Update: I have the whole plan. It is 3000 points per week down. 1st week to the bullhead low on 6/3/2019. Week 2 to the 12/24/2018 V low. Week 3 ends with 18332.74 close on 11/8/2016. This is it. No questions asked. I simply missed it. These chart markings are 3000 points apart precisely. This is their plan. China Trade is most likely what will steer it through all 15 trading days. I may try to illustrate this later, but just go look at the charts yourselves it is all there. We are going to 27000. It will not make a new high though, that I am fairly sure of. If it did it would still be with a 273 handle more than likely.
I have the 83 too folks...8 weeks from top on 7/15 will be 993!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is more to the 83 but this is the biggest reason in regards to the top and crash
I missed it. It is one day out of 365 out of how many years? This is it. I do not know what might happen, other than Dorian in the next week. Either the market will end up at 27000 plus or it is going to be closed. It will not go sideways.
I may or may not add to this post. I may or may not post anymore at all. There are less and less reasons, by the day for me to be posting on here. Time is of the essence.
I have checked, double checked....September 9, 2019 the market will crash huge. I think it may go down from 27000 to 18000 in one day. It may do that in the remaining days before 9/30.
I think we will still see more about why the large v and bullhead are on the charts. We know they refer to crash and the end of the bull, but I think they have greater meaning...we shall see
The 83 or 38 connection could simply be referring to the False Flag coming and the end of the bull market. The day is very early so something significant could still happen.
The Flash Crash of 5/6/2010, the 10/19/1987 both line up with 9/9/2019.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM): https://thebsdetectordaily.blogspot.com/2019/04/TigerWoodsOrPatrickReedWins.html...
"Flash" = 631. "April Fool's Day" = 63. "Joe Biden" = 1. April 1 Is Day 91. "Joe Biden" Is ...
Could Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 8/19/2019...And Thursday, 8/29/2019 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 8/29 is day 241. This is 2019. Thursday, ...