Thursday, February 28, 2019

V Moves Higher Today: March 20, 21, 22 Will Be Top And Crash

Attention: The date on this post shows 2/28/2019 even though I posted it on 3/1 early AM. This is a problem on other platforms as well. Maybe it will change later.

As I showed you yesterday, the market just went through a few down days, and now it will get back on the "V" track, for a quick path up to 27332.74 +. I have a few thoughts about the final 3 digit handle, but I convinced it will be at minimum 9,000 points above 18332.74 (the beginning of said "Trump Rally"). We will know when it is over better by the date. I believe there is a very, very, very strong probability that the top will still be on March 20, 2019 and that the crash will begin on 3/21/2019 (333 - Day 80) and 3/22/2019 (343 - Day 81).

DJIA Close On 2/28/2019

DEATH SENTENCE COMING: To Columbia And Charleston SC

They are going to murder your college students, at USC, Clemson, College of Charleston and on and on. Don't believe me, it is not my kids...I am trying to talk braindead Americans into "saving their on asses and their own children" and frankly it is getting kind of old, but God keeps prodding to keep it I do.

This movie is MUST WATCH. It is a good movie but it is a must watch for anyone living in Columbia or Charleston or anyone in between.

The movie "Death Sentence" was filmed in Columbia, SC and released on 8/31/2007 (129). Kevin Bacon stars. Note the mascot that is on his back and of the school...Wolf. Also note the band Hootie and the Blowfish...they formed in Columbia, USC!!! You need to watch the video of Hold My Hand and look at all of the symbolism, but mostly note the cheerleader in the video. The outfit is made to be very similar to a genuine USC cheerleader uniform. Here are some other symbols/numbers:

- 45 RPM Record
- Coil Box Spring (Note the cirlcle, and x's - laugh on) (anyone that even questions this as    symbolism  is proving their stupidity and ignorance and closed off mind. You tell me what in the hell does a 2 second shot of a box spring have to do with music, this video's subject or any fucking thing besides a fucking bed. If you laugh at this please get the fuck out of here child.)
- Guitar (6 string - they use this all of the time). Note the first shot is 5 fingers/6 strings (go ahead and laugh you childish low IQ pathetic brainwashed Americans, laugh and you will starve)
- House with count, I have counted enough shit for everyone reading
- Bass Guitar - 4 string
- Watch the rest for yourselves and use your own brains, if you have any left.

The first verse contains the line "we'll walk upon the water"

Note also that "Hold My Hand" was the debut single from their debut album "Cracked Rear View"
Released 7/18/1994 (795 or 2019). The album was released on 7/5/1994. (395). Note as I have told you that 1313 stands for 26 in Judean Law, but it more importantly to use represents 9/11 in 2001 and 9/11 in 2019. This album and single came out before either 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also note the album was produced by Don Gehman, who worked very closely with John Mellancamp, which I will get into this thought later.

The "V" Will Continue To The Top: 27, 332.74. The Numbers Tell All

9 is the last digit. It is the point of finishing, then starting over. 27 represents 9. Not only that but 27 is 9x3. I believe I have been misreading numbers for quite some time...the numbers are referring to 27, then 1 or even 11. If you look at the graphic below the circled candles is probably what we are repeating now. On the Masonic Magic square 9 is the top and 1 is the bottom. One more day down probably, and today may be a reversal.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


If 25% or more of yesterday's gravestone is covered up +50 points higher plus, then we are going higher in my opinion.

I mixed up the termination points of the left "M". They should have already begun the "M" if it would be a mirror. This does not mean that they are not making one. My post earlier had some errors in it. I think it could just be a semi straight shot to 27000. I will have to annotate this later and explain it later. Unfortunately it is fairly time consuming just assembling one post. For most people, being out of this market would be best. There is upside, but it will be limited.

