"Atlantic Salmon" = 73. Salmon means "Jumper". I think it actually means the opposite of what it seems like it should mean.
The current "island" 7373 chart pattern could go up and break away to the upside. It could "jump up" and away from the previous candle, and go on to form a "W" in addition to the "UV" 3.
...or could this story be telling of "jumping salmon", breaking free from their pen. Only to get caught downstream.
We will know the answer to this story, and the Lion Air Crash by the end of the day tomorrow.
The most important part of this story to me, is the fact it was two days before "The Great American Eclipse"
Will the market "jump up" first tomorrow, and then come back down. Will it "jump up" for several days and then come back down. Or will it go downstream at the open and continue???
These fish were in their juvenile stage which means, if in the wild, this would be the time of swimming downstream, into waters with heavy predation. It is not the time they are swimming upstream. This island is at the entrance to the Seattle area. It will be attacked and their will be tidal waves and this fish hatchery will once again lose their fish. It is relating to a market crash and huge tidal flooding in my opinion.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM): https://thebsdetectordaily.blogspot.com/2019/04/TigerWoodsOrPatrickReedWins.html...
"Flash" = 631. "April Fool's Day" = 63. "Joe Biden" = 1. April 1 Is Day 91. "Joe Biden" Is ...
Could Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 8/19/2019...And Thursday, 8/29/2019 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 8/29 is day 241. This is 2019. Thursday, ...