Friday, September 20, 2019

Major Correction: Crash Today Or 9/23: BAM Day On 11/12 As Forecast Earlier

As of 3:30 AM 9/20/2019 this post is not finished. I have no idea when I will finish it. The most important points are here already.

RFK Triborough Bridge NYC Clearly Showing Numerology

Note below the five twisted skyscrapers. 11/12. BAM = 43. Together they equal 12.

Click Bait For Fake Website And Company Ran On CNBC FoxNews 2015-2016

Since very early this year, I have pretty much only pondered two dates: 9/30 and 11/12. To be truthful I always thought 11/12 made much more sense from many perspectives...I just could never get all of the numbers to line up...WHY...because I was not trained in this foolish, devilish nonsense known as numerology or Gematria. But the truth is, if you do not learn it, you will always be lagging in figuring out what your New World Order is going to do to you. But then again also, if you do not learn how they intertwine the numbers with past and future events, you will be lagging there. And there is no way to ever get it all right. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT THAT BAM DAY IS IN 2019. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT IT IS EITHER IN SEPTEMBER OF NOVEMBER, IN MY OPINION. It could be October, but December is pretty much out.

Here are the main factors leading me to believe BAM day will be on 11/12:
The biggest reason for me doubting this day was the 33. My thought was that it should be blatant and obvious. And maybe it is to those who were trained how to decieve and hide shit by coding, but not to me. And maybe I just need to accept that it is more hidden. But it can only be the product of 11 and 3. All of the other numbers are there.

1. It is Ryan Gosling's birthday. Not only that, on his upcoming he will turn 39. But, the important part are his biggest movies...The Notebook (character Noah) and The Big Short. The Big Short was released on two dates...11/12, and 12/11.

2. The 9. It is a product of all three date components (2*3*3)
3. The 8. 2+3+3
4. The 46. 4+3+3
5. The 23.
6. The 43.
7. "Full Moon" = 63
8. "November" = 4. November = 2
9. "Water" = 4. "Flood" = 7.

I am absolutely just plain tired of posting on here, but I can not let a major mistake go like this. WARNING: Do not use my timing for your safety. You should already NOT be living in towns like Eden, NC, Charlotte, NC, Clemson, SC, and on and on. If you live in a town, next to a river, downstream from a major reservoir...or....along a coastline in the USA, including the Great Lakes...YOU NEED TO GET OUT NOW!!!!

I have said many, many times that the market would probably tell us when BAM day will happen...and I believe it is right now...

They are finishing the snout of the Leviathan Water Monster right now. It may have finished yesterday. HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART: The day after the snout is finished the market will begin a big decline. It may not be over 1000 points, but it will be obvious the snout is finished and the fire has begun.

Here is the caveat on the Leviathan: They have drawn a Leviathan whether you want to believe it or not. The tail comprises the week before and the week or so after the top in early to mid July. The body is very clear. And the neck, head and snout have been the last to draw.

Could they gap up or otherwise cloud the final rendition here, I guess so, but that would just not make much sense. I believe the market is going to begin crashing today or Monday, 9/23/2019.

As I have posted on and tried to show you all, what is coming is in big part a reconciliation for the original flood of Genesis. The flood of Noah would have begun in late October, and the initial 40 days of rain would have ended right around mid to late November. So, 11/12 would be right in the actual time frame of the Flood of Noah. God told us that He would not flood us again...HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART FOLKS...HE DID NOT SAY WE WOULD NOT BE FLOODED AGAIN...NEVER DOES IT SAY THAT, so that only means that we know who is doing it...the same offspring (figurative my friends, Noah was the only Man that was sensible enough to listen to God and prepare, all of the others laughed until the water began creeping up the side of the ship) that the original flood was intended for.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024