flow right under Highway 93 and the arch bridge will be unaffected.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

You Can't Beat This River: The System Is Going To Fail: This Lake Is Dead: Deliverance

You need to watch this movie, and listen to every line. You need to research it. I have posted on this movie time and again, but with every bit of more research that I do, the more this movie is a predictor. From Lake Jocassee to Savannah, GA will flood some of the most historic areas in the South. It will flood Clemson University and Town, Augusta and Augusta National, Savannah, Port of Savannah, many military assets

Closing Scene Graveyard At Jocassee Dam Being Moved

Closing Scene Kid And Pregnant Wife

The are going to murder your college students. They are going to murder your offspring. They are going to murder you if they can, and if you live near a major river, reservoir or coastline it will make their jobs...that much easier.

After Shot Of Kid And Pregnant Wife

After Shot Of Kid And Pregnant Wife

One Last Thought: 10/03/2018 May Very Well Still Be DJIA Top

The DJIA made another substantial pinnacle, on triple witching Friday, 6/21/2019. The day before on 6/20, the S&P made another record close.

I may not have time to cover this in depth. But, in my opinion there is only two choices: The top is already in on the Dow Jones (10/03/2018) and we are going to crash between now and 7/8...or as I said on Sunday, the top will be on 7/8/2019.

If the top was indeed on 10/03/2018, then the crash should start next Monday, 7/1/2019. The most important numbers to me regarding this are the 73 weeks between Friday, 1/26/2018 and Friday, 6/21/2019...and 10/03/2018 itself, especially it falling on Presidential Alert Day from FEMA.

I think the top is in. Either way the crash will be well under way within 3 weeks.

Nationwide Blackout On 9/28/2019: More Proof Here: Idols Dam, Clemmons, NC: Thomas Edison

Power went out on Idol's Dam, Clemmons, NC, on the Yadkin River on 2/8/1998 (928), just shy of 100 years after it began...on 4/18/1898 (93).

The are going to destroy dams, roads, bridges, skyscrapers (concrete that cures in 28 days) and they are going to murder your babies, toddlers, kids, college students...your offspring, progeny, the result of the 28 day female menstrual cycle!

On the very day the Concrete and Gold album, and tour were announced, and I posted on it over and over, that this was foretelling of all of the concrete structures to be destroyed, especially in Gold Country, CA, and of the theft of all of our Gold and Finances. Click the link and study. Note the Logo that is a 111, broken into two F's. (66). This is how they operate my friends. I showed you that on Letterman's last show he kept announcing the Foo Fighters were coming up, but they never did (they actually added their appearance in later on and NO ONE NOTICED). What is a "Foo Fighter"???... an imaginary (UFO as in False Flag) WW2 fighter plane.

Note that the 9th track on this album is "Sunday Rain". My friends, just as I have said hundreds of times, there will be "unnatural flooding", caused by man, as they have been doing since planes could fly, they will be flooding us with man made rain, before the flooding caused by the destruction of dams. In fact, I have no doubt that many of the dams will be destroyed just by flooding rains. Sometime before 9/28, and definately including Sunday, 9/29 the floods will have already began. Time is running out for warning and preparing my friends. We are closing in on the 90 day mark. It is all up to you. I have been doing this tirelessly for FIVE LONG YEARS. What will you do in this last 90 days???

Day Idol's Dam Went On, To Day Idol's Dam Went Off

Day Idol's Dam Went Off, To Day Of Nationwide Grid Down

Sunday, June 23, 2019

All Info Needed Is In: No More Posts Needed: July 8th Will Be Top: July 15th Begins Crash

There will be no more posts needed on this topic. And showing you this topic and the proof of the manipulation, the truth of the numbers behind the manipulation, the relation to Donald Trump and His Election, And His Demise is all that should be needed.

