Saturday, September 28, 2019

First Monday In October: Something Big Is Coming On 10/7/2019

Between September 29 and October 7, likely culminating on 10/7 this woman below will become President...or the events that lead to her Presidency will occur during this time.

Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are not just think they are.
Nancy Pelosi and George Bush are not just think they are.

Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton are not, never were on your side, whether you identify as a conservative or liberal. In fact, if you describe yourself as on of those you are simply taking part of their division brainwashing scheme. 

The hell with last posts. When you do not see a post from me, for an extended period of time, that is when you will know that my last post last post. I have researched this movie and story over and over...over the last few years and it has not made rock solid sense until this year and right now.

Nancy Pelosi ran and won her original House Seat because the predessesor had died. Research it yourself. I have shown you this all before. I will not be wrong. Nancy Pelois will be President 46. She was first Female Speaker and will be first Female President. She will preside over the beginning of WW3, Enactment of Martial Law, and Taking Your Guns away. I believe your own government will probably march down your street, come in your house and take your guns away, long before China's Army marches down our streets...WHICH THEY WILL WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

Sorry, They Are On The Same Side And It Is Not Yours

Pelosi's Coming Out Day - 2/12/1987

Monday, October 7, 2019 (173) is the first Monday in October, 2019. "First Monday In October" = 1379 or 10/07/2019. The title of this movie, about a "Woman First" is a direct reference to the exact and precise date of Monday, October 7, 2019, whether you want to believe it or not.

As I have shown you before, this below film BS is just that. The American People will believe anything, just as what the below film portrays. But, it's real significance may have absolutely nothing to do with The Supreme Court. I believe it has everything to do with THE FIRST AMERICAN FEMALE PRESIDENT.

I WILL NOT BE WRONG ON THIS ONE. Nancy Pelosi will be the first woman President, after both the President and Vice-President are assassinated. This is the law that they passed (25th Amendment). This is their plan to have a Democratic President take away your guns, and it will happen.  A FEMALE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT WILL PRESIDE OVER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE PHONY (EVERYTHING THIS COUNTRY REPRESENTS AND THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER IS PHONY) Second Amendment. And if you think the NRA is on the side of the second are brainwashed and plain wrong. They are just another shill of the New World Order to make you think someone is on your side.

Sandra Day O'Connor = Nancy Pelosi. Exact Birthday, exactly 10 years apart.

BIRTHDAYS ARE THE SAME FOLKS, YOU NEED TO WAKE THE HELL UP NOW. They are both Taurus the Bull, which is why there is a Bullhead/V on the charts, after the huge mother of all v's and before the Leviathan.

Note also that Walter Matthau, the lead star, has an important birthday...10/01/1920...which Tuesday, 10/01/2019.

The most important Jewish Holidays are just around the corner.

September 29 thru October 1

October 8,9

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024