Friday, May 31, 2019

Dow Bullhead Nose: 4 Plus 2 Candles: Toronto Beats Golden State: 4 To 2

It's all in the closing numbers: 
24,815.04 (24) (note the 54 as well reflecting the current WV)
-354.84 (33 or 24) (note the 54 as well reflecting the current WV)
-1.41% (24)

On the daily chart, on Monday should be a reversal or exact opposite of yesterday's candle. Then there will be two more candles similar to (not exact) last Wednesday and Thursday's. Either way, it is a "V" within a "W" and will resemble a bullhead but I believe the number of candles in this nose will reflect the number of games played in the 2019 NBA finals.

Second chart is of Thursday, Friday Intra-Day. Note on Thursday the "W" that is formed with a "V" as it's right side, late in day. Third chart is Thursday only intra-day. There are several "V's" and Bullhead Thursday. It may go a little deeper, but I think we are possibly at the reversal right now, with Monday's action. We shall see.

DJIA Close On 5/31/2019 
DJIA Intra-Day - Two Day - Note The WV Late Thursday

Dow Jones Top On July Third As Predicted: Crash On 7/17

May 1 started the current "W-V" if that is what you want to call it. It will be a bullhead, however a bullhead entails drawing the horns, before and after the pinnacles. But the main point is the top here and that will correspond to July 3. Today will be the exact center of the entire "Bullhead - WV" combo. That means it took exactly 1 month or 31 days to complete. Today is Johnstown Flood Day. It is day 151. You need to read about May 31, there is a lot more going on.

Today = 54 and 57.  I told you from the beginning this day would be significant as I thought it would be the top. But, it is the very center of a 54. It is the very center of 212. It is 14 days before Trump's 73rd birthday. I was right about what I saw, just for a little different reason. I am not trying to prove that I am good. I am trying to show you that your world is staged and you too can see it and figure it out on your own.

The downturn will likely begin on 7/5 by forming the horn to the right of the top. Then on 7/17/2019 the big crash comes. This is what I am beginning to lean toward. That would give them several candles to form a horn with before the huge drop. I would look for the top to just get to 27332.74 and maybe a little more. It could top out just under this number. Remember flight 177. I have been seeing 177, 78 on the stock chart for quite some time now.

Bullhead = 911
WV = "September" 11, 2019 (423)
Trump is President 45

Dow Jones Close On 5/30/2019 Showing First Half Of Bullhead

Toronto Raptors Will Defeat Golden State Warriors: 4 Games To 1

It will be a five game series, reflecting the current bullhead being drawn, and the nose of the bullhead comprised of 5 candles. Just check out yesterday's post on the stock chart bullhead. I will either add to this post after a couple of more days action or I will make a new post.

Game One Equals 911. Bullhead Equals 911.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dow Jones Is Drawing A Bullhead: 911

Note: One thing that should help you all to see that this is a "something"...that I think is a "bullhead", that they are drawing, and not just a "crash"....just look at the large grand "V" in the middle to the left. Look at how deep that went, how fast, how large some of the daily drops were and you can see that the action during this (current) letter or "bullhead" is much less severe telling me that it is not going to be as large but more importantly it is not crashing. You can call it a "W-V" because that is what it is too, but make no mistake, if they do draw this "W" with a "V" in the is a bullhead

Do not be surprised if this 212 bullhead nose also has 3 long lower wicks my friends. It will be candle one with long wick, candle two no wick, candle three in the middle with long wick, candle four no wick, candle five long wick. As much as I have contempt for these bastards...this would be the perfect drawing of all time on the stock charts. Bullhead (911) with 5 (23) candle nose, and with 3 long lower wicks (2019). We shall see.

Update: After looking at the stock chart, and thinking about the NBA finals, I think it will be a five series game. If they indeed draw a 212 bullhead's nose, then the NBA finals will be a 5 series game or 4 Toronto, 1 Golden State

I apologize folks, I forgot that the intraday charts pretty much go away after day 1. You can slide back the chart but it will never look the same as the day of. Below is chart from 5/29 then  yesterday showing bullheads on each chart. I realize the futures are down this morning. Yesterday I though it would be a 3 candle nose or "very tip" of the bullhead, but with the futures down this morning, I believe it will be a 5 candle nose...212, with one long wick or candle in the middle. We shall see...this could always be a "fool's bullhead" just as I thought the "W" was a fool's "W". But this is not how they usually operate, because there is not that many to fool, and I actually think this is one way they get messages to "Their Own".



I find it very significant that the first NBA final game of 2019 ended with 1 scores on each side, totaling 911, on a day that equals 911 (533), and while they are drawing a bullhead. Folks, if I am right about the bullhead, and the amount of points at the top, then my thinking this would be a 7 game series could be wrong. That is the only reason, as I am not a sports analyst. I do not look at enough stats and data to call these games because you do need the other numbers too. But there always one and only one huge reason that "their" team wins, and that always has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with sports or talent or ability. In this case it is about the "predatory bird" and the "gold" and the "New World Order" killing us, taking over the rest of us, and stealing all of the gold.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dow Jones Bullhead: It May Be Getting Ready To Form: 911

Second Update: While trying to figure the future of this second, smaller baphomet, I began to think of "Toronto Raptors" = 8. What if there is only 8 points, that finishes either on Trump's birthday, or perhaps July 3 or 8. The eighth point may very well be the top, at 27332 plus,...or 8...9. This is what I am increasingly thinking is going to happen.