July 8th will be the all time high on the Dow Jones and also likely on the S&P as well. Starting on Monday, June 24th, the market will pull back slightly for 2-4 days (200-400 points down). Then late next week we will get "good news" on the trade war BS and that is what they will tell you drives the market to the record high close on July 8th. Then, the market will gradually pull back until later in the week, but by Monday, July 15th, the market will crash.

There will be a total of 9 points atop this great drawing on the Dow Jones. The 1st one was on 10/03/2018 (6), the same day as FEMA presidential alert. The last one will be on 7/8/2019 (63)

Here is the July 15th predictor (just one of them, there are many, many more):

Here is some of the BS I told you would be in the news regarding WV or West Virginia:

The close on 6/21/2019: 26,719.13 (7/8 "Stock Market Crash")   down 34.04   down .13% I thought and said before, Monday, July 8th marks 12 weeks until Monday, 9/30/2019. On the Dow Jones there will be 3 groups of 4 Weeks each, during which each period,  the market will drop 3,000 points net, for a total of a 9000 point drop in 12 weeks (93). 

Look below at the close on 3/9/2009. The close was: 6,547.05 (63 or 45). "March" = 3 or 7. "July" = 5 or 7.

Close On March 9, 2009

3/9/2009 (Previous Market Low) To 7/8/2019

Dow Jones Close On 6/21/2019 Showing 8th Point

Friday, June 21, 2019

All government officials, and everyone else in the New World Order club worships Satan. They have you all convinced they are Christian and love God. It is all in Matthew 24 my friends...just read it. They are telling you what they all do, by making you think it is just one of them. Sorry, it is all. Would you even think about being close or working directly with someone who claims to worship Satan. Sadly, most are worshiping him unknowingly.

I still think the top will be on 7/1/2019. I believe the G-20 meeting later next week will result in positive news and it will push the market to the top on 7/1. Then, between 7/4 and 7/8 some event or news (likely to do with Trump and Xi) will cause the market to crash either on 7/5 or 7/8 and beyond.

The below article and headline photo are from yesterday, 6/20/2019.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Top Could Be On June 24: This May Be What The 24 False Flag Is For

We are around 800 points from the top. If the market goes up 200 plus points today and tomorrow, then June 24th makes sense for the top. I have looked at this several times because it is a Monday and because it is 24, but it looked too close to me.

If it is indeed the top, then it makes sense for something bad to happen at the G-20 meeting. And this makes sense as they are telling you now the reason for the rally is Trump's meeting with Xi (24). So it would also make sense for a meeting gone bad to be the reason for the market to crash beginning on 7/1/2019, which is the last day of the first half of the year (the second half actually begins late on 7/1).

The top will be on 6/24, 7/1 or 7/8. There will be an upper candle wick that makes the 8th point atop the Dow Jones chart the day of the top.

If the market does go up big today and tomorrow I will try and figure it out and post on it over the weekend if I can.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Error Correction: Last Post Until July Fourth Week: July 1 WILL BE TOP

The purple line below is on July 1st. Yesterday, the chart that I posted had the line on 6/28 by accident. The top line below is right at 27,332. This is where it is headed. It may be a little shy of 27332 or it could be a little higher. I think that the 3 digit handle will be 273 though. It represents the date of 9/30 and the year of 2019. It represents "Donald Trump".

Note: The Bullhead False Flag ended on 6/17. There will be 10 candles between end of false flag and 7/1. It was the 17th. The top will be on 7/1. The stock market could close on 7/5 because of what happens on the Fourth, or it could happen on the 5th. It does not matter. There will be an event or some kind of news that causes the stock market to begin to crash on either 7/5 or 7/8 or both.

More Proof:

The last Dow Jones top was on 10/03/2018. The close was: 26,828.39 (7/1/2019...BAM)

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

False Flag On July 4th: Stock Market Top On July 1st: Stock Market Crash: July 5th, 8th

No More Posts From Me Until At Least Close To Or After The Top. Why do I need to. I have proven everything that I need to. If you do not believe me by July 8-15, there is nothing else that I can do. Plus I am very, very busy and time is very limited.

