Saturday, March 16, 2019

Monday, 3/18/2019: Will Be A Day To Watch: Looks Like A "W" Is Coming

Update: 3/18/2019: The extra volume on the S&P 500 is now showing. It was not showing on Saturday morning. The day after usually has all of the volume showing, but did not this time. 

Note and Remember: The Dow/S&P divergence you were told, was because of Boeing, and in particular the last two 737 Max 8 crashes. Lion Air 610 and Ethiopian Air 302.

DJIA Close: 25848.87 Up 138.93 or Up .54%
S&P Close: 2822.48 Up 14.00 or Up .5%

25848.87 (69); 138.93 (393); .54 (9)
2822.48 (2123); 14 (23); .5 (5)

The above numbers seem to be telling of 3/18 (39) or 3/18/2019 (393); W (23); Stock Market Crash (5)

Volume, Action, Numbers and Carter Worth's last video...all point to a downturn and a "W". If you have not watched Carter's latest S&P video, you need to do so, even watch it again. Link below.

After the action yesterday (especially the closing numbers), and reviewing Carter Worth's video from 3/10/2019, I think that a Lower "W" is on the way, pronto. I say 70% Chance of major move down before making a new high. Folks, they keep saying "V" and "W". They are talking about it retesting the "V" lows on Christmas Eve. This and the fact that the whole DJIA beginning selloff was because of "crashes" and this tells me...a crash, and a very large "W" are on the way, then we will go back for a new high at 27,332.74 or higher, on Wednesday, 5/22/2019...then the real crash begins.

DJIA Close On Friday, 3/15/2019

S&P 500 Close On Friday, 3/15/2019

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024