Sunday, June 9, 2019

Toronto Raptors Will Kill Golden State Warriors On Monday, June 10, 2019

Just as predicted, the 221 candle group in the current bullhead nose, on the Dow Jones Charts is telling us that the NBA will be a 5 game series, and by the date of Game 5 and the numbers below, you can see that this is a very good probability. Both 73 and 16 are assassination or kill numbers as is 89. It is day 161 or Kill. "Toronto Raptors" = Kill. I told you that the Toronto (Canada, Foreign Country...the World...the New World Order) Raptors (Bird of Prey, Eagle) would kill Golden State Warriors, then take all of our Gold and Wealth, then kill us.

The stock market will top on 7/8 then crash on 7/15. They are going to take your wealth. That is going to just be the tip of the iceberg. Wait till WW3 begins on our soil in Late September. Then nearly all of us will be not working, other than to save our lives.

The proof is right here:

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024