17 days after the false flag, and bullhead finishes on Stock Charts, on July 4th, a "False Flag" will occur. Either this or they are referring to the false flag that is coming in late September. But I believe something will happen over July 4th weekend to make the stock market crash, after topping out on July 1st.

Toronto beat Golden State, 4 games to 2.
Woodland and Koepka were neck and neck as I said. (125)

17 days after the Dow Jones "False Flag" and Bullhead ends something bad is going to happen. Have a very happy "Fourth of July".

Dow Jones Bullhead Ends With A "False Flag" (24) 6 Candles Long

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Yadkin River Flood: Stock Market Crash: 7/8: Proof Here: I Told You So

This article points to a 7/1 top and a 7/8 crash, in my opinion. This one is very hard to call. The top will be either on 7/1 or 7/8 and then the crash begins. It is this simple. I will not be wrong on this one. I have studied it and worked too hard and the signs, symbols and numbers are all here.

Total Complete Bullshit
On the graphic below you can see the main section of Pilot Mountain State Park to the north beside of US Highway 52. On the bottom or south, encompassing the Yadkin River is Pilot Mountain State Park - Yadkin River Section. This part of the park is centered around Bean Shoals and the Bean Shoals Canal and the railroad.

Note: This area is directly downstream from Siloam, NC.

Study the link below of Siloam, NC, in particular the 1975 bridge collapse. It was either planned murder or it was a complete staged collapse and no one died. I believe the latter. My parents made a big deal of this and took us to see the damage, they took us to see the temporary floating bridge that was put up while the new one was built. I will never forget it. It was a planned, staged event foretelling of the hell to come on the Yadkin River. All reservoirs on the Yadkin/Pee Dee River will be destroyed, plus many on some of the tributaries such as Salem Lake and Lake Tomalex,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina

LMAO: Blackout On September 28: Best Proof Of All: AC/DC: Malcolm Young

I told you the day that Malcolm Young was murdered by the "Numbers and Bullets Guy" that it was murder, and that it was a direct foretelling of the great power outage on the way.

I knew I would figure BAM day out, in detail before it happened, and this is another important link that is finally finalized. The New Moon In September, 2019 will be when the power goes out nationwide, and possibly more places throughout the world. 26 New Moons after "The Great American Eclipse" is when the power will go out, America will go dark, for the Great Attack to occur just two days following.

Total Eclipse New Moon in August 2017 to November New Moon is 3 New Moons (2019). November 2017 New Moon to September 2019 New Moon is 23 New Moons.

Note the Zak Orth photo below. This is the way that he is first seen in the first episode of Revolution. The Tshirt is exposed to just show lighting bolt and "cd".

The first song heard during the intro to the first episode is an AC/DC song. "Dirty Deeds" plays right after the Mom is happening, and then the power goes out. I am sorry my friends, but I will be right. You will have no power starting on 9/28/2019 and it will last for months, more than a year in places.

Zak Orth Wears AC/DC TShirt First Episode

Moon Phases November 2017

New Moon November 2017, When Malcolm Young, "Driving Force" Of AC/DC Was Murdered
"Bad Moon" = "New Moon". The Bad Moon will rise, invisibly, on Saturday, 9/28/2019, 23 New Moons after Saturday, November 18, 2017, The day that the Driving Force behind AC/DC was murdered.

Bad Moon Rising first entered the charts on Saturday, 5/3/1969 at 80 (87). It peaked at number 2 on Saturday, 6/28/1969 (77).

Saturday, 6/28/1969, The Day Bad Moon Rising Peaked At 2 On Charts

Gary Woodland Wins US Open: Beating Brooks Koepka In Playoff: 13: 8

I have said several times this year so is a sports year of firsts.

Virginia wins first ever title game.
Toronto wins first ever title game.
Gary Woodland wins first major, and first US Open

Gary = 798
Woodland = 709

DOB: 5/21/1984; 35 years old; Gemini; Purse is 12,500,000; College in Topeka and Lawrence, KS, both big college towns on the Kansas River downstream from huge, huge, huge reservoirs.

