Friday, February 22, 2019

Steve Irwin = George Washington = Donald Trump = Muerto, Muerto, Muerto

First and foremost, why in the hell is the google doodle not of George Washington??? Why is it of Steve Irwin??? Because Steve Irwin is the same birthday but he died recently and of unnatural causes. Wake the fuck up America, you are being scammed everyday.

This is how they operate my friends. This is how Psychological Operations, hoaxes and brainwashing works. This is how they rub in your face what they are going to do, laugh about it, joke about it directly to you, and you still do not get it. So how does this work...glad you asked because it is so easy to understand if you will just try to open your mind and turn off all of the distractions: Steve Irwin died an unnatural death. (according to them folks, he was really murdered, which is unnatural, but they want you to think it was an accident. No unnatural does not mean accident. He was murdered by The Numbers and Bullets Guy but they told you it was a stingray...bullshit). First Steve Irwin is DEAD. Second, they told you he died by being STUNG BY A STINGRAY. Third Today is both GW's birthday and Steve Irwin's. This gets you to the Presidential relationship. George Washington is dead. Trump will be dead on 9/11. All three have death in common. Two have birthday's in common, and two have being President in common. It really is this simple.

Note the alligator (alligator = 41; gator = 7). Note the "L" in the gator's mouth. How many bullshit hoax stories about gators have I shown you in the last 3.5 years??? He was killed by a stingray so they told you, not a gator. Donald Trump will be Assassinated President Number 5. Trump = 7.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024