Saturday, June 29, 2019

Philpott Lake, Fairystone Lake, Martinsville Reservoir: All Destroyed: Martinsville Flooded

Martinsville Reservoir is small. It is about 175 acres. For those from my area, Salem Lake is about 85 acres so Martinsville Reservoir is about twice the size of Salem Lake. I realize how hard it is for people to come to grips with what I am telling you they are going to do. The biggest excuse for people against wanting to believe me is this...they want to believe that the reservoirs were built for "good reasons". In other words...most all of these reservoirs were built for drinking water...or electricity...or flood control...or a combo.

MY FRIENDS PLEASE LISTEN TO AND TRY TO COMPREHEND WHAT I TELL YOU NEXT. You can feed a steer for months or years, keep him up, and then kill him for beef (to the steer everything was utopia; all the grass and feed he can eat, taken care of everyday, with no knowledge of the doom that awaits him one day. (The irony between the steer and human is that you can try and tell either one, and neither will listen. The steer just can't comprehend "people talk" and the poor human has been brainwashed to think what I am telling you has no chance of indeed happening.). A person can live for 60,70,80,90 plus years. In their latter years they can even have others care for them because they are too old...and then, this person could easily be murdered or killed in an accident. The evil people that run your world can easily build a reservoir, in a particular area (hand picked area for many reasons). Then the people near that reservoir benefit from the utility of that reservoir. The area will likely grow as plenty of drinking water is near, and possibly electricity as well. Just because they told you of the benefits when they were selling you on stealing your land and flooding it, does not mean that in the end these reservoirs were not built for sinister purposes. For opposite purposes as they told take away life, to reduce the population. This is exactly what they have done my friends. And the only thing you can do if you live to move.

Think Columbia SC and Lake Murray...think Charlotte NC and Lake Norman...think Lake Mead, Glen Canyon Lake and Los Angeles and Southern Cal....think, think, think my friends. The biggest scheme and scam going is LA. How on earth people would live in a place, should their water be interupted they have almost no chance of survival. There is no where close in LA to get more water, should the Colorado River become unavailable. And there is 30 million people in Southern Cal. How could those people escape, and where would they go to. It is insane to live in Southern Cal.

Martinsville VA was founded by Joseph Martin, Revolution General. Also, Martinsville was a tobacco town just as Winston Salem. RJ Reynolds came from nearby Patrick County.

Notice that the outflow (Beaver Creek) will cross and flood 108 and 174 (93) before flooding Martinsville and joining the Smith River. Also note that highway 741 is right beside 174. Notice the name of the road coming into the college is "Patriot Ave" and 371.

Martinsville Reservoir With The Pin Will Add To Smith River Flood

Martinsville Reservoir, Right Above Patrick Henry Community College,_Virginia

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024