Wednesday, February 20, 2019

2/19/2019 - 132 Times 2: The Top Of The Latest Rally???

The top of this latest "V" rally should be in. I have all of the numbers coming up. I will do no more posts until this one and the Paul Ryan post are finished. Note: As of now the top stands on 10/3/2018 (132). Yesterday was 2/19/2019 (132). The close yesterday was 25891.32 or 2319132 or 123 x 2.

12/3/2018 Peak -> 2/19/2019
10/3/2018 Top = 2
2/19/2019 Top = 3
Wednesday, 2/20/2019 (The next day after 2/19) -> Wednesday, 9/11/2019 = 29 weeks exactly or 203 days.

10/03/2018 Top


Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024