Updated: When I posted this yesterday, there was about 30 minutes left. There was 1 bullhead in the center of the chart, that is quite sloppy. As you can see, the last few minutes of the day formed a nearly perfect "Bullhead", which stands for 911. I saw this, not from the intra-day chart, but after focusing and studying the daily chart. I could not see this until the gap or dip down yesterday. I believe this is what they are drawing, but I have not had time to try and figure out the future of it, however, do not be surprised if it is very similar to what I thought the "W" would end up doing. It will basically be a "W" with a "V" in the very middle. I told you before Tiger's "W" was finished that they were drawing a "V" and a "W". I was right and wrong. West Virginia, you are still on alert. Something (shooting, flood, man made or natural disaster) is coming, before 9/11, while this Bullhead comprised so far of a W, M, Initial V, is being drawn.

Note: The second graphic below cannot be viewed larger. I do not know why this happens, but if I re-post the photos they work at first, but then the second one loses the ability to be clicked. It is just this sorry ass Google Blogger Editor. I am not moving to Wordpress. Just go to Yahoo finance or where ever and look up the chart on your own. This is what I have to do.

If it does then I would think it is going to 27000 and probably higher, and we could still get the 9 point chart that I showed you. Below is intra-day today, and there is a bullhead at the low of the day. And on the daily chart, it looks like what could be the very center of the head, like the tip of the nose. I will try to show you on a daily chart tomorrow if it indeed looks viable. Even if the market were to keep moving lower from here, it could still form another baphomet or bullhead

DJIA Intraday Chart Yesterday - 30 Minutes Before Close

DJIA Intraday Chart Yesterday - After Close

China: "Don't Say We Didn't Warn You": Phrase Only Used Twice: Both Times Ended In REAL WAR!

No Explanation Needed. I told you that the whole Trade War BS was about "War" and that the day was coming that "Trade" was removed from "Trade War" and all that would be left would be "War". I am sorry to report...that day is here. "Don't Say We Didn't Warn You" is in quotes which means it is extra important...what does it equal...888 or 24 or 42 or 411 or "September" 11. This is absolute and complete proof and vindication that at bare minimum China will be a belligerent in the upcoming attack on the USA. Russia will be too, it will be too big for even the braindead sheep to believe one country could do it. 

The biggest thing that you need to understand is that all of this is planned and has been for a long, long time....over 100 years (some of it for centuries...and with good records) for most of it. They fine tune things closer to when they happen, but the gist is planned decades and centuries before hand.

Toronto Will Win In 7 Games: 4 To 3

If you look again at the chart below, you can see since 10/03/2018 there have been 7 points, so far. That is all there is going to be, which is what I thought at first anyhow.

It's A Fool's W: For Golden State's Loss: M For Koepka's Win: 57 For Trump

Buckle Up my friends...The great stock market crash of Summer already underway!

I was right about "Sell in May and Go Away" as the market is getting ready to crash....9000 points over the summer. The top was on 10/3/2018 for the Dow and the top was on 4/30/2019 for the S & P. This is what they do, and they are damned good at it. They did this for the few people who can even get close to reading their asses. They fooled me.

As you can see, and I should have looked at this whole picture better, the Dow has gotten very close to 27000 three times. The time in the middle is the closest and it was on 10/03/2018, the top so far, and also the FEMA Presidential Alert Text day.

What looks like the current "W" is actually a broken "W", for Golden State. The "M" that will get left behind is for Brooks Koepka's 3rd US Open Win in 3 years. Also note that the first half of what looked like a W forming is actually a V. There is a V and an M at the bottom of this dip, that could have easily been a W. This is how they fool. The V is for the crash, just like its' big brother to the left.

Could I be wrong about this...absolutely. They could still make a perfect "W" out of this. As a matter of fact, this "W" that seems to be forming is a much clearer "W" that Tiger's W to the left, and is partly how I have been fooled. They would have to finish higher today, and not have too much of a downward move at open. They could gap it down at the open and close it up during day, which they do a lot. This one is very hard to call, especially with the three peaks near 27000. At this point I find the next few days hard to call, but for some reason I am leaning toward a gap down today, that does not get filled, then a crash ensues. I realize the 9 is the top or the highest digit...and that is reflected as their plan below. Sometimes close is enough my friends, and I think this may be their plan.

Here is an very interesting fact about this whole chart. 26828 (the high and top so far) is 99.36 % of 27000. I think that 99.4% may be as far as we get to 27000. And...the actual high that day was 26,951 or 99.81 % of 27000. I really think this may be it. What a summer it is going to be, if it indeed is.

You need to understand something friends...the New World Order has two favorite things or missions that they love to do to people....1) They love to lie, manipulate, brainwash, program and fool people (the masses)....and 2) They love to kill people.

Their overall mission is to take over the World, but their two loves of life in doing this mission are Brainwashing and Murder.