Wood represents Male Penis, which is why so many churches use "Wood" in their name. It is the same as "Grove". The New World Order worships the penis. Why in the hell else would they "erect" structures the world over that are a direct representation of the penis.

Brooks = 5
Koepka = 8

Brooks is Number 1; Woodland is Number 25; 125 as His birthday, his age, the purse.

Yes it is easy now, to call Woodland, and Brooks may not make it to the top to make a playoff...but do not be surprised if this is how it ends. Think about it. Golden State won the last two, and then lost the third. I realize that any position short of losing, but losing directly in a playoff would be much more dramatic.

My call: Gary Woodland defeats at least Brooks Koepka in a playoff, on 6/16. 444.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

More Bullheads Than A Stockyard In Nebraska

A Bull Is Stupid (very low IQ). A Bull Is An Animal That Is Good For Two Things: Making More Cattle...and Hamburger...being ground up and cut up and eaten, like the American Sheep for which the great bullhead represents...that along with 911.

Bullhead Galore

Bullhead City, AZ Is Like Eden, NC, Chesapeake, VA, Study And See

You Would Have To Be Dumb As A Bull To Live Below Hoover Dam

They Are Telling You: Major Recession Coming: Along With Major Death

It is all in the article. Death is coming to USA and the World.

Elizabeth Warren Says Colleges And Students Nationwide Will Be Wiped Out

The average 25 year old person, male or female, can not address an envelope, can not write a check, can not do much of anything but play games and text. They have no work ethic cause they were taught you do not work until you go to college and get brainwashed. Teenagers think the can not work until they are 22 and out of college. They think that working at 14, 16, 18 is child slave labor. It is so sad and pathetic.

When I was 12,13,14,15,16 I mowed neighbor's yards, did their gardening, then I got 3 other part time restaurant jobs all the while still doing yard work. And...I partied like the good brainwashed American schoolkid that I was. It is so sad how pathetic, stupid and lazy American parents have made their they are going to unknowingly send them off to a death heartbreaking and sad. 

Go ahead and send your child to College of Charleston, send them to Clemson, send them to UNC Wilmington, send them to USC Columbia, send them to Sacramento State...they are your snot nosed, texting brainwashed kids....not mine. If you do, after following me, you are the most stupid and careless parent on the face of this Earth or you are just plain fucking evil and hate your kids.

It is so sad. Parents (by being brainwashed by the New World Order (Apple and all of the rest)) have  ruined their kids already, nationwide, by making them a nation full of know nothing texting idiots . And now they are going to kill them with all of their rich money by sending them to Clemson and the like.

Note the movie Death Sentence, that I have posted on over and over, is set in Boston, but filmed in that makes a lot of sense...especially when you think about both towns being historic, both will be wiped out, both will see lots of students wiped out.

They Will Wipe Out Student Debt By Wiping Out Students. No Student. No Debt.

Accuweather Headlines For Trump's Birthday: Everything, Everywhere I Have Told You

The Right Side Of Bullhead Will Contain An M As Predicted

I showed you the encapsulated "M" on the left side (and it is a little hard to discern, but it is there). I showed you the Pence to Trump Week last year...atop a large "M". And I told you that an "M" would form on the right side of the current bullhead, and it is.

Below is a 3 month chart of yesterday's close.

Today, will be up with a slight gap, forming the very small right inside leg. Then tomorrow, the market will dip and gap down...and will then rise a good bit forming a long upper wick. Then it will go back down to end with a gravestone...all set apart as the far right leg of the "M". Then next week the market continues to roll over finishing the right side of the bullhead. Today and tomorrow's candles colors could be either red or green. I am showing you red but it will not matter which. The gravestone and it being set apart is what matters. The "M" is what matters.

