Thursday, August 15, 2019

October 19, 1987 Equals August 19, 2019: Octo Equals 8

Folks, the evil men that run your world, devised your calendar just for their evil plans. I have said this hundreds of times. Our calendar reflects names and meanings that make no sense compared to their original meaning. Like...October means 8 but it is the 10th calendar month. Like...September was originally the first month. Then God changed September to the seventh month, and then the New World Order changed it to the ninth month. October 19, (19)(87). August 19 is day 231 (6)

19 is eighth prime number. Sunday, 8/18/2019 (893) will be the day that the false flag occurs more than likely. I told you several days ago that the market kept flashing these 18, 19 numbers.

August 15 = day 227
August 16 = day 228

August 18 = day 230

August 19 = day 231
August 20 = day 232
(192, 2019, 3...67)

8152019 = 863 or 89
8162019 = 873 or 63
8182019 = 893 or 92
8192019 = 93
8202019 = 85

The great market crash of 2019 will either encompass 8/15 thru 8/20, or will begin on 8/19. I believe that 10/24/1929 thru 10/29/1929 equals 8/15 thru 8/20 and that 10/19/1987 equals 8/19/2019.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024