Monday, September 30, 2019


I could not be more ecstatic. Not only with the BS Pelosi/Trump Impeachment/Assassination predictor. But, folks, I could have been posting stuff like this below several times everyday for the last few weeks. And it gets more direct by the day.

What is the chance, that since 11/8/2016 I told you Trump would be assassinated. I told you since 11/8/2016 that President 46 would become so through the 25th amendment and it would be the House Speaker...what is the chance that this close to BAM day, the person I have told you would take the office from the very one beginning Impeachment BS.

Updated: Stock Market Crash Will Be On 10/2 and 10/3: Shinzo Abe Says Goodbye On 7th

I believe I have it wrong on 10/7. I believe this will be the date of attack on Japan and South Korea. I still believe that Trump/Pence will get it on 10/29/2019. The numbers really do match up perfectly this way.

Today's candle (10/1/2019) should be very similar to yesterday's except it will probably be positioned a bit higher. It could be a very small cross or gravestone. It may begin to go down big, but for some reason I think it is going to gap down out of this whole Snout/M/Flag combo.

The graphic in my previous post, that I have posted on many times means exactly what it says...123. And, on the chart the "False Flag" still has a couple of days left. Plus, Eddie Money was murdered on 9/13, the last day before the gap down. 10/2 will be 13th trading day since Friday 13th when Money died.

Stock Market Crash Will Begin On 10/2/2019...or...123

Sunday, September 29, 2019

"You'll Hear From Me Tomorrow": 1,000,000 Million Percent Proof Market Crash 10/1 Thru 10/4

Stock Market Crashes October 1 through October 4....coming up

Update: Monday, 9/30/2019: Today's candle should end up with the body being within Friday's candle body. It will probably be a cross or a gravestone doji. I literally have no idea what you will be told caused the market crash, but it is going to begin to crash tomorrow.

The man who made doors 1,2,3 and the consolation prize famous died on 9/30/2017
Let's Make A Deal
DOB: 8/25/1921

Note the graphic below that I have shown over and over. 

October = 1; October = 6
X = 1
X = 6

X stands for October.
The 1 simply starts below, the weekday after the real crash will start on. Everything lines up with this graphic....EVERY THING. GOT IT. GOOD.

8/11/2017 = 11
Click Bait For Article On CNBC Released 8/11/2017
October 1 is day 274.


I will get the last laugh, that I promise. Every stupid braindead American that has laughed at me, that has called the cops on me, that has stolen from me, that has mocked me...Laughing My Mother Fucking Ass Off. All I can say is that I will be daydreaming about each and every stupid fool that has dissed me and my warning. Fools every fucking one of you.


I will have no remorse or sympathy for anyone who even tries to lay one finger on any of my kids. You fuck with any of my kids or their sustenance and you are fucked. Anyone, anyplace, anything that fucks with any of my kids will have an ill fated future. I can prove that already.

BAM day in America will begin on Monday, October 7 when Donald Trump and Mike Pence are assassinated by Vladimir Putin and Russia (This is what you will be told)

It is all coming up today and tomorrow, it is time. Your time to prepare will run out on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 and most definitely by Sunday, October 6, 2019....I have it all coming up and it is not good at all.

Nancy Pelosi will take the phony Oath Of President of USA on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. Do not believe me, I do not give a flying fuck anymore. We are all screwed, but those unprepared will be more screwed than me...that I promise...that and I will finally get the last fucking laugh.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

First Monday In October: Something Big Is Coming On 10/7/2019

Between September 29 and October 7, likely culminating on 10/7 this woman below will become President...or the events that lead to her Presidency will occur during this time.

Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are not just think they are.
Nancy Pelosi and George Bush are not just think they are.

Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton are not, never were on your side, whether you identify as a conservative or liberal. In fact, if you describe yourself as on of those you are simply taking part of their division brainwashing scheme. 

The hell with last posts. When you do not see a post from me, for an extended period of time, that is when you will know that my last post last post. I have researched this movie and story over and over...over the last few years and it has not made rock solid sense until this year and right now.

Nancy Pelosi ran and won her original House Seat because the predessesor had died. Research it yourself. I have shown you this all before. I will not be wrong. Nancy Pelois will be President 46. She was first Female Speaker and will be first Female President. She will preside over the beginning of WW3, Enactment of Martial Law, and Taking Your Guns away. I believe your own government will probably march down your street, come in your house and take your guns away, long before China's Army marches down our streets...WHICH THEY WILL WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

Sorry, They Are On The Same Side And It Is Not Yours

Pelosi's Coming Out Day - 2/12/1987

Monday, October 7, 2019 (173) is the first Monday in October, 2019. "First Monday In October" = 1379 or 10/07/2019. The title of this movie, about a "Woman First" is a direct reference to the exact and precise date of Monday, October 7, 2019, whether you want to believe it or not.