There is one thing that could happen today, that will take all doubt away and make the call easy and certain....If there is a gap down today, and it does not fill completely, or if it very close one way or the other (if it overlaps slightly), and then goes back down to finish way down, the crash is underway and the top is in. The only way, that the top is not in, and we go to 27, would have to end above the close yesterday (at least 25% up into yesterday's candle in my opinion). Here is what to look for: The actual open. Even if the futures are way down just before the open does not mean it will open nearly that far down. If it opens fairly close to yesterday's close, and then goes down, and then goes back up, we could be looking at a "W" with a long lower wick. If it gaps down, the likely hood of it going back up to finish up gets much, much less. If it does gap down, I think it will fill part of that gap, but not all, and then it will resume down for the rest of the day. At the end of the day today we will know where we are headed, and it looks like it is down to me, never to go back up.

And I will be very frank and honest here: If the "W" is indeed a fool's W, I am glad. I will be glad to finally see the end coming. I do not want to see people get hurt, financially or physically, but that is what is going to happen. I have tried for nearly 5 years to help people see this so they can avoid physical calamity. I am just relieved that the crash is indeed about to happen, so that people can use this as "their own little proof" and hopefully begin to prepare. If this market indeed begins to crash, and keeps going down...the closer we get to September, and the closer the market is to 18332, the more you guys will believe me about what is going to happen on 9/11, and even though the crash before and after 9/11 will be the worst will not be nearly as bad as all of the physical calamity that us humans (babies, toddlers, teenagers, college students, aunts, uncles, Mothers, Fathers) will have to go through and endure. Folks, you can use this money now to buy things you will need after there is nothing else available...including money or cash.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Current "W" For Golden State As Well: To Lose: I Had It Wrong

Self explanatory, but  there is way more, that if I have time to share I will. I will probably not finish this post for a while, if at all. I just wanted to get this out there. Toronto (Foreign country, world) Raptors (Predators, things that stalk and kill other things, like Bald Eagle, Hawk for instance) will KILL (89) Golden State Warriors, then the Warriors record will be 2 out of 3, in a year that equals 3. And, the predators are going to steal everyone's gold (representing anything financial, but Gold as well).

Please see my other posts on the coming stock market crash, and the US Open 
 by clicking those labels.

July Eighth: Will Absolutely, Positively Make Believers Out Of Anyone Following

This post is not finished...There is way more coming, that is very, very important...

Sometime, between 4:00 PM July 3, 2019 and 9:30 AM July 8, 2019, everyone that has been following me at least for a few weeks or more, will finally understand and realize that something (at least similar to) like I have told you is indeed coming. You will probably have a queasy feeling as you realize that you and your loved ones are indeed in imminent danger, both financially and physically. My thinking is that it will mostly be attributed to the "China Trade War" BS. It will probably be ramped up into overdrive. You may too hear about an economy beginning to fray and unravel. Whatever the news will be negative and you will finally realize that I am right, no later than July 8, 2019.

Here is my general thesis: The stock market will now begin its final upward move, starting tomorrow. They (usually anytime I refer to "they", if I have not previously qualified who "they" is, then I am generically talking about the "New World Order", a name they coined, just to make it sound crazy from the mouths of people like myself, but...this is what I have to use cause you need to see why they use it. Even though the real "New World Order" is controlled at the very top, by a relatively few families, the support for it is very, very large. (all of those that support the New World Order, but have no actual say or control are completely brainwashed (we have all been brainwashed including myself, some to larger degrees than others) and have no idea what the true intentions are, of the New World Order...which is a population of under 1 billion people...and complete servitude of all of us that are under the top) are currently drawing the right side of the final "W" that they will finish drawing before the crash. When the right side is through (somewhere near 26500) there will be a small downward to sideways move (lull) to make the "W" more discernible (to the very few who can discern it). Then the market will begin its' final move to the final high of all time...somewhere near 27332.74. I am starting to believe that the final 3 digit handle will be 273, just somewhere between 27332.74 and 27399.99.

Note: The current "W" being drawn (Brooks Koepka's W), is actually comprised of a large "W" with an inner smaller "m" at the trough. Note that "Tiger Woods" "W" to the left was also comprised of an "M" and a "W", however that "M" was actually to the left of the "W". But, in both cases the "W" is the more prominent letter and the easier to discern. I think it is absolutely fitting that the last letter drawn before 7/4/2019 (923) will be a "W".

Note: After more study, I believe that the current "W" being drawn, will end on Friday, June 14, 2019, Donald Trump's 73rd birthday. This date would leave about an equal number of candles on the far right leg as the far left leg...somewhere between 10-12. This is fitting as he will be No. 5. Lincoln was number 1, Trump will be number 5. W = 23 or 5. He will become number 5 on 9/11/2019 or 923. This will be the date of point number 8...Friday (18), June 14, 2019. (653). And it makes perfect sense for the final top and point number 9 to occur on 7/3, just 19 days after Trump turns 73. This is it folks, this is their plan whether you want to believe it or not. I realize that I was just as convinced of a May top. Things change. You can see by the charts that the end is near and approaching. The reason I am trying even harder now, to convince you of 7/3 and 7/8, is because I made too big of an error in thinking May would be the top. It makes much more sense, and I should have known better, for the top to be AFTER Trump's birthday and also close to July 4th. Should it be after the Fourth of July?....perhaps, but 7/3 is right before and leaves no more trading days before July 4. So in all reality, on the charts, the top will basically look like it is on the Fourth of July.

