Monday, March 18, 2019

It Will Be Michigan Vs. Virginia: If I Have It Wrong, It Will Be Who Wins

Stay tuned my friends, this whole Michigan vs. Virginia thing is very deep. I have a new post coming that documents even more of the history of this whole mess.

Important: This is the last post that I will drop into Google Plus. I probably should not have been doing it, as it just makes it a longer process for people to get down below it. I may try to delete some of the recent posts but folks, there is a goldmine of info in there that I will not have time to re-post all of. Please, if you are on the need to study my posts there. I am going to try and re-post as many of the ideas and stories and such as I posted there, but I surely can't do it all. There is 700MB of archived format. It is nearly 4 years of daily work. I will have it, but it will be difficult to search and locate.

The 2019 NCAA Championship will be between two teams, whom neither of, won their conference finals. It is this simple. The balloon popping was referring to Michigan's loss yesterday, and probably their victory on April 8. We will learn a great deal from the BS Shooter at Michigan, but it will likely be after the whole BS contest is over. We will revisit it, just for learning.

That's right my friends. I have been laughed at several times in the last week when I told people that the final NCAA game would be between Virginia and Michigan, and that Virginia would win. Well I may be wrong on who wins the final game the more I research it, but the final NCAA match-up will be between University of Michigan Wolverines and University of Virginia Cavaliers, whether you want to believe it...or not.

Yes, this means that Michigan will very likely have to beat both Gonzaga and Duke (but do not be surprised if one or both of those teams gets a surprise upset before Michigan gets to them...this is how they operate). This is where people want to laugh in my face. Go ahead, I may be wrong, and if I am, well then you are a fucking genius sports analyst with one hell of a career ahead of you. The only other thing the "V" (either of the v's) can stand for would be the "D" in Duke. This is not how they usually operate my friends.

First and foremost, if you go back to my original Virginia post, all of the reasons that I listed for Virginia winning, work in the opposite direction. I know you are thinking that is stupid. No, you do not know how these evil bastards work....I do. For instance, if they have great respect for George Washington, and they do, why would they destroy his paths??? It is for fun, for reconciliation, to relive the lie they already told you once...a second time, and you will not even know what they are doing. (Original Post Below)

Notice below the Michigan "M". Note there is a "One (1)" on each outer leg. Those are One's whether you want to believe it or not. They have won 1 and only 1 NCAA 1989. If I have not shown you the importance of 1989 yet, I have failed or you are in denial. Could their logo represent two championships??? 1 in 1989, and 1 in 2019, exactly 30 years later. Remember that Virginia came in third place, the very last year that the NCAA had a third place (1981). Also note the sword logo in Virginia that makes an "X" (42). 4/8/2019 is the date of the game, or 42.

Now, the S&P chart. There is not a second smaller "v" on the Dow chart, but there is on the S&P chart. Might this whole pattern mean Michigan...Victory...Virginia. I think so. I think that Michigan may actually be the victor. I was seeing the right things, but as usual I may have had part of it ass backwards.

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