As I have shown you before, this below film BS is just that. The American People will believe anything, just as what the below film portrays. But, it's real significance may have absolutely nothing to do with The Supreme Court. I believe it has everything to do with THE FIRST AMERICAN FEMALE PRESIDENT.

I WILL NOT BE WRONG ON THIS ONE. Nancy Pelosi will be the first woman President, after both the President and Vice-President are assassinated. This is the law that they passed (25th Amendment). This is their plan to have a Democratic President take away your guns, and it will happen.  A FEMALE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT WILL PRESIDE OVER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE PHONY (EVERYTHING THIS COUNTRY REPRESENTS AND THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER IS PHONY) Second Amendment. And if you think the NRA is on the side of the second are brainwashed and plain wrong. They are just another shill of the New World Order to make you think someone is on your side.

Sandra Day O'Connor = Nancy Pelosi. Exact Birthday, exactly 10 years apart.

BIRTHDAYS ARE THE SAME FOLKS, YOU NEED TO WAKE THE HELL UP NOW. They are both Taurus the Bull, which is why there is a Bullhead/V on the charts, after the huge mother of all v's and before the Leviathan.

Note also that Walter Matthau, the lead star, has an important birthday...10/01/1920...which Tuesday, 10/01/2019.

The most important Jewish Holidays are just around the corner.

September 29 thru October 1

October 8,9

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Updated: Last Post: Grand Plan: No Need For Future Posts

Below is the base, primary reason for Arches and Crescents in all of the New World Order propaganda. Don't forget that 10/28 is "New Moon 1", while 10/29 is "New Moon 2" (otherwise known as the first visible moon after complete darkness, otherwise known as the first crescent or sliver...this is the "Truest" definition of "New Moon")

There is more water dammed and stored on the Missouri River than anywhere else in the country (the five mega reservoirs on the Missouri may not top Mead and Powell, point is the amount of water stored on the Missouri is huge, and it is vital irrigation water for your food as well), possibly the world. I have shown you, the entire top two feet of Lake Michigan, an amount of water the size of over 25 Lake Meads will be sent into the Chicago River, in reverse, and on down the Illinois River and Mississippi. St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans will all be completely underwater as you have never seen before. It is all just a little more than a month away my friends.

Lake Mead below, created by Hoover Dam, is the nations largest reservoir. If you live in NC and are familiar with Lake Norman it is about the size of 30-35 Lake Normans. Just the top two feet of Lake Michigan, which is what will reverse flow into the Chicago River once the sluice gates are destroyed, is the size of over 25 Lake Meads.

You should all study the Chicago River. It was reverse engineered 120 years ago by your Mad Scientist Evil New World Order government...just for the purpose of flooding our heartland with Lake Michigan...whether you want to believe it or not. You will believe it in a little over a month.

St. Louis, MO, aside from New Orleans Will Be Nation's Second Most Flooded City

Below is the primary reason for the "Bullhead". Bull = 911, but that is secondary. If you do not think that nearly all of the devastating storms are man made by your New World Order government, just read the article below. The snout of the Leviathan is still being drawn. Yes, they may take the market higher in the coming days and gap up above it. I just think that the twin top on Monday, Tuesday 7/15  and 7/16 (along with the "Trump Top" on 7/12) were the predicting dates for Monday, Tuesday 9/30 and 10/1 and also Monday, Tuesday 10/28 and 10/29.

The below article is from 9/24/2019. Translation: The elite and those "in the know" are BUNKERING DOWN because they know what is coming.

Here Is The Number One End Result Of Tribulation, As Earthy Folks Will See It (The few that are left, I will be dead or in the woods when this happens). Somewhere near, either on or close to, July 4, 2026, Jeb Bush will be President 48 and declare us into the New World Order. Nancy Pelosi will be President 46 until 1/20/2021. Paul Ryan should be President 47 with Jeb Bush being his VP. Then Ryan will either be assassinated or not run in 2024 and Jeb Bush will and win. It will be Bush 41,43,48. or 573...or...33.

Bush 41 = 55
Bush 43 = 57
Bush 48 = 53
Three Bushes = 138. BAM

This post and the previous post will be all that I need to do. If I need to update about the stock market I will simply update the previous post, or this one.

This post will contain what is going to happen over the next 7 years. Obviously there is no way that I will be able to get it anywhere near 100% accurate.

The biggest deficiency that nearly every person is going to have is how deceived they are and have been and their complete lack of understanding of who the true enemy is.

Now you may have personal enemies right now, and those enemies might could kill you or otherwise cause you great harm. But what I am talking about is the enemy in common that we all have, but unfortunately no one knows the identity of.

This will be ongoing. For any updates just check this post of my previous post. I am really going to try and put as much info in here as possible.

