Saturday, August 24, 2019

MSlide VCrash Day After Double Slide

FYI: By the way, the rains have already began in my area. They will not abate. I told you so. There may be brief intermissions, but the flooding is here to stay, it will only get worse.

Also: On Thursday, 8/22/2019 at either 4:02 or 4:03 the power went out again in my area. I know the time because I was trying to copy the Dow Jones closing numbers between 4:00 and 4:04. It went off exactly like it did on 8/6 except this time it stayed off for a few hours. It started dimming at first for a few seconds, twice and the second time it turned off completely. My friends, in most situtations the power would not go off like this. If a tree falls over a line and breaks it, your voltage goes from whatever it was effing zero. They have a dial or switch and can easily reduce the voltage, this is what they do. They created the storms, then use them as excuse to cut power off or they really do damage shit. On Thursday the storms were not that strong. This was another planned storm and outage. If you do not believe me, go to the wall unplug your lamp and see if it dims first. Thought so.

Top chart is Dow Jones Intra Day as of close on Thursday, 8/22/2019, showing a huge slide early morning and another quick but steep slide near the close. Bottom chart is Friday, 8/23/2019 showing an "M" early morning being completed with ONE CANDLE..JUST AS I SAID IT WOULD AND JUST AS IT DID WHILE THIS WAS BEING DRAWN. You can plainly see what happens the very day after the "M" is complete. At the close yesterday they formed a very quick but very discernible "V" that was the very last thing before the close....meaning  this is what is going to happen the very next day the market opens.

I told you so.
Keep doubting me.
Stay on the rivers and coastlines, it is all up to you.
I can not possibly get everything even close to right folks, just look at the stuff that I do get right and go with that.