Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Updated: Last Post: Grand Plan: No Need For Future Posts

Below is the base, primary reason for Arches and Crescents in all of the New World Order propaganda. Don't forget that 10/28 is "New Moon 1", while 10/29 is "New Moon 2" (otherwise known as the first visible moon after complete darkness, otherwise known as the first crescent or sliver...this is the "Truest" definition of "New Moon")


There is more water dammed and stored on the Missouri River than anywhere else in the country (the five mega reservoirs on the Missouri may not top Mead and Powell, point is the amount of water stored on the Missouri is huge, and it is vital irrigation water for your food as well), possibly the world. But...as I have shown you, the entire top two feet of Lake Michigan, an amount of water the size of over 25 Lake Meads will be sent into the Chicago River, in reverse, and on down the Illinois River and Mississippi. St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans will all be completely underwater as you have never seen before. It is all just a little more than a month away my friends.

Lake Mead below, created by Hoover Dam, is the nations largest reservoir. If you live in NC and are familiar with Lake Norman it is about the size of 30-35 Lake Normans. Just the top two feet of Lake Michigan, which is what will reverse flow into the Chicago River once the sluice gates are destroyed, is the size of over 25 Lake Meads.

You should all study the Chicago River. It was reverse engineered 120 years ago by your Mad Scientist Evil New World Order government...just for the purpose of flooding our heartland with Lake Michigan...whether you want to believe it or not. You will believe it in a little over a month.


St. Louis, MO, aside from New Orleans Will Be Nation's Second Most Flooded City

Below is the primary reason for the "Bullhead". Bull = 911, but that is secondary. If you do not think that nearly all of the devastating storms are man made by your New World Order government, just read the article below. The snout of the Leviathan is still being drawn. Yes, they may take the market higher in the coming days and gap up above it. I just think that the twin top on Monday, Tuesday 7/15  and 7/16 (along with the "Trump Top" on 7/12) were the predicting dates for Monday, Tuesday 9/30 and 10/1 and also Monday, Tuesday 10/28 and 10/29.


The below article is from 9/24/2019. Translation: The elite and those "in the know" are BUNKERING DOWN because they know what is coming.


Here Is The Number One End Result Of Tribulation, As Earthy Folks Will See It (The few that are left, I will be dead or in the woods when this happens). Somewhere near, either on or close to, July 4, 2026, Jeb Bush will be President 48 and declare us into the New World Order. Nancy Pelosi will be President 46 until 1/20/2021. Paul Ryan should be President 47 with Jeb Bush being his VP. Then Ryan will either be assassinated or not run in 2024 and Jeb Bush will and win. It will be Bush 41,43,48. or 573...or...33.

Bush 41 = 55
Bush 43 = 57
Bush 48 = 53
Three Bushes = 138. BAM

This post and the previous post will be all that I need to do. If I need to update about the stock market I will simply update the previous post, or this one.

This post will contain what is going to happen over the next 7 years. Obviously there is no way that I will be able to get it anywhere near 100% accurate.

The biggest deficiency that nearly every person is going to have is how deceived they are and have been and their complete lack of understanding of who the true enemy is.

Now you may have personal enemies right now, and those enemies might could kill you or otherwise cause you great harm. But what I am talking about is the enemy in common that we all have, but unfortunately no one knows the identity of.

This will be ongoing. For any updates just check this post of my previous post. I am really going to try and put as much info in here as possible.

Note: For now, you need to plan for an INCH bag. If you do not know what this is just research it. Every prepper needs to do two things immediately and I will explain and break it down later. You need to plan for an attack at the end of October, and you need to plan to shelter in place, in your home or someone else's until the power comes back on. This means 3-12 months for most folks. Everyone should plan to have enough supplies to last them 12 months, in their home.

You should also have a get home bag, but do not be concerned about an intermediate bug out bag. The only reason to leave your home or shelter will be to escape the enemies' men, that will be coming after each and every one of us (when or after this happens, you will not be coming back home, or you will simply have to surrender to them. Note, if you do surrender, your problems will become much worse than if you had fled to the wilderness, but if you do (and going to FEMA camp is immediate surrender, you will never return home from a FEMA camp...that I promise) you will not be exempted from God's Kingdom...that is a lie from hell). The only way to survive, the long run, will be on the run...at some point. They will tell you this is World War 3 to confuse you. What it is is Matthew 24 unfolding, otherwise know as the Tribulation, or simply trying times.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
