Obviously the holiday made me forget the count of candles this week. And, it looks like there will not be another tall red candle...until the crash that is, and that will be next Monday.
Here is what the amalgamated bunch of manipulated and planned bullshit stock market candle pattern will look like close on Friday:
Note: The highest close in this BS was on 8/30. It was a Hanging Man. The absolute high for the day on 8/3 was 26,514.62...or 818
Pattern started on 8/5 with the first tall red candle. Then 6 candles arranged in 222. The second tall red candle was on 8/14. Then 6 candles arranged in 24. Then the third tall red candle on 8/23. Then there will be 9 candles arranged 36 in my opinion. So we have 93 twice.
The North Korea attack will occur on 9/8 their time and 9/7 ours. There is your 96. And of course the reference to 993 and also to 9/30/2019.
I believe the three digit handle on the Dow will be 265 on Friday which means it is going a bit higher. I still believe that the closes on 6/3/2019, 12/24/2018, 11/8/2016 will still be landed on or near.
24 = "False Flag;" And as in a recent post I showed you, just before the current pattern was a "False Flag"
The number of candles can and will not change by Friday. The arrangement may, but it will still mean False Flag, and that will occur on 9/7/2019 our time, 9/8/2019 their time.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM): https://thebsdetectordaily.blogspot.com/2019/04/TigerWoodsOrPatrickReedWins.html...
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