Monday, September 16, 2019

Update To: Final Last Post: Trans Alaska Pipeline Or A Major Oil Asset Is Going Offline Soon

Update: Crash should be tomorrow Tuesday, 9/17/2019, according to the numbers this is very probable.

9/17/2019 4:00 AM: The closing numbers yesterday were: 27, 076.82. I believe that the market will begin to crash sometime today, likely closer toward the close, and then tomorrow it should free fall, and into the end of the week. As of today, and this matches with the close, there are 13 days left until BAM day, 9 trading days. Today is 9/17/2019 or 983 or 911. It is day 260. That equals 28. Both "seventeen" and "eighteen" equal 28. "Crash" = 4. "Stock Market Crash" = 5. The crash begins either today or tomorrow. It will be take either 8 or 9 days to drop 8900 points. Take your choice. By the way, the entire candle pattern since the top (the top and following flag is the tail) is a Leviathan Sea Monster, foretelling of the "Water Problems" to come. Right now the mouth is delivering the "Fire". Quite appropriate since Jimi Hendrix was murdered on 9/18/1970. (998).

Here are the most probable targets to me, and it will be North Korea that they tell you did the attack: (In my opinion there will be two or four of something. Either 4 targets or 4 missiles used on two targets. I am starting to believe it will be 1 missile each on 4 targets. Does not matter, whatever it is will not be good)

- Blue House South Korea
- Prime Minister Compound Japan (Has an "H" within a circle and two squares that has been placed on top of it, on the map)
- Yeosu, South Korea (The Refinery and general area has a Purple/Pink hue on it right now, just go to google maps and look for yourselves)
- Osaka, Japan
- Ulsan, South Korea
- Trans Alaska Pipeline

"Argon" = 28. Argon turns purple when electrified. One of the "Noble Gasses". Just so happens to be Atomic Number...18

It's primary use is in Light Bulbs and Welding (electric power, flame, light). The power is going out somewhere, in my opinion to facilitate whatever attack is getting ready to happen. We know it is going out no later than 9/30. But I feel as though somewhere, a defense asset is going down, and that will allow the attack. Might be Japan, South Korea, Alaska or more or a combo.

"Fire", on a day that equals 11, 13 days from "Hell" and it totals 28 and the spelling equals 28. You tell me, what is getting ready to happen???

"Listen Here Baby, Stop Acting So Crazy" (I had it on Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits)

Whatever is getting ready to happen, between today and tomorrow (9/16 and 9/17) is going to affect your Money and Your Fuel.

There is going to be an interruption to your fuel supply and your money supply. Is all of this referring to 9/30/2019 and beyond...possibly, but I feel as thought the stock market crash begins today and goes into tomorrow.

Eddie Money - Dead
The Cars - Dead

Saudi Arabia BS

Will Ulsan, South Korea be a target today or tomorrow. It is home to the World's largest shipyard, largest automobile plant and third largest refinery???

You will no longer have money, you will no longer have gas for your cars, you will no longer be able to afford to drive your car. If this does not happen by tomorrow, it is going to happen in two weeks.

This is either going to happen now, or in two weeks.

Something is getting ready to happen to your money, your cars, and likely your power.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024