As of market close today, I think it is going higher. They can not make an "M" and it be in sync, not until it crashes from 27332.74


Must Watch: No further comment needed, except that they at least do give Carter Worth the best job of coming up with the best terms.

The Dow Jones Chart Will Be A Goat-head Baphomet!!!: 27332.74

Correction: On the stock graphic below (and the one I posted yesterday) The left peak of the "M" was on 11/8/2018 and the right peak of the "M" was on 12/3/2018. So the peak that matched yesterday's  PERFECT GRAVESTONE DOJI (This was the most perfect Gravestone Doji that I have seen in a long, long time) Corresponds to the one on 11/8 (Trump's election date - minus the year of course)

This last grand depiction on the Dow Jones chart will be a Baphomet my friends. The right side will mirror the left side, in that there will probably be an "M" which will give it the "Baphomet Look". They will make an oblong "M" just like the other side and that will give it the left curve of the horn and right curve of the horn. This is what they are drawing whether you want to believe it or not. On 11/8/2018 the peak  of the left leg of the "M" was finished as a spinning top with a long upper and lower wick. Yesterday 2/25/2019 is the matching peak, except this is where the peak that will mark the start of the first inside leg down. It is this simple. Baphomet, Owl, Bull are their most used and prized devilish symbols. The people that you vote for, that you make heros out of. That you pay money to entertain you...are brainwashing you so that they can kill you soon. On the chart graphic, A and B represent options and not order. Yesterday I believed that there were 3 options. Today I think it is but 2. They will either make an "M" with a short downward leg or a longer one. There is actually still a 3rd option, different that what I thought yesterday...the market dives and continues to dive from here. Why would they get this close to 27000 and not go all the way???

Monday, February 25, 2019

Looks Like Another (Head Fake) Gravestone Doji Is Forming Today

Could 261 be 27??? Maybe,  but for some reason I think it is going to 27, 332.74+ because that would be exactly 9000 points from 18332.74 (Close on 11/8/2016). This ended up being a perfect gravestone, in the red, and a gap up as well. I think it is going down for at least a few days, maybe 150-300 points, but it could be over here. They can not make the Grand M now and complete this V. That is what I am showing you here. Ok so it ended up below 261 with 260 handle. This leads me to believe we are in for a short ride down, followed by going on to 27300

2/25/2019 - 2/25 = 45 or Trump. On September (4) 11, 2019 (45) Donald Trump will go to the grave. I will finish this after market close but I do not think they will make an "M", at least not until they finish the "V" and begin to crash. I will explain this graphic below later today or in morning. It may go down some from here, but it may not, this is why I am getting this out before market close...

Thursday, 7/4/1776 = Thursday, 7/4/2019: Hell Is Coming In September America!!!

2/24/2019 (263). 27, 000 is where we are headed on the DJIA and this story just proves it. 7/4/1776 to 7/4/2019 = 243 (27) years or 2916 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like 9/11/2019 = 9/11/2001, 7/4/1776 = 7/4/2019!!!!!!!!!!! And we have WW1, WW2 and WW3 is next...on 123 or September 11. Note the photo of Kellyanne Conway (27). 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2019 = 18 years or 216 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007 Movie Death Sentence Filmed In Columbia, SC

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Note that this is all about two things: Water; Children or Offspring. How many of these do I have to show the American people before they will believe and take action to protect themselves and their children??? Todd Milsap was murdered by "The Numbers and Bullets Guy" as a sacrifice to a harbinger and that predictive psyop is this: they are going to destroy our reservoirs and flood your asses downstream, where a lot of college campuses and other facilities lie. Point blank, plain and simple.

Note: 49 (13 or 4) years old, found at Four Corners Marina (4) on Saturday, 2/23/2019 (253). Father Ronnie is 76 (13 or 4) year's old. This reservoir just to the southeast of Nashville, TN has been the site of countless mishaps and drownings on the lake. Also note the reference to this being near Antioch. They nearly always use or refer to some Biblical term or place or person in their hoaxes and false flags. "Antioch" is supposedly where the term "Christian" was first used. And do not forget perhaps most important in relation to this story..."The Great "M" Bend, in the Cumberland River that straddles downtown Nashville.

