Wednesday, March 13, 2019

It Will Be A Lower "W": Absolute Proof Is Here: Dow And S&P Charts

BTW, this post and charts also proves that 9/12 will be part of BAM day. In other words, BAM day will be a two day event, even if the second day is considered "aftermath day". 9/12 is going to be as horrific as 9/11, because 9/12 will most likely be when people see their loved ones and fellow human beings strewn out lying around dead, screaming and pleading for help. It is going to be horrific.

This will take two charts. And I should have been reviewing both charts on a regular basis anyhow. They are getting ready (in the early stages right now) to draw a fairly large "W" on both the DJIA and S&P 500 charts. Remember that "W" is the 23rd letter. Also remember, it is constructed of Two (2) V's. And "W" is the letter that best represents the day 9/11/2019 or 923. It makes the most sense that the last, and largest, and most representative of their intended destruction on 9/11 would be the "W". And most important of all, in our research and trying to predict this, is the fact that it would be very difficult to form a large "W" up above the current large M/V pattern. It makes the most sense to form it to the right side of the large "V" and not above it, then they will take the market higher, to the top, and crash it. One more thought that cements this whole idea: 23 is the 9th prime number making "W" the perfect number to encapsulate and codify the date 9/11/2019 and also 45 as in September 11, 2019 and Donald Trump. It is this simple. "W" will be the last grand letter formed, and they are doing it now. My guess is, since this is the 23rd letter, that the lower troughs will be 23 handle, probably 232.
S&P 500 Close On 3/12/2019
DJIA Close On 3/12/2019

This Is What The Final W Will Resemble