Then on Monday, July 8, 2019 the crash begins. Between July 8, 2019 and September 11, 2019 the market will fall around 9,000 points to end near the beginning of the "Trump Rally".

This has to be a new post, as the dates of July 3 and July 8 need to be separated (for studies purpose), but they also are inextricably intertwined. The biggest reason that I want to separate these two posts is simply to make them stand out, for your understanding and belief. So when the time comes, once July 3 has passed, and then the crash begins, you will be able to see it all clearly and understand it.

In other words, after the July Third top passes, the only way that you will believe me (other than previous calls, similar candles, dates, etc...) is that the crash does indeed ensue, and soon, and it will be....5 days after the top, the crash will begin because July Eighth (783) is when it will begin.

One thing that I do believe about the few folks that are following me regularly. I could probably just post links to the stuff that I am studying...and you could probably do the rest on your own. My biggest concern and question is...why do you not share it. How can you have the courage to look at and believe yourself...the opposite of what you were taught in schools...but then not have enough boldness to warn others that you love and care your own parents or other family makes no sense to me.

Manic Monday: You folks may think that because of my sense of humor, that the song Manic Monday is just a joke. HOW WRONG YOU WOULD BE, AND I WILL PROVE IT. This is exactly how they operate and I have shown you time and again that they plan and tell you about it years, decades and yes...even centuries before hand. This song was written ON PURPOSE for two stock market in 1987, and then one 31 years, 8 months, 19 days later... in 2019.

Now, let me explain something about the music industry, real quick. It is just a lie as any other section of our society, that is run by "The New World Order". What this do not know what to believe. And, I can guarantee you that no song ever gets published without their approval of the lyrics, or most of the time, having been changed to what they want. Many songs (probably like Manic Monday) were probably written completely by someone other than the artist that it gets attributed to. (You can second guess me on this one if you want to, but just do me a favor and please show me another Prince song...that sounds like Manic Monday??? It is not his style. Someone else wrote it and put his name on it...He didn't complain, cause he is still getting paid for it...DEAD)

"July" = 1+3+3+7 = 5 so July can = 5 or 7.
As a 5 July 8, 2019 = 58(3). By now, we can all agree that any date is of importance both by its month/number separately and also with all three components of month/day/year

July 3 is day 184
July 4 is day 185
July 8 is day 189

Thursday, July 4, 1776 (23) to Thursday, July 4, 2019 (23) = 243 (27) years or 2916 months or 12,679 weeks...EXACTLY! Do not forget, 9 is the top or the end...and yes the 243rd Independence day will be the end (or the beginning of it). The important thing here is that the yearly, monthly, and weekly lapses are all exact or on same day, same day of week.
"thursday" = 17

The top of the Dow Jones will have a 273,274, or 275 3 digit handle. In other words, between 7/5/2019 and 9/11/2019 the Dow Jones will drop either 9000, 9100 or 9200 points...take your choice. Could it be 276, 277, 278 or 279...absolutely, but it will not be above 27999.99. We will know when we get close, what it will be.

BREXIT: Just as the Brexit BS was occurring, a very discernible and compact "V" formed, just before the July 4th Weekend in 2016. The purple line you see is where the "Trump Rally Began", 18, 332.74. The line is formed in between the close of 11/8/2016 and the open on 11/9/2016. The Brexit "V" began on 6/23/2016 and finished on 7/1/2016 and comprised 7 candles.

BREXIT "V" That Formed Before July 4th Weekend 2016 - Condensed 

BREXIT "V" That Formed Before July 4th Weekend - Close Up

Black Monday 1987 To Black Monday 2019

Thursday, July 4, 1776 to Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dow Jones Close On 5/24/2019 Showing Nine Points

Sunday, May 26, 2019

July Third: Should Prove To You All, Once And For All: What Is Really Coming

There will be a lot in this post. This will be my last post for quite some time. I will not finish this post today. This post may never be finished, especially if it is my very last post. If I post again, it will be after the NBA finals and the US Open. There is a lot of info out there now, that relates to the last couple weeks worth of posts that I have already made, that has either changed, or my findings and analysis of those findings has changed. And these changes are very important to seeing...or believing what is really going on.

First and foremost is "When" and "Where" the stock market will top:

- Wednesday, July 3, 2019 is "When" the stock market will top. 27000, and more than likely 27300 is "Where" the stock market will top (Dow Jones Industrial Average and probably S&P and Nasdaq as well)

- Thursday, July 3, 1884 (1884 = 93 just as 2019) is when Dow Jones started publishing the now infamous "Average". It makes perfect since that the all time high ever, in our lifetimes, probably forevermore, would occur on its' particular its' 135 anniversary. Thursday, 7/3/1884 to Wednesday, 7/3/2019 = 135 years...or 2160 months...exactly. And, if the top = 27, it makes even more sense.

- Donald Trump will turn 73 (going from 72 to 73) on Friday, 6/14/2019. 7/3 (1) is exactly 19 (1) days after 6/14.