Note: For now, you need to plan for an INCH bag. If you do not know what this is just research it. Every prepper needs to do two things immediately and I will explain and break it down later. You need to plan for an attack at the end of October, and you need to plan to shelter in place, in your home or someone else's until the power comes back on. This means 3-12 months for most folks. Everyone should plan to have enough supplies to last them 12 months, in their home.

You should also have a get home bag, but do not be concerned about an intermediate bug out bag. The only reason to leave your home or shelter will be to escape the enemies' men, that will be coming after each and every one of us (when or after this happens, you will not be coming back home, or you will simply have to surrender to them. Note, if you do surrender, your problems will become much worse than if you had fled to the wilderness, but if you do (and going to FEMA camp is immediate surrender, you will never return home from a FEMA camp...that I promise) you will not be exempted from God's Kingdom...that is a lie from hell). The only way to survive, the long run, will be on the some point. They will tell you this is World War 3 to confuse you. What it is is Matthew 24 unfolding, otherwise know as the Tribulation, or simply trying times.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Updated: Market Crash 9/27 And/Or 9/30: Cramer Says So And It Makes Sense: Leviathan V Intraday

Update: 9/27/2019: At the end of the Leviathan's snout they have drawn a flag or wedge (false flag). The last four day's candles (so far today) have a long lower wick, in addition to being part of this flag. 4 means crash. False Flag means false flag. I think something is coming that is the catalyst for a huge market crash early next week.

Update: 9/26/2019: Stock Market Crash should begin on Monday, Tuesday 9/30 and 10/1. On Monday, 9/30/2019 the market will drop to the level of Monday, 6/3/2019. On Tuesday, 10/1/2019 the market will drop to the level of Monday, 12/24/2018. The my guess is that there will be a huge snap back then it will resume down until the market close on Friday, 10/25/2019. I do not think the market will open on Monday, 10/28/2019.

If you look at the Leviathan below notice there are 4 horns on the head. On the Dow chart the first two have already been drawn. I believe point 3 and 4 will be today and tomorrow. We will have to wait and see. Note the 3 protrusions on the belly. This is represented on the Dow Chart with those 3 tall red candles. It is all here, you can not deny that  Leviathan has been drawn on Dow chart. It is irrefutable, undeniable truth that is blatantly staring you in the eyes.

Undeniable That The Above Chart Is Not A Direct Reference To The Below Sea Monster

A Biblical Rendition Of A Leviathan Sea Monster

First note the intra day chart yesterday that I snipped right as they were finishing the below Leviathan, with an "V" attached to the end of the snout...well wouldn't you know that that is exactly what it looks like they are drawing on the daily chart. It looks as thought today and/or tomorrow should complete a mini V at the end of the snout...this is what I believe is the set up for the crash "V" or 22 on 9/27 and/or 9/30.

Dow Jones Daily Chart As Of Close On 9/23/2019

Note the similarities between the above daily chart and the below intra day chart of yesterday. Look at the Large "V" preceding the Sea Monster. Look at the Leviathan themselves. The note the snout. Below you can see the "V" complete at the end of the snout and above you can see the set up for the "V" that is likely coming today and or tomorrow.

Dow Jones Intra Day Chart Approximately 12:20 PM 9/23/2019

The only reason my timing on the crash has been off, is because my timing on BAM days has been off. But no more. Plus, the market patterns is telling us what is coming.

Watch the first video embedded in the story below and look at the 27...3 numbers. Here is all you need to know, and what should already be obvious: 9/30/2019 = 10/29/2019. They are 29 days apart. They are both 33. I believe the market crashes 9/27 and/or 9/30. They are both 99. They are both 9/3. China's 70th anniversary is on Tuesday, 10/1/2019, exactly 28 days or 4 weeks from 10/29.

You have 4 weeks and 5 days to prepare, as the grid WILL GO DOWN on Monday (Manic Monday) 10/28/2019, on the New Moon of October. There will be a brief period of manic unrest, not knowing after the entire grid goes down. It will be between a few minutes but no more than 24 hours between grid down darkness and loss of communication, and hell and flooding being unleashed.

Manic Monday, and all of the other songs about or with it in the title are referring to the "grid down" aspect of BAM days. Look it up yourself and you will see that there are more songs about Monday than any other day of the week. Because of this, I believe that the grid will go down sometime withing the normal business day...or early that morning. I also believe at this time that BAM day attacks will begin in early morning pre dawn hours on 10/29. So, I think there will be bare minimum of 12 hours grid down before the attacks, but more likely more than that, closer to 18 hours.

BTW the Spraying of the Skies resumed yesterday. You should fully expect at least two hurricanes and torrential rain to be here within 2 weeks. It has been several weeks since I have seen X's and spraying in the skies and the unusual heat and dry weather shows it...but that is all getting ready to come to an end....VERY QUICKLY.

