Sunday, June 2, 2019

June Third: 7 Women: 4,2,1: 79: Birds Of Prey: NBA Finals: 7 Games

This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE and I am glad that I decided to do more posts to correct my mistake. You can doubt me all that you want to on this one, laugh or what the hell ever. The proof will be IN THE PUDDING by next Friday.

Tomorrow will be the center of the WV. There is no question about it, and I discovered this while I was researching more on the Eagles.

I promise you that this is how they operate. Everything they do is tied together with other things. June Third is very important date, but this is different. They are using History of the band "The Eagles" and their single "Take It Easy" and timing it with a 1,2,4 candle formation on the Dow Jones, and timing it with NBA finals and the 7 game match-up between Golden State Warriors (Eagle is a Raptor, the most famous one) and Toronto Raptors...who will be the victor. And, June 3, 2019 will literally and figuratively be in the "middle" of it all

If you expand the photo below I find it humorous that whoever scanned this publication (or someone marked it up) in market it with a 7 and a 9 on Tumbling Dice (Tumbling Dice was first played live on June 3, 1972!) and Hot Rod Lincoln (both of these are the peak, on this date of June 3, 1972)...the same number 79 that Take It Easy debuted at on June 3, 1972. 1972 = 19. June 3 is day 154...BAM.

June 3, 1972 - The Day "Take It Easy" Entered Charts At 79

Check out my other posts on this topic:

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024