Thursday, June 13, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Says Colleges And Students Nationwide Will Be Wiped Out

The average 25 year old person, male or female, can not address an envelope, can not write a check, can not do much of anything but play games and text. They have no work ethic cause they were taught you do not work until you go to college and get brainwashed. Teenagers think the can not work until they are 22 and out of college. They think that working at 14, 16, 18 is child slave labor. It is so sad and pathetic.

When I was 12,13,14,15,16 I mowed neighbor's yards, did their gardening, then I got 3 other part time restaurant jobs all the while still doing yard work. And...I partied like the good brainwashed American schoolkid that I was. It is so sad how pathetic, stupid and lazy American parents have made their they are going to unknowingly send them off to a death heartbreaking and sad. 

Go ahead and send your child to College of Charleston, send them to Clemson, send them to UNC Wilmington, send them to USC Columbia, send them to Sacramento State...they are your snot nosed, texting brainwashed kids....not mine. If you do, after following me, you are the most stupid and careless parent on the face of this Earth or you are just plain fucking evil and hate your kids.

It is so sad. Parents (by being brainwashed by the New World Order (Apple and all of the rest)) have  ruined their kids already, nationwide, by making them a nation full of know nothing texting idiots . And now they are going to kill them with all of their rich money by sending them to Clemson and the like.

Note the movie Death Sentence, that I have posted on over and over, is set in Boston, but filmed in that makes a lot of sense...especially when you think about both towns being historic, both will be wiped out, both will see lots of students wiped out.

They Will Wipe Out Student Debt By Wiping Out Students. No Student. No Debt.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024