Once we see with certainty, what day the bullhead finishes on, then I think we can accurately predict the exact day of the final top of all times. By the end of next week, I believe we can narrow down the 7/1 and 7/8 to one or the other. It will be clear by Friday, 6/21/2019. And do not be surprised if 6/21 is the end of the bullhead.

Here is the deal...if July 1 is the top, then the end of bullhead will be before next Friday, likely on Monday or Tuesday. If July 8 is top, then next Friday makes good sense for bullhead to end.

I have done all of this valuable research, tirelessly, and I get right stuff that should make intelligent people take notice, but most people just cast aside all of the proof as just paranoia on my part. Really, how does telling you way before hand what they are doing (drawing a bullhead meaning 9119) then document with accuracy every step of the way, but yet you still believe the news over a loved one. I have no idea how I have lasted this long, only to be trashed, laughed at and mocked, but proving the truth every step of the way. I will never understand how people believe strangers (the news who has suit tie and camera and national exposure) but mock loved ones (who only have research tools, big heart and love as their motive). Never, ever, ever will I understand it.

Proof Yet Again

Nothing Bad Can Happen: The News Media And Government Says So

Update: Something that I just noticed. On the first chart, the bullhead actually begins at exactly 10:00 AM. It ends at exactly 10:52 AM. Could this mean that the top will be on July 1? Hell yes it does. I think it will be on 7/1 OR 7/8. They both work fine. The 7/1 top makes sense from the standpoint of a False Flag (like I showed you on the 2018 June July Chart) or other bad news happening over the July 4th weekend.

The number one reason that people laugh off what I am telling them is getting ready to happen, is their past, and the past of being programmed and brainnwashed to think America is the King Country and that we will always be safe here, and that all of our everyday expectations and conveniences will always be here. One example:

The reason that they have always shown us "crazy people" that "predict" the apocalypse, over and over, year after year is just to condition you to not believe the few people who can actually see it, when it is me. Folks, all of the stories that you have ever heard about 9/23 or any number or any person predicting doom and gloom....they are all fake just like all the fake shootings. Do not believe me and you will reap the results.

I promise you that the only denial that you will have left, after the bullhead finishes, after the top is in in early July, and when you see the market crashing in late July and August...the only denial left for anyone following me will be a "no logic denial". You will have no argument left. I will be finished on here some time in July as there will be no need. My needs will be elsewhere.

Another example: Nearly every single time, without exception (especially the men) when I begin to tell people what is just a short time away I always hear...I have been hearing that for years, they have been predicting the apocalypse for years. And here is what I hear the most without fail: Y2K (Y2K IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST DENIAL REASON THAT I HEAR AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS). Folks, this is exactly what they planned. Y2K was planned to happen, and planned to scare you, and then planned to make you "feel safe" after it passed with no problems. They scared everyone into preparing for something "they they (not me, you see the difference) told you and warned you to prepare for" then it was not the outcome is that now people think doomsday scenarios (especially those predicted by regular folks like me) will never happened. You prepared for Y2K like a good government slave, cause THEY TOLD YOU TO, then it was not needed so now you feel safe cause THEY ARE NOT TELLING YOU HELL IS COMING, a crazy redneck conspiracy theorist is. It is very sad that intelligent (supposedly) people can not see this.

THIS IS THE REASON FOR MY FRUSTRATION. The person that you should be listening to, a friend, a loved one, a family member (especially when they have given their entire life over the past few years to warn you) you just cast aside, but the news...or the just lap their bullshit up. Folks, what I have been telling you for years, is that your own government, in collusion with other governments are the very ones getting ready to kill you...and you expect them to warn you about it first...with a date to boot. Come on have been brainwashed.