- "July Third" = 73 or 19 or 1 in numerology. 1 is lowest digit, with a value. 9 is the highest. Going from top to bottom would mean going from highest to lowest. (I realize that this bullet point seems counter-intuitive but I assure you, that it is not. They reverse numbers and meanings all of the time...just to confuse and fool. Here they are telling you that after the high (9 and at 27000), on 7/3 (1) we will be heading toward the low of our lives. But the important thing is we will starkly change directions....after the "Third" and of course "Fourth" of July.) I am not saying that this means the crash will begin on 7/5/2019...but it could (July 5, 2019 = 33 or or crash). But, sometime soon after the market opens on July 5, 2019 a big move downward should ensue. It may be on July 5. It may be on Monday, July 8, but it should be within a few days after July 4, 2019. This will probably be one of the updates I make soon after the US Open has finished. "Top" in numerology = 33. "High" in numerology = 32.

- Monday, March 9, 2009 (792 in Numerology...telling you where it was heading after the bottom...all the way to 27000) was the absolute bottom of the bear market (6547.05...again telling you from the bottom numbers, what the next "top" numbers would be...27) that preceded the current bull market. "March" = 7 in numerology, so the bottom ending in "March" (3 or 7) and then topping out in July (7) makes perfect sense, especially on the third. 3/9/2009 to 7/3/2019 = 3768 days! "Stock Market Crash" = 68 or 5. So..."Stock Market Crash"...7/3 = 7368...or July Third....then crash! (also note the bottom in 2009 is 10 years before the top (2009 with that 1 = 2019)

- "Crash" = 22 in numerology. 7/3/2019 = 733 or 4 or 22 or "Crash"

- The largest "V" ever drawn on the stock charts has just been drawn. "V" = 22 or 4 or 7/3/2019.

3/9/2009 - Absolute Low Of Previous Bear Market

Anything below this sentence is stuff that I will probably include in this post as topics. I am simply collecting it here so I do not forget. Go ahead and study any of this as it is very important stuff:,_California

Headline Link To Story Below Accuweather

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Will Make One More Post Over Coming Weekend: Why Have Folks Not Shared This Info?

There are several reasons why, that I will explain, why I now believe the top will more than likely be on Wednesday, 7/3/2019. I still believe that 6/19, 6/26 and 7/3 are the best choices and that 7/3 will be the latest choice, but I believe it will be the choice for the top...more to follow on this with my next post

After the stock market action today I will make one more post over the long weekend. There are some things, both in the stock market, and current sports events that I should have shown you, or that I have figured out since last posting that need to be addressed, and that will help finalize what is going on right now.

Dow Jones is going to 27332.74 or higher. It will have a 27 handle. The S&P will likely have a 30 handle.

My friends, I am not a blogger. The info that I have presented to you on a regular basis, here, for the last 5 months is life saving, critical info. I am not giving you recipes for cooking. 4 years ago I was getting 5,000 views per day on google plus. But this has been their plan and it is why google plus was used so heavily by truthers and preppers...and then canceled.

If anyone seriously believed me, and also is not a psychopath, I should have been getting 1,000 views daily by now, but am not. People that have been following should have been spreading this info, but they have not. In short, if you believe me, why are you not sending this info to your uncle, brother or friend below that dam that you know they live under. Nearly every one of us either lives in one of the super danger zones, or know someone who does. I am astounded, perplexed and saddened that people have not shared this info with many others, but they have not. So be it.

So, this info is obviously not wanted. It is needed but people either do not believe it, or they do not have the courage to spread it to others which is what I had hoped they would do. I am not going to bust my ass just to get a few views and then people move on without spreading the info.

The very fact, that the University of Virginia won (the most important part...that I got right from the very first post) the NCAA, and I told you beforehand because of the largest "V" ever drawn on the stock chart, right at the time of the tournament, should not only make believers out of you, but should have had you sending this info, this blog address to those that you love, that are indeed living in areas that I have shown and proved to  you, will be attacked and or flooded.

It is truly very sad that people could even halfway believe me, but not send this info to others that they care about. Even if your uncle does not live near a flood zone, he does eat does he not. He does need water and other essentials does he not. Well we will all suffer these things being taken away, so we all need the info that I have been giving you here for the last  several months.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Golden State 3 In 3: Brooks Koepka 3 In 3 And 2 In 2: Stock Market "W", Top, Crash

This is likely my last post on here. If not, it will be at least after the US Open before I come back. If Brooks Koepka and Golden State Wins, and if the "W" indeed finishes, and then the top is put in, and then the market breaks down...why would I need to keep this up, especially with all of the other proof and stories that I have posted.

Golden State Warriors will win 3rd Title in year 2019. Brooks will win 3rd US Open in 2019. "W" on stock charts now backs this up. If all of this indeed happens I do not need to do any more because if this does not make believers out of you, I can not think of anything else that would.

Below is a better look at what the coming "W" might look like. There is no way to figure it out exactly but there should be 2-4 down days followed by some kind of good news on China Trade War that sends stocks soaring to finish "W" then to the top on 6/19, 6/26 or 7/3 but my pick now is 6/19/2019.

Dow Jones Close 5/21/2019 Showing Coming "W"

I Don't Know What Else To Do Or Say To Get You To Believe If This Doesn't Do It

It has been two years of non stop rain, storms and never before. It is only going to get worse for the whole country. By no later than mid to late August the floods will return nationwide, especially in the east. WW3 will begin with the initial attack ON OUR SOIL, to our reservoirs, to our buildings, bridges and highways. There will be missiles destroying dams, planes flying overhead bombing dams, and other structures. It will be horrific. The below video is just one of probably hundreds in the last couple of years. They are telling you what they are going to do on 9/11...destroy dams and cause the flood of our lifetime...killing millions and millions.