"The body was discovered while a mandatory evacuation was underway at the marina because of heavy flooding, Nashville's FOX 17 reported."

Smokey Mountain Rain. Come on folks, wake up America.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Manufactured Weather: People Just Will Not Believe It: They Are Flooding You

They have been flooding us for over 2 years now....NONSTOP. All of the manufactured, exacerbated storms, fires, earthquakes are psyops, harbingers of what is coming to USA...Absolute hell, flooding, destruction. Nearly everyday that there is sunny, partly sunny days I can see them doing Chemtrails. This is how they affect the weather. 2-4 days after heavy "sky spraying" there is always rain or precipitation. And the amount of water is always heavier with heavier "sky spraying". The Dan, Yadkin, Catawba, Cape Fear, Neuse Rivers will all be flooded in NC.

Dan River Corridor Being Flooded AGAIN. 2/23/2019

Weather Headlines 2/23/2019

Proof Of: March 20,21,22: Market Top: Market Crash

I am still working on this post as it will be second most important all time. Yes the most important one has taken a back seat. This topic is current, right now and is happening. I have to publish a post in order to edit some things and to view some things. This free blog site sucks, but I will not pay for one. I find it very hard to believe that I will ever make a youtube video as I do not think I would waste very much of the valuable time that I have with my daughter, just so I can try and convince stupid, crazy, brainwashed Americans to save their own children. It is very sad. I will keep trying to reach people on here for now. I have other plans to try and gain more access to people and to try an get close enough to convince them. For now I am trying to build up as much info as I can for people to peruse.

Note: 3/20 was not on a trading day in 2016

The number 20: Divisors: [1, 2], [4, 5], [10, 20]......393
20 is the third magic number in physics (2,8,20...)

3/20/2015 (328) (Super New Moon, Spring Equinox, Solar Eclipse all in same day)
Close: 18,127.65 (27; 2019)

3/20/2017 Close: 20,905.86 (Day 79; 3/20; 2019)

3/20/2018 Close: 24,727.27 (274; 2727)

3/20 (5) = Day 79 (Wednesday (19) in 2019)
3/21 (6) = Day 80 (Full Moon 2019) (19 is 8th Prime No.) (Thursday (17) in 2019)
3/22 (7) = Day 81 (Friday (18) in 2019)

March = 3 or 7

3/20/2019 (323)
3/21/2019 (333)
3/22/2019 (343)

(4x3) + (4+3) = 19

X as Greek Letter = 22
X as Roman Numeral = 10
X as English Letter = 24
X can mean 24,22,10


Click Bait For CNBC Article 8/11/2017

March 2019
March 2015

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Top On March 20??? This Is Other Most Likely Date: Perhaps This Is It???

Below is a one day candle of the previous bottom, of the Bear Market previous to the current Bull Market. The date is Monday (18), 3/9/2009. Look at it like this 3/20...39 or 3/20/2019. It is day 79. It will leave 25 (7) weeks or 175 (13) until BAM day. The second graphic is a 20 day period around 3/9/2009 and the third graphic is a one day candle of the close on 3/20/2018, 1 year ago. Note the close: 2472727!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps the 3 digit handle will be 274??? We shall see.

It's A Perfect "V": Top Will Be On Wednesday, 3/13/2019: Courtesy Of Trade Deal

I am not in this to "be right". I am in this to "get it right" and to show you how I did it, that this can be done, and it can be done well advance. I still may not be right, but at least I am trying. Others, all they do is gossip, talk about ridiculous nonsense day in and day out. I believe that 3/13/2019 will mark the top, will mark 26 weeks until BAM day. It is day 72. The 3 digit handle will be 270, 271, or 272 more than likely.

