Sunday, June 2, 2019

Take It Easy: November Eighteenth: Manic Monday: 18: 13: 11

As I may not add more to this post today or at all, I want to give an update on the stock market WV. I think there is one more down day that will be the center or reversal, if it does not reverse tomorrow. If this is the case it should open down, go pretty far down and then recover to give us a "Hammer" candle with a very small body. Then we will get two, then four matching candles for a 124 pattern, meaning the NBA will be 7 games if this is the case. In other words tomorrow's candle will either open near flat and go up, giving us a side by side opposite candles...or it will dip down, go further down giving us the center of the "V" and it will be a hammer. So the bullhead nose will either be 124, or 24 candles. Mexico news was "good" yesterday but the China news today seems "bad" to me so it is hard to call until tomorrow morning. We will know how many NBA games will be played by tomorrow. It will be 6 or 7 or (4 to 2) or 4 to 3). I am leaning toward 4 to 3 at this time.

"Monday" (18), November (11 or 13) 18, 2019 is when I now believe the BAM, WW3 beginning, attacks will occur in the USA. I believe it will be a 3 day attack. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 18, 19, 20. If you live in one of the danger zones that I have discussed do not hold me accountable for when you should be moving should have never been there in the first place so my advice would be to leave ASAP. Below, and the next posts will fully document why I think these are the dates. I may or may not finish these posts. I hope I do, but my last post is very, very, near and it could be this one.

Below is the best version of this song. It is truly in key of G. The studio version was recorded in G then sped up during mastering making it hard to figure out by ear. Plus Joe Walsh solos are more rocked out than Bernie's. They are both good, but you can actually play along with this one...and be in Key.

Note: In this post I am going to concentrate on two songs 1) Take It Easy and 2) Manic Monday.
Here is why "Take It Easy": As I state below there are those people who have either known me personally or followed me on here long enough to know me well, and these people have sent me (through various means both online, in person, they have played in the lobby of YMCA, directly for me, email, spoof calls, spoof texts) coded messages for years, and one of these messages centers around the song "Take It Easy". These folks know me well enough to know that this song has always been one of my favorite tunes. Plus with the Toronto Birds Of Prey about to win, the Eagles make a great subject to study.

If you just click the label Manic Monday you can see why I refer to it regularly. I have known for a long time (since Prince was murdered at least) that Manic Monday refers to the hell, and particular Hell on a Monday that is coming, when we are attacked at the onset of WW3, or about a great stock market crash...or both.

I have to make at least one more post, and here is why: There are two main things that I have been tirelessly trying to figure out over the last few years, to help me and my kids, and to help others: 1) What is coming 2) When it is coming

There is no way that I can tell you or figure out everything that they are going to do to us, however, I do believe that I have gotten the gist, or the main part of it close enough so that you all know better how to prepare (which means moving or leaving for many of you depending on where you will reside WHEN it happens).

When it is coming? If there is one thing that I have stressed time and again is that figuring out "When" is harder than figuring out what, especially when trying to narrow it down to one day or even a group of days. I now believe 9/11/2019 is not the correct date, but it is close, but not close enough. And if half of my thesis is wrong, then I need to to my best to correct it. I actually, finally (after researching these November dates for a long time) figured it out yesterday, while working on what I wanted to be my last post....that BAM day will definitely be centered around Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 18, 19, 20. The timing of the stock market is what has mainly driven me to this conclusion over the last few days. (That and all of the BS code that different folks that follow me on here have sent me over the years. It is truly sad my friends that there are those people out there, that know with certainty when this shit will happen, and they will not tell me directly....because they are scared of the repercussions, as they have been told this date(s) by someone who clearly told them not to tell (or it might mean death for both) are people that think sending me info by code is different than spelling it out. In other words instead of sending me an email saying check out day 322 in year 2019 I get shit like..."Take It Easy". This is very sad...but it is very true.)

Bottom Line is this: I am going to do this post, and if I need to break it up into multiple posts, there may be one to a few more after this, concentrating on this one topic and label: "November Eighteenth". Obviously the Sports and Stock Market will be two big players in showing you this, along with plenty of other stuff.

Scorpio: First note that November 18th is during Scorpio season, one of the 3 water signs. The symbol for Scorpio is an "M" (13) with an arrow. "November" = 13. 1318 = 49 or 13. Glenn Frey was a Scorpio (DOB: 11/6/1948 (264). He died on the 18th day of the year, 1/18/2016. He was murdered by "The Numbers And Bullets Guy" just for this date. "January" = 9 so 1/18/2016 = 199 or 999. Also note that the two animals that represent Scorpio are the Scorpion and the Eagle...both predators. Glenn Frey was one of the two founders and leaders of the Eagles. November 6 is Glenn Frey's birthday but more importantly it is the day "The Great Flood Of Noah Began". "Noah" = 119.

11/18 Is Scorpio Season, One Of The Water Signs

Virgo: Next note Virgo. This is the sign that 9/11 falls under. And Jesus' was born on what would equate to 9/11 on our calendar (Revelation 12:1). Note that September is primarily Virgo season, and that November is primarily Scorpio season. Also note that Virgo's symbol is also that of an M just as Scorpio. What's more is that both of these months (September, November) are the only two that equal 13 in numerology. So one of my main points with the Astrology is that September and November are related in history...Jesus' Birth, Flood and Noah, and by Man's purposefully relating these months through Astrology as Astrology is not from God, it is from Man. Man always takes what God gives us and ruins it, perverts it or otherwise negative.

Virgo - One Of The Three Earth Signs

Year "Day of Week" pattern is 11,11,6. Note years 1929 (October Stock Crash) and 1963 (JFK 11/22). October 29 will fall on Tuesday this year as in 1929 and 11/22 will fall on Friday as it did in 1963. Also, not on this chart below, the most important year of all...1776. So July 4 is on Thursday this year, 9/11 is on Wednesday this year, just as they were in 1776 (Independence Day; Staten Island Peace Conference)

Most importantly note this: Here is the truth first: Jesus was 30 (approximately 30 years 6 months) when he was murdered. He was born on 9/11/3 BC. He would have turned 30 in the year 26 AD (minus one year for the 0 thing). So, if 2 thousand is important, and it sure seems to be then in 2026 will be 2030 years since Christ was born, and 2000 years since He was murdered.

Now, here is what they think, or at least what they want you to think: Jesus was 33 when He was murdered. This would mean that they think he would have turned 33 in 33 AD (I believe if you start at 0 there is no need to minus a year, but I could be wrong. And this means they think in 2033 would be 2000 years since He was murdered. It would be either 2032 or 2033. Either way, it is AFTER when the truth is which will defuse their plans. I think Christ returns somewhere between 2026 and 2030, but it will definitely be before their last great attack that would take everyone out to the number the really want. In other words, I am sorry my friends but you have been lied to. You will endure the Tribulation until you die or Christ returns. He will only return just before there is no hope to survive by our own strength. This is what I believe.

Years That Equal 2019

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024