I have proven without a doubt that the stock market is manipulated everyday. The open, close, high and low and all of the in between are planned for years before. I have shown you just over the last few months that they draw large daily chart letters and patterns, and that they also hide these before hand in the intra day charts...just like this current bullhead. If it is not obvious by now that the current pattern is a bullhead...there is no hope for you. And I have shown you several intra-day charts that show the bullhead, but yesterday there was one more good one. Below is the intra-day chart yesterday showing a near perfect bullhead, and the second graphic is the daily chart showing you the current bullhead in progress now. The Intra-Day bullhead began around 10 AM and ended around 11 AM.

On the second graphic the top line is 27,335. The left most line is 6/24 (when I thought the bullhead might end, but I think it will be a few days earlier.) At this time, I think it will end sometime next week and then began the upward move to the final top. The right most line is July 8, when I think the market will top. It will top out and begin to crash sometime between 7/1 and 7/15. The top will either be on 7/1 or 7/8 in my opinion, and will then begin to crash within the following week.

6/12/2019 Intra-Day Chart Showing Bullhead Early In Session

DJIA Daily Chart 6/12/2019 Showing Bullhead In Progress

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Too Many Signs, Symbols And Numbers Point To July Eighth Top

There are 7 points currently atop this grand symbol chart on Dow Jones. Point 7 was on 5/1/2019 (63). 7/8/2019 = 63. Point 7 to Point 8 makes sense on 7/8. It is day 189. LionAir crash on 10/29/2018 had 189 dead. 8th point at a 273 handle makes sense. 89, and 12 weeks from 9/30.

If you look at the bottom of the current bullhead or WV, it was on New Moon 6/3/2019. From Point 7 on 5/1 to Point 8 on 7/8 is 68 days.

From 5/1 to 6/3 is 33 days. From 6/3 to 7/8 is 35 days...33 and 35 or 68.

I do not think that I will have to adjust this again. The Grand Top Finale of all time will be on Monday, July 8, 2019...12 weeks exactly from Monday, 9/30/2019.

The highest high ever on the Dow Jones is only 26 days away. 

2009 Low And LionAir Crash 610 Prove Top Will Be On 7/8/2019

Note the LionAir crash happened on same day as Black Tuesday, 1929...10/29/1929. The numbers are all here. July Eighth will be the Dow Jones Top and all time high, and will never be reached again.

189 dead in Flight 610 crash. July 8 is day 189.

The Dow Jones will reach it's high on Monday, 7/8/2019 at around 27332.74. It will then proceed to fall 9000 points in 12 weeks...3000 points in 4 weeks...x 3. There will be two snap-backs in between of around 1000 points each but the net drop will be 3000 points in 4 weeks...3 times.

Murder Of Boston's Lead Singer On 3/9/2007 Foretells Boston's Loss Tonight?

This one is hard to call because both of the hosting cities are going to be completely wiped out. Boston could be the worse with the tidal waves, but to me, St. Louis will be completely under water.

This man WAS MURDERED by The Numbers And Bullets Guy on 3/9/2007. Since this series has gone 7 games, I think that I was probably correct from the get go on the NBA finals in that it will be a 7 game series ending the same day as US Open...Father's Day."Midnight_Ride"

Cramer Says Crash Coming On 7/8: Says Bullhead Is Getting Ready To Finish

Read the story, study the numbers, it is all here.

Mike Pompeo Will Complete 5 Plus 1: 15, 51: 6 Will Be Assassinated On 9/30/2019

Between and including Pence's Birthday and Trump's Birthday...are 6 candles. There are 7 days, but only 6 candles precisely because their birthdays are exactly 1 week apart and there are always two non trading days in between their birthday's. This is what they do folks. This is just another reason that these two were chosen as a pair....long, long ago. There will be a sixth "very important" person assassinated on 9/30/2019 and it will be the Secretary of State. The first graphic below is just showing you the relation between the primary 5. This is why it is 5 and 1. And it is why it will happen on a date that equals 6.

Mike Pompeo: Birthday same as Tiger Woods, 12/30 = 33; 12/30/1963 = 331;  70th Secretary of State

Revolution TV Series 4 Adult Caskets 1 Child Casket

Pence To Trump Birthday Candles 2018

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024