I should have to no more posts after this one. I may not. I do not know. I have seen probably over a hundred stories just like this over that last few years. On  Google Plus I posted probably more than 20 stories just as this one.

If this story, along with just some of the other proof I have posted on here, everyone should believe in what the hell is coming. On 9/11/2019....everything changes, it will be the beginning of the end, whether you want to believe it or not.

Trump Brings About "Economic" New World Order: Proof Here

It is all in the wording. Read the article. What they are telling you is that because of Trump's economic policies, WW3 will begin, which is what will bring the real New World Order into formality. Not only that they are also telling you that Trump's demise will also play a part. It is all staged. It is all false flag. That is the way it is.

The Storms Are Getting Stronger: And Will Only Get More Stronger: Their Words, Not Mine

They are telling you that stronger "storms" are coming. You need to understand that they are talking about both literal and figurative storms. Great Tidal Waves are coming to all of the coastlines of the USA.

Much, Much Stronger Storms...On The Way!

Cramer: "After Right Trough Of "W" Finished China Trade Deal Sends Stocks Soaring"

Just read it and watch it. No explanation needed. Just look at numbers below, and look at them in the story. He is also telling you that the top is coming soon as well, after the W is finished. The top will be just after the US Open is over (6/19). The "W" should finish just before the US Open starts. ( a few days to a week or so)

After Bottom Of "W" Trade Deal Will Send Stock Soaring

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

It Is A "V" Or A "W": I Still Think It Is A "W": Here Is What Each Will Look Like

Below are two charts with today's action on it at around 3:00 PM. The additional candles I drew to show you what the "V" or "W" might look like. I choose the "W".
Dow Jones "V" Possible

Dow Jones "W" Possible. I Choose "W"

Monday, May 20, 2019

Brooks Koepka's W Will Contain 332 Candles In The Center Trough

Update: 6:45 AM: By the look of the futures now, it looks like to me that the "W's" trough will be comprised of 323 candles instead of 332. This actually makes more sense anyhow. The year first (3). Then the second (2) PGA. Then the third (3) US Open. All consecutive, which is what side by side candles are...consecutive trading days.

I just wanted to look one more time at the "W" that is forming and why. Here is what I think it means and how it will finish.

I believe at the bottom center of this W will be 3,3,2 Candles. Right now 3,2 is complete. I believe today will be a similar candle to the preceding two,  in that the high and low will be similar. Today should open higher and then move even higher, close to the high of the previous two days. Then it will move lower to have a low similar to previous two days. Then the market will finish close to the open. My feeling is that it will be a red candle today. It will open higher, go higher but ultimately finish slightly lower than the open. It will resemble a Long Legged Doji. Or a Long Legged Cross, or it will be a red candle with a larger lower body and long upper wick.

Then tomorrow the market will move lower to begin and form the right trough of the current "W". I think that this trough will comprise at least two but no more than three candles. (I pick two as this will match "Brooks Koepka"). And 332 matches his 2019 wins...(Second (2) PGA, Third (3) US Open, 2019 (3)) So the trough of the W will be comprised of 332 or 333 candles and I think 332 is most likely. This is how they operate. We shall see.

Dow Jones Close On 5/17/2019 Showing W Forming

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Stock Charts Once Again Telling Us World War 3 Is Coming (Tribulation of Matthew 24)

The Tribulation of Matthew 24 will begin on 9/11 (Jesus' Birthday) in 2019. It will be called WW3 so as to confuse you. You have been lied to by the very people you put your trust in (most every preacher today, is a False Teacher, wearing Black and White - 911, and attaching the murder weapon (a cross) to their structure somewhere. "Black" = 9; "White" = 11. You have been deceived my friends...just as Jesus told Matthew 24:4...not to be.) 

You can keep on believing the following BS (that only people "in the club" are told)..."don't worry about it, everything will be ok, God has got it under control, it has to be this way, you will understand why after it is over".

 If any of you want to worship a God that murders his Children, just so He can lower the population and cause a state of Utopia to come about...go ahead. I will keep believing the God that tells the truth and is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

In 2015 the now infamous WW3 pattern began. I did not discern what they were doing until they were nearly halfway into the second W (early 2016). Note below that the 3 is in the 3 long lower candle wicks (1 on the left W, and 2 on the right one).

Now on the current and second chart you can clearly see they are doing the same, but instead of lower wicks, this time the 3 is represented by a "U". This second chart was annotated for the purpose of the US Open 2019, but as always, they "kill multiple birds" with one stone.

Dow Jones WW3 Prediction 2015-2016

Dow Jones Close On 5/17/2019 - Annotated Showing WW3

Brooks Koepka Will Win Third Consecutive US Open: Second Person To Do So

Please read my other posts on "Rigged Sports" by clicking that label below.

- Very Important: If tomorrows candle is not similar to the preceding two, and does not form a triplet...OR...if Brooks Koepka does NOT WIN today, then I will probably change this. Here is what you need to look for...If Brooks wins today, then we need to look for a "Triplet Candle Pattern" is this simple folks. I WILL MAKE BELIEVERS out of you, if you have the courage to follow along and learn the truth.

