Saturday, February 16, 2019

October = February 19,20,21 CRASH, CRASH, CRASH

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 will either be the pinnacle of this latest "V" rally, or it will be the beginning of the crash. Either way, 2/20,21 will be part of this crash beginning. If Tuesday is the top then Wednesday, 29 weeks before 9/11 will be crash day.

2/19/2019 = 213 (Day 50)
2/20/2019 = 223 (Day 51)
2/21/2019 = 233 (Day 52)

February = 69 or 42
October = 78 or 42

X = 24 or 42 or 6
Red = 99
1234 = 19
X1234 = 6/19 = February 19 or October 19

(In Calendar Placement)
Tuesday, 10/29/2019 - Tuesday, 2/19/2019 = 4660 Weeks
Monday, 10/19/1987 - Tuesday, 2/19/2019 = 376 Months
Tuesday, 10/9/2007 - Tuesday, 2/19/2019 = 593 Weeks
Monday, 3/9/2009 - Tuesday, 2/19/2019 = 9 years, 11 months, 10 days

(In Numerology)
Tuesday, 6/29/2019 -> Tuesday, 6/19/2019 = 4660 Weeks
Monday, 6/19/1987 -> Tuesday, 6/19/2019 = 376 Months
Tuesday, 6/9/2007 -> Tuesday, 6/19/2019 = 593 Weeks
Monday, 7/9/2009 -> Tuesday, 6/19/2019 = 9 years, 11months, 10 days

The graphic below came out in an article on on 8/12/2017. (219)
Saturday, 8/12/2017 -> Tuesday, 2/19/2019 = 760 days or 2 years and 30 days (Crash = 4; Stock Market Crash = 5)

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024