On Monday, 9/10/2001 the market opened and closed as normal. This is where 9/11 and 10/29 are going to differ. I believe that "Manic Monday" will begin well before 9:30 AM. I believe it will happen pre dawn or during morning drive so as to literally create a "Manic Monday". I definitely think it will either happen during morning commute or afternoon commute and cause a manic panic.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Major Correction 2: BAM Day(s) Or Market Crash On 10/28 and 10/29

Trump's Inauguration To His Demise?

Either the stock market crash is on 10/28/2019 and 10/29/2019 or BAM day is. I am still working on this, it hit me in middle of night and I could not sleep.

Scenario 1: Crash next week and onward and BAM day is on 10/28 and 10/29
Scenario 2: Market gaps above Leviathan, or begins to rally and goes to new high (or not), and the market crashes on 10/28 and 10/29, then BAM day is on 11/12.

I believe it will be scenario 1. I believe that 10/28 and 10/29 will be BAM day regardless. The market could still gap up, go to new high or not, and still BAM day could be 10/28 and 10/29....but, with the current Dow Jones candle pattern it seems as though the market is getting ready to fall fast.

And, it could be that the market crash is not because of an physical attack, it could simply be blamed on Trade War, recession....whatever.

I am still working on this, but at this time, I believe that 10/29/1929 and the other dates involved, 9/16/1920 Wall Street Bombin, LionAir 610 Crash, and much much more are not referring or predicting the market crash, but instead is referring to BAM days. I could be wrong and the market goes up from here, crashes on 10/28 and 10/29 and then BAM day is on 11/12.

Next week should give us nearly 100% clarity on all of this. BAM day will be between now and 11/12...meaning you should leave danger areas....YESTERDAY

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Something Very Bad Is Getting Ready To Happen: 22% Crash 9/23, 9/24

Dow Jones Crashes 22 % in just two days, 9/23/2019 and 9/24/2019 CASE CLOSED

First off. BAM day is going to be on 11/12/2019 or 233.

Monday, 9/23/2019 is 233.

The two big selloffs that resulted in a "V" bottom ended on 12/24/2018 and 6/3/2019....or, and this is what is very important...362; 363....or all together now...923. THE TAIL OF THE LEVIATHAN BEGAN ON 6/3 OR 6/4 THE DAY AFTER. THE TAILS OF THESE MONSTERS ARE VERY LONG...THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE. I BELIEVE WE WILL BE AT THE LEVEL OF 12/24/2018...ON...9/24/2019

Crash coming up, and I think it possibly takes us to 12/24/ one day. I believe if this is the case, it will have to be a huge false flag event, such as a Northeast Asia attack by North Korea.

Yesterday was the very last day of the Leviathan and it has been going on for quite some time. They usually mark the end of their "work of art" by drawing it on the intra day charts the very last day...and this is what happened yesterday...courtesy of "China Negotiators" leaving early....all BS. Note that it was the "American Farmers" that China supposedly dissed. Folks, first off, their was probably no Chinese entourage over here. Second note it is the food source. We are not going to have any food. Most importantly note the two cities they abandoned...Bozeman, MT and Omaha, NE. Here is what is very, very, very important. Bozeman is at intersection of I-9 and US 191. 9/23 plus 9/24 = 9911. Also, and this is just as or more important, Bozeman lies in between of East and West Galatin Rivers (I have shown you this town and these rivers multiple times), which are the headwaters for Missouri River. Omaha, NE sits on the Missouri River. It is going to be completely underwater on or after 11/12/2019. Also, Omaha sits at the intersection of I-80 and I-480...or 83 or 11. So this one BS story did all of set up the day before crash day and finished the snout of Leviathan. It told you a crash is coming on 9/23 and 9/24...and it foretells of the coming agriculture crisis in the USA and the World. BAM!

Bozeman, Montana

Omaha, Nebraska

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leviathan Intra Day Proof

Major Correction: Crash Today Or 9/23: BAM Day On 11/12 As Forecast Earlier

As of 3:30 AM 9/20/2019 this post is not finished. I have no idea when I will finish it. The most important points are here already.

RFK Triborough Bridge NYC Clearly Showing Numerology

Note below the five twisted skyscrapers. 11/12. BAM = 43. Together they equal 12.

Click Bait For Fake Website And Company Ran On CNBC FoxNews 2015-2016

Since very early this year, I have pretty much only pondered two dates: 9/30 and 11/12. To be truthful I always thought 11/12 made much more sense from many perspectives...I just could never get all of the numbers to line up...WHY...because I was not trained in this foolish, devilish nonsense known as numerology or Gematria. But the truth is, if you do not learn it, you will always be lagging in figuring out what your New World Order is going to do to you. But then again also, if you do not learn how they intertwine the numbers with past and future events, you will be lagging there. And there is no way to ever get it all right. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT THAT BAM DAY IS IN 2019. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT IT IS EITHER IN SEPTEMBER OF NOVEMBER, IN MY OPINION. It could be October, but December is pretty much out.

