Tuesday, February 12, 2019

No Planes On 9/11/2001

There were no planes on 9/11/2001. No planes hit the World Trade Center. There was no holography. You were brainwashed and scammed. If you have walked outside, been outside, looked up in the air from any distance, from any angle and have seen a real and true airplane that looks like that dark gray blob in the pic below you are fucking brain-dead, and a fucking liar. You had better watch and download the below video because it will not be on youtube very much longer. It is this simple. There were paid witnesses. Then the rest of the folks that thought they saw planes was just that. They were brainwashed and programmed to think there were. There was some type of projectile that was fired into the Twin Towers...to spread fuel to make a fire, and for noise. The World Trade Center was imploded. Implosion is from outside in. Explosion is just the opposite. The Twin Towers were a gigantic 11. They were 110 stories each. They were built on top of the site where Henry Hudson sailed by on 9/11/1609. There were 3 buildings...1,7,2. You were scammed America. The New World Order did 9/11/2001 otw to 9/11/2019 and not 19 Muslims. Black Smoke = 911.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
