Monday, September 2, 2019

666: 493: Finally: Market Will Not Be At 27000 On 9/6/2019: 255 Is

This is probably last post on the Stock Market I will make (Probably Very Last Post Regardless Of Topic. If I make another post it will probably be to tell you why it is my last), at least until after the crash has truly begun, which should be next Monday, 9/9/2019.

The 123 Plan Is Finally Revealed And Concrete

First note below that the chart pattern started with a gap down and the first long red candle, on 8/5/2019. This chart pattern will be comprised of 4 long red candles with 3 groups of 6 candles with each of the 3 groups arranged like this...222; 24;33. Here is what happens this week:

Monday: Third Group of 6 is finished with a 33 pattern.
Tuesday: Fourth and Final Long Red candle back down to the 25500 area.
Wednesday: 1st of final three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.
Thursday: 2nd Of final three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.
Friday: 3rd and final of the three candles on other side of 4th long red candle.

Whole Large 493 candle pattern will then be complete.

"September" = 4. 9 = 9. 2019 = 3...493.

Monday, September 9, 2019...Market Crash begins.

Friday, 9/13/2019 Market ends around 24,800 or the level of 6/3/2019.
Friday, 9/20/219 Market ends around 21, 700 or the level of 12/24/2018.
Friday, 9/27/2019 Market ends around 18, 300 or the level of 11/8/2016.

This is the whole and final plan. No more posts needed.

493 It Will Be Finished Friday, 9/6/2019

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024