Here are the main factors leading me to believe BAM day will be on 11/12:
The biggest reason for me doubting this day was the 33. My thought was that it should be blatant and obvious. And maybe it is to those who were trained how to decieve and hide shit by coding, but not to me. And maybe I just need to accept that it is more hidden. But it can only be the product of 11 and 3. All of the other numbers are there.

1. It is Ryan Gosling's birthday. Not only that, on his upcoming he will turn 39. But, the important part are his biggest movies...The Notebook (character Noah) and The Big Short. The Big Short was released on two dates...11/12, and 12/11.

2. The 9. It is a product of all three date components (2*3*3)
3. The 8. 2+3+3
4. The 46. 4+3+3
5. The 23.
6. The 43.
7. "Full Moon" = 63
8. "November" = 4. November = 2
9. "Water" = 4. "Flood" = 7.

I am absolutely just plain tired of posting on here, but I can not let a major mistake go like this. WARNING: Do not use my timing for your safety. You should already NOT be living in towns like Eden, NC, Charlotte, NC, Clemson, SC, and on and on. If you live in a town, next to a river, downstream from a major reservoir...or....along a coastline in the USA, including the Great Lakes...YOU NEED TO GET OUT NOW!!!!

I have said many, many times that the market would probably tell us when BAM day will happen...and I believe it is right now...

They are finishing the snout of the Leviathan Water Monster right now. It may have finished yesterday. HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART: The day after the snout is finished the market will begin a big decline. It may not be over 1000 points, but it will be obvious the snout is finished and the fire has begun.

Here is the caveat on the Leviathan: They have drawn a Leviathan whether you want to believe it or not. The tail comprises the week before and the week or so after the top in early to mid July. The body is very clear. And the neck, head and snout have been the last to draw.

Could they gap up or otherwise cloud the final rendition here, I guess so, but that would just not make much sense. I believe the market is going to begin crashing today or Monday, 9/23/2019.

As I have posted on and tried to show you all, what is coming is in big part a reconciliation for the original flood of Genesis. The flood of Noah would have begun in late October, and the initial 40 days of rain would have ended right around mid to late November. So, 11/12 would be right in the actual time frame of the Flood of Noah. God told us that He would not flood us again...HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART FOLKS...HE DID NOT SAY WE WOULD NOT BE FLOODED AGAIN...NEVER DOES IT SAY THAT, so that only means that we know who is doing it...the same offspring (figurative my friends, Noah was the only Man that was sensible enough to listen to God and prepare, all of the others laughed until the water began creeping up the side of the ship) that the original flood was intended for.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Final Final Last Post

Update: I believe they are finishing the snout of the Leviathan now. It probably will end up in the upper 270 range. The fire (red) comes out of the nostril next!!!

If the market closes almost precisely at 27000, and I think it will, then it crashes on 9/18 and that is the 99 I have been looking for. I think it is likely the catalyst will come on 9/17 here and 9/18 there. It could be both 18 or even 18 here, 19 there. The XXX graphic tells of a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...might this be it...I think so, I think now it is just a matter of whether the 17th will be counted in any of the chaos

Monday, September 16, 2019

Update To: Final Last Post: Trans Alaska Pipeline Or A Major Oil Asset Is Going Offline Soon

Update: Crash should be tomorrow Tuesday, 9/17/2019, according to the numbers this is very probable.

9/17/2019 4:00 AM: The closing numbers yesterday were: 27, 076.82. I believe that the market will begin to crash sometime today, likely closer toward the close, and then tomorrow it should free fall, and into the end of the week. As of today, and this matches with the close, there are 13 days left until BAM day, 9 trading days. Today is 9/17/2019 or 983 or 911. It is day 260. That equals 28. Both "seventeen" and "eighteen" equal 28. "Crash" = 4. "Stock Market Crash" = 5. The crash begins either today or tomorrow. It will be take either 8 or 9 days to drop 8900 points. Take your choice. By the way, the entire candle pattern since the top (the top and following flag is the tail) is a Leviathan Sea Monster, foretelling of the "Water Problems" to come. Right now the mouth is delivering the "Fire". Quite appropriate since Jimi Hendrix was murdered on 9/18/1970. (998).

Here are the most probable targets to me, and it will be North Korea that they tell you did the attack: (In my opinion there will be two or four of something. Either 4 targets or 4 missiles used on two targets. I am starting to believe it will be 1 missile each on 4 targets. Does not matter, whatever it is will not be good)

- Blue House South Korea
- Prime Minister Compound Japan (Has an "H" within a circle and two squares that has been placed on top of it, on the map)
- Yeosu, South Korea (The Refinery and general area has a Purple/Pink hue on it right now, just go to google maps and look for yourselves)
- Osaka, Japan
- Ulsan, South Korea
- Trans Alaska Pipeline

"Argon" = 28. Argon turns purple when electrified. One of the "Noble Gasses". Just so happens to be Atomic Number...18

It's primary use is in Light Bulbs and Welding (electric power, flame, light). The power is going out somewhere, in my opinion to facilitate whatever attack is getting ready to happen. We know it is going out no later than 9/30. But I feel as though somewhere, a defense asset is going down, and that will allow the attack. Might be Japan, South Korea, Alaska or more or a combo.

