Saturday, August 17, 2019

1923: 123: Market Crash Week Of 8/19 Thru 8/23: It's All Here: It Is Not A W: Proof Here


Note: On the stock chart below notice the closing numbers. The two digits to the right are .61. The should be .62. On CNBC they are .62. If you subtract the previous day from the below close it is .62. I do not know why this is off.

There is a small group of people, that for whatever reason, has attacked me continuously for what I do online, trying to help people. If you are not in this group, please disregard the below message as "being for you". I deserve every bit of vindication I can get as I have been shamed for simply trying to help people keep their own offspring alive.

Next week is going to be fun. Especially for those of us (hint...only me) who have been ridiculed, called crazy, called a conspiracy theorist, dissed, lost jobs and customers and money because of simply trying to help FULL GROWN ADULTS SAVE THEIR OWN ASSES AND THEIR CHILDREN'S ASSES. Those of us (hint..only me) that have been attacked, tracked, spied on, my equipment sabotaged, my shop sabotaged. Finally, what I have been trying to do for 5 years, researching my entire adult life will be realized. Finally, what I have been doing for the last 4 years (preparing to protect my kids) will be realized. Finally those who have ridiculed me, attack me AND MY KIDS WILL HAVE TO EAT CROW. You have broken into my email, my computer. You have spied on me. You have gotten others to spy on me. Multiple people have conspired to attack my business and equipment. Finally you people will get what you deserve, and I will get what I deserve....VINDICATION AND FREEDOM FROM YOU STUPID PUNKS THAT HAVE AGGRAVATED AND ATTACKED ME. YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE WHAT IS COMING FOR VERY LONG. PLEASE STAY ON THE DAN RIVER. PLEASE STAY NEAR ALL RIVERS. PLEASE STAY AT THE COAST. PLEASE STAY ON LAKE MICHIGAN SHORE. PLEASE DO SO I CAN BE EVEN MORE COMFORTED LATER ON.

12345, 69, It Is Not A W. Coming Up

At this point, it looks like the stock market will crash ALL WEEK, EVERY DAY next week (it will probably begin the snap-back on Friday as Powell speaks and this will continue into the next week). Then the following week, 8/26 thru 8/28 there will be a huge snapback (it may even come close to getting back to where it crashes from.) Then on Thursday 8/29 thru 9/??? the crash resumes. Powell speaks next Friday at Jackson Hole. I believe this is what will cause the market to snap-back, but it will only be short lived until North Korea Attacks Japan and South Korea...on 8/30.

August 19, 2019 = 93
8/19 is day 231

They are basically telling you, just with the headline, that the markets will be roiled and that Powell will need to "soothe them"

Dow Jones Close 8/16/2019. 343. This Is What Vindication Looks Like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Examine the graphic below. First, "Monday" = 18. "Red" = 18. X = 24 or 6 or 123. Note the 4 at the end. "Crash" = 4. "Red" "X" = 96 or 69. 12345 = 69. 19,20,21,22,23 = 12345. This graphic tells of both 2019 stock market crashes, North Korea's Attack on Japan and South Korea and it tells of BAM day, 9/30/2019 attacks on USA. It is all here in this one graphic.

Click Bait For Article Released On 8/11/2017