The below chart and markup show you this very large complete  "V" or actually a Triangle. Its measurements are 70 deg. at base, and 55 deg. at each upper corner. Triangles = 90 degrees. This all makes sense. The top will be on 3/13/2019 about 1100 points higher than now, courtesy of a bullshit "trade deal". The ensuing crash will probably happen not long after, and could be on any Wednesday or any day that equals 9. Now if the trade deal falls through today or over the weekend...look out below.

Steve Irwin = George Washington = Donald Trump = Muerto, Muerto, Muerto

First and foremost, why in the hell is the google doodle not of George Washington??? Why is it of Steve Irwin??? Because Steve Irwin is the same birthday but he died recently and of unnatural causes. Wake the fuck up America, you are being scammed everyday.

This is how they operate my friends. This is how Psychological Operations, hoaxes and brainwashing works. This is how they rub in your face what they are going to do, laugh about it, joke about it directly to you, and you still do not get it. So how does this work...glad you asked because it is so easy to understand if you will just try to open your mind and turn off all of the distractions: Steve Irwin died an unnatural death. (according to them folks, he was really murdered, which is unnatural, but they want you to think it was an accident. No unnatural does not mean accident. He was murdered by The Numbers and Bullets Guy but they told you it was a stingray...bullshit). First Steve Irwin is DEAD. Second, they told you he died by being STUNG BY A STINGRAY. Third Today is both GW's birthday and Steve Irwin's. This gets you to the Presidential relationship. George Washington is dead. Trump will be dead on 9/11. All three have death in common. Two have birthday's in common, and two have being President in common. It really is this simple.

Note the alligator (alligator = 41; gator = 7). Note the "L" in the gator's mouth. How many bullshit hoax stories about gators have I shown you in the last 3.5 years??? He was killed by a stingray so they told you, not a gator. Donald Trump will be Assassinated President Number 5. Trump = 7.

It Is Make Or Break Time For The Stock Market: Do Or Die

There is absolutely no question about it. From where the market is now (the exact same point at which the "V" began on 12/03/2018) there is only two places that it can go...crash, or 27000. And if it goes to 27000 it will probably go to 272 in my opinion. Could it go to 279, hell they can do whatever they want to and get it over on the American people. But it has to close above 26000 by at least 50-100 points first. Note that World War = 33. Adding 3 makes it 333. Nine = 24. October = 24. February = 24. V is the 22 letter. Crash = 22. Today is 22. Today is GW's birthday.

Is 27,000 Where The Market Is Headed Before Crashing???

So back on 1/26/2018 I said that this looked like the "Perfect Top". But it was not. Now that I know 1,000 percent for sure that BAM day will be on 9/11...THIS YEAR, then maybe even 10/03/2018 was not the top. Is 9 the number for them, at least when it comes to the market. September 11,2019 = 45 in numerology. It is Trump's Presidential number. It equals 3x3. It is the number of null-ability and of the end. In my opinion after examining this chart I believe that 27000 is possible but I do not think yet it is probable. If the market gaps up or goes up past this 26000 mark by very much at all I do think 27000 is where it is going, but that after that it will be a huge, huge crash. If the top was 10/03/2018 then we are about to crash any day. Going to 27000, if that is where we are going will probably happen in March, and that is when the crash will occur more than likely. April would be the other month, but it will not take very much longer to get to 27000, if that is where we are headed.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bear Market OTW: Art Hogan Says So: He Is Their Go To Guy

Goldman Sachs said just last week that if you missed the January 2019 Rally that you missed the gains for the year. For the last few days we have been hearing that the market is going to go to the moon if we get a trade deal. Yet as of this morning we are supposed to believe that an end to the stupid scam trade war is at hand. Yet the market is moving lower. As I have been telling you the Bear Market is otw. They had to show you and finish the "Grand V". George Washington's birthday is tomorrow as well. Plus it is a Friday. Might Friday, 2/22/2019 be the start of a huge crash???