"Fire", on a day that equals 11, 13 days from "Hell" and it totals 28 and the spelling equals 28. You tell me, what is getting ready to happen???

"Listen Here Baby, Stop Acting So Crazy" (I had it on Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits)

Whatever is getting ready to happen, between today and tomorrow (9/16 and 9/17) is going to affect your Money and Your Fuel.

There is going to be an interruption to your fuel supply and your money supply. Is all of this referring to 9/30/2019 and beyond...possibly, but I feel as thought the stock market crash begins today and goes into tomorrow.

Eddie Money - Dead
The Cars - Dead

Saudi Arabia BS

Will Ulsan, South Korea be a target today or tomorrow. It is home to the World's largest shipyard, largest automobile plant and third largest refinery???

You will no longer have money, you will no longer have gas for your cars, you will no longer be able to afford to drive your car. If this does not happen by tomorrow, it is going to happen in two weeks.

This is either going to happen now, or in two weeks.

Something is getting ready to happen to your money, your cars, and likely your power.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Update To Last Post: Wall Street Bombing Of 1920 Is Proof: Crash 1 Week Away

Last Post (I am through, just not enough time)

Update: The current chart pattern is a Leviathan. Japan and possibly South Korea will be attacked on 9/15/2019. I missed this for same reason as 9/9. I will post explanation later today or tomorrow.

Second Update: The twin market top on 7/15-16, 2019 is a predictor of Trump/Pence and Moon/Shinzo demise. It predicts 9/15 attack and 9/16 market crash. This is what I believe and why I think the top should hold. If it doesn't the market still crashes Monday which means the top will have to be by Friday, latest. The Leviathan pattern finished yesterday I think, and now it is just a finishing phase that may make new high, but probably won't.

Third Update: The Dow Jones should not make a new high. They are going to crash it from 9,000 points above the Trump Rally start, or...27,332.74. Remember, they closed a new high at this level the Friday before the Final Trump Top on 7/15, or...7/12. So, tomorrow the close should be very close to 27, 332.74. Then the market crashes 9000 points in 2 weeks.

Last Update: (Friday, 9/13/2019) The market could easily go to the 27332.74 level today, but I think it will be close to exactly 100 points lower than that or around 27232.74. This would make for an 8900 point drop in 2 weeks, and that would take us to level of 11/8/2016. This is where the market should end today. There is no question at this point, and this is why there is no more updates needed. North Korea (The New World Order Division Of) will attack Japan and more than likely South later than 9/16/2019...their time. It is possible that this attack will not happen until Monday morning our time as well, which of course would put the attack in the late evening their time. We will have to wait and see...IT IS OVER. If you do not have what you need by sometime this weekend, you may or may not be able to procure it afterward. There is no way that I or anyone else can tell you how things will go between 9/16 and 9/ will likely be chaotic. It all depends on what they (New World Order) want, what they think is best, what they have had planned for eons. So, to figure out what might happen you have to think about what they would want. In my opinion, they want chaos, because in two weeks time, there is no possible way for anyone who has no preparation, to become prepared. They want to watch everyone "trying" to prepare, only to see everything run fuel...and food. I think this is what the scene will be like....two weeks of a "winter storm forecast" of hell, or hurricane.

The other option is...they want to keep you all contained and calm. This is very possible, and they can do it, cause they can do whatever they want to. I would prefer this option cause I know what is coming, and it would afford me two more weeks of calm to prepare...but....for some reason my friends, I believe you only have 2-3 days more of normalcy...then it is chaos and curtains.

(Last Prediction: Friday, 9/13/2019 4:00 AM): Option A: The Dow Jones will close very close to 27,232.74 today (It will likely be a cross to match yesterday's and give us a 33...or it will be a gravestone doji). On Sunday Morning, 9/15/2019 Japan Time (between 4 AM and 7 AM) North Korea will attack Japan, and probably South Korea. It will be mid-afternoon, tomorrow, Saturday, 9/14/2019 EDT. On Monday, 9/16/20109 the world markets crash. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will drop very close to 8900 points in exactly 2 weeks taking us to the level of Trump's election day, 11/8/2016. The real hell for the USA will then begin on Saturday, 9/28/2019 when the grid shuts completely down. Before Midnight on 9/28/2019 the power will be off, cell phones and land lines will not work. After a period of time, there will be no water (and, if that is not bad enough, there will be no sewer, but the worst part is...the sewer will come to you in city dwellers had better have a plan to somehow put a "stopper" on every sewer connection in your home or you will have to deal with regurgitating sewage in your home...that's real nice.) Then there will be two days of chaos, but eerily silence as well. Two days of fear, that no one will have any idea of what is coming. They will have no idea of the flood that awaits them. They will have no idea that Manhattan will soon become an island with 2 million people without food, water, or a way off. They will have no idea that Clemson, SC and Columbia, SC will be completely underwater. They will have no idea that Tidal Waves will strike nearly every coastline, including all five Great Lakes. They will have no idea that the Alaskan Pipeline will be destroyed. They will have no idea that the Golden Gate Bridge will be destroyed. They will have no idea that in two days there will be Chinese and Russian planes dotting our skies, taking out our resources and killing us. That is when the real shit hits the fan. Two days after the grid goes down...then the real hell begins. This is what is getting ready to unfold, in real time, right before your eyes, whether you want to believe me...or not. 