Tiger Woods is currently number 6. Brooks Koepka is number 3. This alone makes me think that a sudden death matchup between them is very likely. We shall see. Folks they were neck and neck at the Master' not be surprised if this indeed happens.

This article is must read. Read the numbers my friends. The Dow Jones Stock Charts is telling us the Whole Trump-Woods-Koepka Connection. Woods missed the cut 33 days after the Master's Victory. Do not forget the 33 sitting atop the Dow Jones Chart at this time:

Holy Moly Ravioli...folks, Brooks Koepka's girlfriend has a birthday...guess when it is...same as Tiger Woods...12/30....This is how they the numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why they are making a big deal of her, and put her stories and photos out everywhere. Want more...Tiger's ex wife's birthday....two days later...1/1. And of course Brooks' birthday is also an earth sign...The Bull. So Brooks' Birthday matches his name in numbers plus it represents the "Bull" as in 911. The other three here are represented by Baphomet Goat or "The Sign of the Devil". It is all here folks, you cannot separate this stuff. I have shown you over and over again that the reason they use and refer to bulls, cows, bull head bends of rivers is precisely because "Bull" = 2333 or 29 or 911. And the reason for the stock market baphomet is "The Devil".

I had it wrong. But, I fixed it quickly. Brooks Koepka will win his third consecutive US Open only the second person to do so. First was Willie Anderson on 9/22/1905 in the 11th US Open.

The first chart is identical to the second except without the notes. Note that the last two days have not only began to form a "W" but the last two candles are very similar...they are a pair. Tomorrow will yet again be very crucial. I think we should see a third candle similar to the preceding two. These three candles will, together, make up the center of the "W".

Just look at the annotated chart and it needs no more explaining. Tiger's job was to win the 5th Masters, downstream from "The Clemson Tigers" and "The Woodlands at Clemson" which there was another stupid "college party floor collapse". They love to do the floor collapse BS....ALL THE TIME. Folks you need to learn from this. They do things the same, over and over. Just like major hoaxes as in shootings. They nearly always have a "Major Hoax" followed up within a few days by a "Minor Hoax".

Tomorrow is May 20. 52 or 7. 523 or 55. It is day 140. "May" = 3. As a 3 it will be 32 or 323, just like "Brooks Koepka". It will be fitting for a triplet to form tomorrow. A 3 in the middle of the W for a 323!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dow Jones Close On 5/17/2019

Dow Jones Close On 5/17/2019 - Annotated

Brooks Koepka OR Tiger Woods Will Win US Open 2019: Stock Market Will Tell Us Which One Beforehand

Tiger Woods Won the Masters 2019 precisely because of his name and because Augusta National is downstream from Clemson University, The Woodlands at Clemson (where a stupid hoax floor collapse story happened...on Mt. Tabor Drive). You will all be believers, if only after the power goes out and it is too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not be surprised if the US Open ends with a "sudden death" match up between Brooks Koepka and Tiger Woods.

After a little more study (which I should do but never do with sports) I may have to change my call. This guy (unless he has a heart attack) should do a repeat win today of the PGA tournament. Tiger was cut from this one. I am not saying that Tiger being cut from PGA means he will not be the winner of the US Open. Folks, he just won the Masters. This should be enough to show you that what seems best is not always best or on the contrary what seems worst is not always worst....why???....because it is all rigged. But when trying to figure out what these bastards are doing behind the scenes you do have to take all things into account.

Here are some important numbers:
"Tiger Woods" = 45

If he were to win the US Open 2019 he would have won 5 Masters and 4 US Open.

"Brooks Koepka" = 58 or 13 or 4
If he wins today he will have 2 PGA Tournament wins (2018, 2019), back to back, and he already has 2 US Open wins, back to back....2017, 2018.

If Koepka wins the US Open 2019 he will have 3 US Open wins, back to back, (only done once by Willie Anderson) and it would be in a year that equals 3. It would make his PGA/US Open count....2/3

If Brooks Koepka wins, obviously it will be about the numbers, but it is never about the numbers alone and in this case it is his Alma Mater that is important...Florida State which I have shown you over and over will be inundated, completely washed away.

Tallahassee, Fl (home of Florida State) was the only confederate state capitol, east of the Mississippi that was not taken over by the Union during the Civil War.

Andrew Jackson burned this town in 1818.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Code Red Madison NC: September 11, 2018. 9/11/2019: Madison, You Are Screwed

I will be making another post showing more physical features that prove and establish your demise Madison, NC but know this now...Between Belews Creek Dam and Downtown Madison, the river runs through a mini natural gorge. On each side of the River is steep terrain and this will practically channel all of  the reservoir right into Madison and beyond.

I will give Madison, NC 1 month before the old Code Red Warning from 9/11/2018 is taken off their site. I hope it is not, but if it is, that will be even more proof of what they are all up to.

This proof is right on their website. I need nothing else. Come on folks wake the hell up. What in the hell is wrong with people. They have done a good job making ostriches and penguins out of this whole country. Texting and smart phones has taken the place of commons sense, preparedness and genuine love and caring for their fellow human beings.

Elevation of Belews Lake, NC: 722 Ft.
Elevation of Downtown Madison, NC 10 miles downstream...600 Ft.