Destroyed On 9/11/2019: Tallest Dam In USA: Oroville Dam: 770 Feet Tall Earthen

I have been researching and warning of the impending destruction of Oroville Dam and Lake Oroville for over 3 years now. Before the bullshit staged damage of the Dam's spillway in February 2017. This dam is just one of hundreds of major dams that will be destroyed on or not long after Wednesday, 9/11/2019 and the beginning of World War 3. Here are the stats:

Oroville Dam, CA (Major Coord: 39-121)
Impounds Feather River to create Lake Oroville (3.5 Million Acre Feet or about 3.5 Lake Norman's)
Earthfill (Tallest Earthen Dam, Tallest Dam, in USA)
770 Feet Tall (Yes they built an Earthen Dam 770 ft. tall; Joccassee Dam, SC is Earthen and 440 Ft.)

The destruction of this dam will flood and kill hundreds of thousands of people in just a few hours. It will flood and kill nearly all of Oroville, CA in less than 30 minutes. It will continue on down to Sacramento and be on of the 3 huge reservoirs that is unleased upon Sacramento, CA. Note highway's 162 and 70.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Top Today, 2/20/2019??? "V" Intra-Day Mean Crash Begins Next???

Looks like the top may not have been yesterday but could it be today with the "V" meaning a crash is next up??? Intra-Day chart from now, today, below:

Close On 2/20/2019

2/19/2019 - 132 Times 2: The Top Of The Latest Rally???

The top of this latest "V" rally should be in. I have all of the numbers coming up. I will do no more posts until this one and the Paul Ryan post are finished. Note: As of now the top stands on 10/3/2018 (132). Yesterday was 2/19/2019 (132). The close yesterday was 25891.32 or 2319132 or 123 x 2.

12/3/2018 Peak -> 2/19/2019
10/3/2018 Top = 2
2/19/2019 Top = 3
Wednesday, 2/20/2019 (The next day after 2/19) -> Wednesday, 9/11/2019 = 29 weeks exactly or 203 days.

10/03/2018 Top


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

President Number 47: Paul Ryan???

Sorry, but will have to finish this post later today or tomorrow. I just started thinking about this, did some more research and I will have to say...this is likely

Election Day 2020: Tuesday, 11/3/2020
Inauguration Day: 1/20/2021

Paul Ryan DOB: 1/29/1970 (He will be 50 on Election Day 2020 and Inauguration Day 2021. He will turn 51, 9 days after inauguration.)

8/11/2012 - Norfolk, VA. 2012 = 2021.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Russia Prepares To Shut Their Internet Down: This Is Everything I Have Told You

You need to watch this video. I have been telling you this is what was going to happen for a long, long time. This guy pretty much validates everything that I have been telling you for over 4 years. They are of course telling you that it is to protect themselves against USA. That is the story for the Brainwashed Sheep to hear. It is all a psyop, cause they will tell you Russia attacked our grid, shut it down, then attacked our soil. Case Closed.

Trump's Last Day In Office Is 9/11/2019: In Photos

Trump's last day, and Pence's last day, in office, will be Wednesday, September 11, 2019. They tell you what they are going to do, well in advance, but no one can see it cause they are all brainwashed. These are just a few of the photos, that were part of stories that were psyops of Trump's future demise.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Trump's Last Day In Office Is 9/11/2019

From today. Notice the backwards flag. Trump's last day in office will be on 9/11/2019. Pence's last day in office will be on 9/11/2019. Nancy Pelosi's first day as President will be on 9/11/2019.

Belmont, NC And Many Other Belmont's Will Be Destroyed

Belmont is very important. I will do more posts on this subject soon. Note the 5 on the man's hand. He is not waving hello, he is waving goodbye, whether you want to believe it or not. Good bye Belmont is the Psyop here.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024