Option B: Everything is same as Option A except this: The North Korea attacks occur very early on 9/17/2019 (983) which would equate to afternoon EDT on 9/16. This would mean the markets open fairly normal and then in the afternoon as the news hits, they crash. This is the only other option and if it is the option the time frame can only be as described above. The stock market WILL CRASH sometime on 9/16, whether it is right at the open or later in the day which means if the attack is on 9/17 it will have to be no later than around 4 to 4:30 AM Japan Time. Given the importance of the numbers 8,9,89 this is a very likely option. If this is the option, one thing that will probably be different that Option A will be the DJIA numbers. If 9/17 is attack day then I think the Dow will probably be hovering at the 27332.74 area right when then news hits and the markets fall. The more I ponder this whole thing that more that Option B seems like the most likely.

Like my OLD friends Pete C., BOB T. and Johnny P. used to say, we are all going to have one of those "REAL GOOD TIMES". 

Note: There is no need to illustrate this, but if you look at the daily chart, the last pattern after the last tall red candle will be...3...4...3...4 or 77 and there should be another gap tomorrow separating the last four from the last three

9/16/1920 (Same exact number as 9/16/2019) is exactly 99 years from 9/16/2019. I should not have missed this as I have researched this BS event many times, however they were always from the perspective of another year. This one works flawlessly and perfectly. Now there is really no more need for any more posts. If I am wrong on this, there is still no need for any more posts as I will not be wrong on BAM day, and even if I am on that, what more could I possible share that I have not already???

Will there be an instigator before next Monday to start the crash. Probably, but I do not have time to try and figure it out. Shinzo Abe will suffer same fate as Trump does on 9/30. Will it be before or after??? I don't know but before seems more likely. Either way, the market crashes next Monday, 9/16/2019. Will there be another high??? It is likely in my opinion. I think 27,700 would be most likely the 3 digit handle if it does go to new high. If it does make a new high, I believe it will be on Thursday, 9/12. Exactly 18 days before BAM day.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Correction: Shinzo Abe(Abe Lincoln) And Wife Akie Will Be Attacked 9/9/2019

Donald Trump, USA will declare war on North Korea and possibly China and Russia as well...on 9/11/2019, 19 days before the great attack on us here.

Note: I also believe that Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jong-sook will may be attacked and killed in "The Blue House"...the official Presidential Residence. (This one is hard to call, Japan is 100% certain)

Study the below storm that just finished crossing the Korean peninsula. Supposedly the worst storm to ever hit North Korea. This storm, I believe represents what happens to North Korea after they attack Japan and possibly South Korea

Abraham Lincoln  =  Shinzo Abe

Shinzo Abe and his Wife, along with the Prime Minister Residence Compound in Tokyo will be attacked on 9/9/2019. Shinzo Abe will more than likely die the following day on 9/10/2019...just as Abe Lincoln did. He was attacked on 4/14 and died on 4/15.

There is so much to this but there is only one piece of info, that anyone with a brain, should be able to see without anymore info, that proves this compound will be attacked.

I have shown you the below photo before, when I started investigating this matter. Clearly the "H" within the two squares is indicating this area is a target, that will likely get struck twice. I now believe the two missiles represent Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Abe and Wife, North Korea and more. My friends, this "H" has been put in here by Google or whomever that is New World Order. It is not structural, although I could easily see a braindead sheep trying to believe that. As this building will no longer be here, the H Square Square will be gone afterward.

"target" = 53
"kill" = 53

Case Closed

Prime Minister Residence Compound, Tokyo, Japan

It may be calendar day 9/8 or 9/9 EDT. We will have to wait and see.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

100% Chance North Korea Makes A Twin Attack Today: Proof Here: Total Vindication By Monday Latest

Do not be surprised, if the attacks occur near or exact to the twin candles shown below, that is, around 3:30, today. 

The "Two Twin" Candles appeared just after the "False Flag". Their times were: 3:30, 3:31 then two candle, two minute gap, then the last two were at: 3:34, 3:35...all PM.

