Thursday, February 28, 2019

DEATH SENTENCE COMING: To Columbia And Charleston SC

They are going to murder your college students, at USC, Clemson, College of Charleston and on and on. Don't believe me, it is not my kids...I am trying to talk braindead Americans into "saving their on asses and their own children" and frankly it is getting kind of old, but God keeps prodding to keep it I do.

This movie is MUST WATCH. It is a good movie but it is a must watch for anyone living in Columbia or Charleston or anyone in between.

The movie "Death Sentence" was filmed in Columbia, SC and released on 8/31/2007 (129). Kevin Bacon stars. Note the mascot that is on his back and of the school...Wolf. Also note the band Hootie and the Blowfish...they formed in Columbia, USC!!! You need to watch the video of Hold My Hand and look at all of the symbolism, but mostly note the cheerleader in the video. The outfit is made to be very similar to a genuine USC cheerleader uniform. Here are some other symbols/numbers:

- 45 RPM Record
- Coil Box Spring (Note the cirlcle, and x's - laugh on) (anyone that even questions this as    symbolism  is proving their stupidity and ignorance and closed off mind. You tell me what in the hell does a 2 second shot of a box spring have to do with music, this video's subject or any fucking thing besides a fucking bed. If you laugh at this please get the fuck out of here child.)
- Guitar (6 string - they use this all of the time). Note the first shot is 5 fingers/6 strings (go ahead and laugh you childish low IQ pathetic brainwashed Americans, laugh and you will starve)
- House with count, I have counted enough shit for everyone reading
- Bass Guitar - 4 string
- Watch the rest for yourselves and use your own brains, if you have any left.

The first verse contains the line "we'll walk upon the water"

Note also that "Hold My Hand" was the debut single from their debut album "Cracked Rear View"
Released 7/18/1994 (795 or 2019). The album was released on 7/5/1994. (395). Note as I have told you that 1313 stands for 26 in Judean Law, but it more importantly to use represents 9/11 in 2001 and 9/11 in 2019. This album and single came out before either 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also note the album was produced by Don Gehman, who worked very closely with John Mellancamp, which I will get into this thought later.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024