Monday, February 11, 2019

Men Vs Women; Must Watch; Very Sad

If you watch the video below and then peruse the comments you will surely see that this man knows much more about the underlying factors then the commenters. Does this make him a shill??? Probably. Who knows.

Now - If you think that you can not be brainwashed out of acting on your innate, God Given, natural are wrong. Look at the common housecat and dog. They can not feed themselves even though their closest relatives can! Put this in your pipe and smoke it. This is probably the hardest thing for me to convince people of. They simply do not want to know or admit that they have been fooled, brainwashed or programmed. It is much easier to fool someone than to  convince them that they have been fooled.

The NWO has created Feminism just for division and to take over the World. Why? Because it is precisely the men who would have been resistance to these Evil Bastards, but no more. They have feminized Men and made Women more masculine. They have reversed the roles.

God made man and women to compliment and yes, use, each other in a moral way. The NWO has brainwashed you into fighting nature...sadly, most of the time for "Freedom" and "Money".

They brainwashed people in NYC and all over USA into thinking there really were airplanes on 911. People that did not see planes, saw planes my friends. This is how it works. When the shit hits the fan, the men will not protect their women, they will run. The women will be fighting men for food and water. It is going to be very, very sad.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024