You are screwed Madison, NC. The people and neighborhoods that lie south of Academy St. (311) have absolutely, positively no chance to survive.

Think, think, think folks. Why would they leave this up. I told you all,this following story, and you can doubt me or not. It is your fate. On 7/31/2017 at approximately 5:50 AM I was driving north on Baux Mountain Rd, from 66 and as I was nearing Lake Woussikett Rd I saw two planes flying directly above Belews Lake near what would be the dam area. I know folks, believe me they were flying over the dam. What were they doing...they were making a "Vertical X". By the time I saw them they had already crossed paths. They knew exactly what they were doing as the timing made the X look deep red as it was drawn right at sunrise. Believe it....or not.

"X" = 24 or 42 or September 11
7/31/2017 = 3 or 21 or 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019

Town Fork Creek Watershed Lakes: Something Is Very Strange And Suspicious

This topic is not finished. I may add to this post or I will add another post to this topic. This is huge. You can doubt me if you like, but all of the Town Creek Watershed Lakes will be destroyed and add to the "Dan River Flood". Walnut Cove, NC will be flooded as a result. (At least the southern portion but I feel as thought the creek will rise up into the downtown area as well)

Here are the numbers to these lakes:
2,5,6,10,13,14,15,16. This is it, there are no more. There are 8 lakes numbered to equal 45 or "September" 11, 2019 (423)....BAM. So 8 and 9 are the relevant numbers here. I find it noteworthy that these lakes are near or around highways 8 and 89 and 311 and 65 as is Walnut Cove and Danbury. 

Building a reservoir is a huge undertaking, especially the larger it is. No one would ever build a lake for no purpose, especially if it was built by the government. Why are these lakes here? They are numbered but there are numbers missing from the sequence.

Here are the purposes for reservoirs to be built:

Flood control: (none of these dams can control floods as their spillways are...uncontrolled spillways and earthen dams). Unless the water gets too high, all the spillway will do is save the dam from eroding away. Flood control with reservoirs does not work anyhow...they just tell you it does. Once a bathtub is completely full, one drop will go over the is really this simple.

Power generation: None of these reservoirs can generate power

Drinking water: None of these lakes are used for drinking water. They might could be, I don't know, but they are not and why would they be for drinking water they are so spread out. These reservoirs make sense for only one purpose...CONTROL THE FLOOD

Recreation: None of these reservoirs are for public or private recreation (property owners adjacent to the lakes can fish and boat in them, but it is not advertised to the general public...there is no public access to these lakes) From my understanding they were built between the 50's and 70's but it is hard to find out anything about these mysterious reservoirs.

All of the Town Fork Creek Watershed Lakes will be destroyed to add to the Dan River flood. I am convinced of this 100% at this point. Danville, VA is the main focus of the Dan River Flood and it is very important.

The Tiger Woods And Donald Trump Connection: Tiger Woods Will Win 2019 US Open

Note the last chart below. The 9 chart pattern is in between two "W's" so 595 or 6/19 it is. THE STOCK MARKET WILL TOP ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2019. POINT BLANK, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The top of the stock market should be on Wednesday, 6/19/2019. There will be 6 and 1 points on the "Baphomet Goat Head's Soup" chart pattern. It will be 12 weeks or 84 (33) days until 9/11. Trump was inaugurated on 1/20. 6/19/2019 = 73 and Trump will turn 73 on 6/14, 5 days prior.

Donald Trump is President Number 45. "Tiger Woods" = 45. This is the major connection. That and Trump's love for golf.

Everything has changed my friends. No, they do not change, they plan hundreds of years in advance and have multiple back up plans. They do not do arbitrary when it comes to their plans. They show you and make you think "arbitrary" or "black swan" all of the time, but make no mistake...everything they do is planned to the "t" and with back up plans.

My perception of what they are doing, and when they are doing it has changed. The top will have to be moved out as they are drawing a "W" and Tiger Woods will win the 2019 US Open.

Donald Trump hosted the "Clemson Tigers" this year to a "Fast Food Party". Then he presents "Tiger" with a "Medal of Freedom". It is all here folks. You will all be believers that this country is a little over 3 months from being attacked coast to coast, all of our reservoirs...many big and many small ones too...will be destroyed.

Starting in late 2014 I knew I was right all along. I could have quit when everyone around me abandoned me, but I did not. I could have quit when everyone was laughing and making jokes but I have not. I could have quit when my own family would not believe me but I have not. I have not quit because I knew I was right all along...not about everything...just the gist and that is all that matters.

The 2019 US Open and the Stock Market charts are the last piece of the puzzle that I need to prove to you that I am right, no not for the sake of being right. I would have gone away long ago if selfishness was what this was all about. I simply want to see as many innocent babies and toddlers or anyone for that matter, LIVE THROUGH WHAT IS COMING.

June 16 is day 167. Tiger = 5. 6/16 = 13. "Woods" = 13. 6/16/2019 = 43 or 7. Tiger Woods will win US Open on day 167 (5), 6/16/2019 (7). Then 3 days later on Wednesday, 6/19/2019 the stock market will have its final top of all time.

Monday, May 6, 2019 

May 6, The Day Trump Gave Woods Medal Of Freedom

Please view my other posts on rigged sports by clicking the label "Rigged Sports"

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024