Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sofia Smallstorm's Sandy Hook Video Has Finally Been Removed

You have been lied to America. Every single "school shooting" that you have "heard" about are nothing but hoaxes where no one died and no one got hurt, except the American People's continued loss of freedom. I have Sofia's video downloaded, and this is why I tell you to always download the videos that I show you. Youtube has removed nearly all these videos. Folks, you have been brainwashed to not trust people like me, and to only trust the main news outlets, the government and other "authorities". They are good at what they do. They attack, then get you to attack people like me as being heartless, when they are the ones using kids to act out their evil propaganda.

The two biggest reasons for "school shooting hoaxes" are: gun control and programming you for the upcoming mass extinction of your children, especially those that are in colleges accross the country, along and below reservoirs and rivers. They are going to murder your students, especially your college students and "school shooting hoaxes" have been their brainwashing and programming tool telling you of the forthcoming disaster.