Friday, March 1, 2019

Bearded Hermit: Complete Brainwashed Idiot: By Example

Below is a generic comment that I made to the MGTOW community, honestly telling them what they need to hear. Bearded Hermit can not handle  my approach of "tough love". He is a typical American Brainwashed Idiot that considers himself an American Flag Waving, Right Wing, Conservative. Believe me folks, Left Wing Liberals are every bit as stupefied as their mirrored counterpart. The human being, for the most part can not live day to day without some sort of drama or being enslaved. It is truly very sad. I am going to paste the whole text of my comment since it is clipped.

Hey Bearded Hermit:

You might think that you know know very little. I am not trying to hurt you or even belittle you. I am trying to help you. I could care less about your reading my posts. I care about peoples innocent children, and if you have any, I care about yours. You are a simple minded, brainwashed, Red, White, Blue Flag waving fool. You had better change your name or use a different one cause I am going to follow you and embarrass you for being such a fucking fool. We will follow up, Mr. Hermit, with how accurate I am, say on a weekly basis, how about that my friend.

Below is my full comment:

"90% of MGTOW are Freemason Brainwashed Idiots who don’t have the balls to read this comment through and check out my blog…pussies indeed, that ironically are no longer getting any. I do not blame you for “quitting women” at all. MGTOW is not Red Pill though. MRA is not Red Pill. You are all just blue pill’s that have discovered the true nature of women and how feminism caused everything to go out of whack. Feminism was started by Men. The New World Order is made up of Men only. They started Freemasonry to brainwash you all and take over the world, beginning on 9/11/2019 with the beginning of World War 3 and the initial attack on our country. Why is feminism one of their most important tools??? Cause it turns the only would be resistance (Men) into pussy boys (you that are reading this). Even if you do resist you do not know the truth so there is absolutely positively no way you will succeed. Find out the truth here if you have any balls left after your women took off with them:"