It is probably not a matter of why they pick who they do, as much as it is consistency of the folks they use and how they portray what they do. These shills are just another tool that they use to get the "truth" message down to those at the lower levels...who were told they would be privy to it. The candle chart is another one they use in the market. They never use candle charts on shows aimed at the braindead sheep. For one it takes training to learn it. For two it is much more detailed than the average person could comprehend from a tv show. Three: they keep it secret for a reason folks, just like everything else. The candle chart is the single biggest way that the top level communicates to the financial advisers on a lower level. The chart that Carter is using is a bar chart. He uses line charts most of the time...NEVER CANDLE
Mid-day on 3/4/2019. Chart Carter is using is from close on 3/1/2019. You need to watch this guy on a regular basis. I have no idea why they pick who they do, to tell you the truth, verses the lies, but they do. Most of this guys calls are usually spot on. If I have not shown you with proof that the market is manipulated every single day, then there is no hope for you. If the market is 100% manipulated, and it is, then they are whispering in his ear...what to say: Point Blank, Plain and Simple. The chart below is from close on 3/5/2019, two days after Carter's call for a FB breakout. Note all of the terms: flag, pennant, triangle, need to watch this video.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM):
"Flash" = 631. "April Fool's Day" = 63. "Joe Biden" = 1. April 1 Is Day 91. "Joe Biden" Is ...
Could Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 8/19/2019...And Thursday, 8/29/2019 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 8/29 is day 241. This is 2019. Thursday, ...