Monday, September 9, 2019

Update To Last Post: Wall Street Bombing Of 1920 Is Proof: Crash 1 Week Away

Last Post (I am through, just not enough time)

Update: The current chart pattern is a Leviathan. Japan and possibly South Korea will be attacked on 9/15/2019. I missed this for same reason as 9/9. I will post explanation later today or tomorrow.

Second Update: The twin market top on 7/15-16, 2019 is a predictor of Trump/Pence and Moon/Shinzo demise. It predicts 9/15 attack and 9/16 market crash. This is what I believe and why I think the top should hold. If it doesn't the market still crashes Monday which means the top will have to be by Friday, latest. The Leviathan pattern finished yesterday I think, and now it is just a finishing phase that may make new high, but probably won't.

Third Update: The Dow Jones should not make a new high. They are going to crash it from 9,000 points above the Trump Rally start, or...27,332.74. Remember, they closed a new high at this level the Friday before the Final Trump Top on 7/15, or...7/12. So, tomorrow the close should be very close to 27, 332.74. Then the market crashes 9000 points in 2 weeks.

Last Update: (Friday, 9/13/2019) The market could easily go to the 27332.74 level today, but I think it will be close to exactly 100 points lower than that or around 27232.74. This would make for an 8900 point drop in 2 weeks, and that would take us to level of 11/8/2016. This is where the market should end today. There is no question at this point, and this is why there is no more updates needed. North Korea (The New World Order Division Of) will attack Japan and more than likely South later than 9/16/2019...their time. It is possible that this attack will not happen until Monday morning our time as well, which of course would put the attack in the late evening their time. We will have to wait and see...IT IS OVER. If you do not have what you need by sometime this weekend, you may or may not be able to procure it afterward. There is no way that I or anyone else can tell you how things will go between 9/16 and 9/ will likely be chaotic. It all depends on what they (New World Order) want, what they think is best, what they have had planned for eons. So, to figure out what might happen you have to think about what they would want. In my opinion, they want chaos, because in two weeks time, there is no possible way for anyone who has no preparation, to become prepared. They want to watch everyone "trying" to prepare, only to see everything run fuel...and food. I think this is what the scene will be like....two weeks of a "winter storm forecast" of hell, or hurricane.

The other option is...they want to keep you all contained and calm. This is very possible, and they can do it, cause they can do whatever they want to. I would prefer this option cause I know what is coming, and it would afford me two more weeks of calm to prepare...but....for some reason my friends, I believe you only have 2-3 days more of normalcy...then it is chaos and curtains.

(Last Prediction: Friday, 9/13/2019 4:00 AM): Option A: The Dow Jones will close very close to 27,232.74 today (It will likely be a cross to match yesterday's and give us a 33...or it will be a gravestone doji). On Sunday Morning, 9/15/2019 Japan Time (between 4 AM and 7 AM) North Korea will attack Japan, and probably South Korea. It will be mid-afternoon, tomorrow, Saturday, 9/14/2019 EDT. On Monday, 9/16/20109 the world markets crash. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will drop very close to 8900 points in exactly 2 weeks taking us to the level of Trump's election day, 11/8/2016. The real hell for the USA will then begin on Saturday, 9/28/2019 when the grid shuts completely down. Before Midnight on 9/28/2019 the power will be off, cell phones and land lines will not work. After a period of time, there will be no water (and, if that is not bad enough, there will be no sewer, but the worst part is...the sewer will come to you in city dwellers had better have a plan to somehow put a "stopper" on every sewer connection in your home or you will have to deal with regurgitating sewage in your home...that's real nice.) Then there will be two days of chaos, but eerily silence as well. Two days of fear, that no one will have any idea of what is coming. They will have no idea of the flood that awaits them. They will have no idea that Manhattan will soon become an island with 2 million people without food, water, or a way off. They will have no idea that Clemson, SC and Columbia, SC will be completely underwater. They will have no idea that Tidal Waves will strike nearly every coastline, including all five Great Lakes. They will have no idea that the Alaskan Pipeline will be destroyed. They will have no idea that the Golden Gate Bridge will be destroyed. They will have no idea that in two days there will be Chinese and Russian planes dotting our skies, taking out our resources and killing us. That is when the real shit hits the fan. Two days after the grid goes down...then the real hell begins. This is what is getting ready to unfold, in real time, right before your eyes, whether you want to believe me...or not. 

Option B: Everything is same as Option A except this: The North Korea attacks occur very early on 9/17/2019 (983) which would equate to afternoon EDT on 9/16. This would mean the markets open fairly normal and then in the afternoon as the news hits, they crash. This is the only other option and if it is the option the time frame can only be as described above. The stock market WILL CRASH sometime on 9/16, whether it is right at the open or later in the day which means if the attack is on 9/17 it will have to be no later than around 4 to 4:30 AM Japan Time. Given the importance of the numbers 8,9,89 this is a very likely option. If this is the option, one thing that will probably be different that Option A will be the DJIA numbers. If 9/17 is attack day then I think the Dow will probably be hovering at the 27332.74 area right when then news hits and the markets fall. The more I ponder this whole thing that more that Option B seems like the most likely.

Like my OLD friends Pete C., BOB T. and Johnny P. used to say, we are all going to have one of those "REAL GOOD TIMES". 

Note: There is no need to illustrate this, but if you look at the daily chart, the last pattern after the last tall red candle will be...3...4...3...4 or 77 and there should be another gap tomorrow separating the last four from the last three

9/16/1920 (Same exact number as 9/16/2019) is exactly 99 years from 9/16/2019. I should not have missed this as I have researched this BS event many times, however they were always from the perspective of another year. This one works flawlessly and perfectly. Now there is really no more need for any more posts. If I am wrong on this, there is still no need for any more posts as I will not be wrong on BAM day, and even if I am on that, what more could I possible share that I have not already???

Will there be an instigator before next Monday to start the crash. Probably, but I do not have time to try and figure it out. Shinzo Abe will suffer same fate as Trump does on 9/30. Will it be before or after??? I don't know but before seems more likely. Either way, the market crashes next Monday, 9/16/2019. Will there be another high??? It is likely in my opinion. I think 27,700 would be most likely the 3 digit handle if it does go to new high. If it does make a new high, I believe it will be on Thursday, 9/12. Exactly 18 days before BAM day.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024