Sure Your Vote Counts. That Is Why We Are Better Off Now, Than Then


330 PM = 62 (8)
331 PM = 63 (9)
332 PM = 64 (1)
333 PM = 65 (2)
334 PM = 12 (3)
335 PM = 13 (4)

891 or 99

Dow Intraday Chart Showing Two Twins Seperated By Twin Gap...After False Flag...Not Good

Thursday, September 5, 2019

NOT GOOD! 27 Candles: 27,000 (Probably 26): 9/9: Crash: Updated: Intraday "V"/False Flag/ Bullhead

As of now at 2:00 there is a clear "V" and what looks like a false flag in progress...I will post the chart after the flag is finished

This is not good my friends, I watched all of the closing numbers and 9/7 and 9/8 and 9/9 were prominent, something is going to happen this weekend. The flag begin at 1:30 PM  (42) Precisely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting on 7/31 there are 3 down candles that lead into the 24 candle "false flag". If it went to 27000 it would be a tall green candle and it also would not make as good of a flag shape either. I think it ends up a hanging man or a cross. It will be total 27 candles on 9/6/3 or 99. On 9/9/3 (9 x 3) 18...27 before the open there will be 27 candles. I do not think the two digit handle has to be 27 I think 26 means kill and that is good enough. Could it be the day after on 9/10? Sure, but I think today is the end of the line. I believe North Korea instigates WW3 over this coming weekend, then the market crashes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Correction: Correction: 24 Candles Is All That Matters

Obviously the holiday made me forget the count of candles this week. And, it looks like there will not be another tall red candle...until the crash that is, and that will be next Monday.

Here is what the amalgamated bunch of manipulated and planned bullshit stock market candle pattern will look like close on Friday:

Note: The highest close in this BS was on 8/30. It was a Hanging Man. The absolute high for the day on 8/3 was 26,514.62...or 818

Pattern started on 8/5 with the first tall red candle. Then 6 candles arranged in 222. The second tall red candle was on 8/14. Then 6 candles arranged in 24. Then the third tall red candle on 8/23. Then there will be 9 candles arranged 36 in my opinion. So we have 93 twice.

The North Korea attack will occur on 9/8 their time and 9/7 ours. There is your 96. And of course the reference to 993 and also to 9/30/2019.

I believe the three digit handle on the Dow will be 265 on Friday which means it is going a bit higher. I still believe that the closes on 6/3/2019, 12/24/2018, 11/8/2016 will still be landed on or near.

24 = "False Flag;" And as in a recent post I showed you, just before the current pattern was a "False Flag"

The number of candles can and will not change by Friday. The arrangement may, but it will still mean False Flag, and that will occur on 9/7/2019 our time, 9/8/2019 their time.

Monday, September 2, 2019

666: 493: Finally: Market Will Not Be At 27000 On 9/6/2019: 255 Is

This is probably last post on the Stock Market I will make (Probably Very Last Post Regardless Of Topic. If I make another post it will probably be to tell you why it is my last), at least until after the crash has truly begun, which should be next Monday, 9/9/2019.

The 123 Plan Is Finally Revealed And Concrete

First note below that the chart pattern started with a gap down and the first long red candle, on 8/5/2019. This chart pattern will be comprised of 4 long red candles with 3 groups of 6 candles with each of the 3 groups arranged like this...222; 24;33. Here is what happens this week:

Monday: Third Group of 6 is finished with a 33 pattern.
Tuesday: Fourth and Final Long Red candle back down to the 25500 area.
Wednesday: 1st of final three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.
Thursday: 2nd Of final three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.
Friday: 3rd and final of the three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.

Whole Large 493 candle pattern will then be complete.

"September" = 4. 9 = 9. 2019 = 3...493.

Monday, September 9, 2019...Market Crash begins.

Friday, 9/13/2019 Market ends around 24,800 or the level of 6/3/2019.
Friday, 9/20/219 Market ends around 21, 700 or the level of 12/24/2018.
Friday, 9/27/2019 Market ends around 18, 300 or the level of 11/8/2016.

This is the whole and final plan. No more posts needed.

493 It Will Be Finished Friday, 9/6/2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Dorian: If They Keep It Offshore It Is Even More Telling And Predictive

Latest report is this storm will destroy the Bahamas but track just off of the shores of Florida, Georgia, SC, NC and on and on. This will cause heavy tide, surf, waves. They are telling you what is coming in just 4 weeks to all of our coastlines.

This is their plan. Everyone will feel relieved and calm. Everyone went out and got enough supplies to last them a couple of days or at most a couple of weeks. Now they think they are prepared to weather the storm. How wrong they are. Plus, you cannot weather being under Dreher Shoals Dam in Columbia, SC...ain't possible. You cannot weather a 100' Tidal Wave on Highway 17 in Myrtle Beach, on Highway 41 in Naples, FL...ain't possible.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024