Sunday, March 17, 2019

Bullshit Shooter: Balloon Popping: University Of Michigan: This Is NCAA Basketball

This story is a hoax. It means one of two things, which in turn could mean multiple things.

1) Active shooter BS means trouble.
2) The fact that they told you it was because of balloon popping is huge. First of all, the fact that anyone would believe this is very, very sad...but they do. To me balloon popping refers to a celebration and not turmoil or trauma.
3) I think this is referring to a Michigan win today, over Michigan State in the Big Ten Final.
4) Could it also be referring to a Michigan win over Virginia...meaning I have it wrong...absolutely!
5) Bottom line is this: if balloon popping is considered celebratory then it means Michigan is going to win one or both tournaments. If this is the case I find it hard to believe that Michigan will lose today.

One more thought, that may prove itself after this game, and after I have time to chew on it I think I can come up with the answer....but...could this mean that as a celebration Michigan wins the Big Ten and as turmoil..they lose the NCAA.

Think about it folks. Virginia lost the ACC. If Michigan wins Big Ten, then loses NCAA to Virginia, it will be a complete mirrored reversal. This is exactly what I think this means at this time. Let's revisit in the morning after today's game between the two Michigans.

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