Saturday, August 24, 2019

Monday, 8/26/2019 Dow Goes To 12/24/2018: Tuesday, 9/3/2019 Dow Goes To 11/8/2016

This post, the information in this post is what I have been looking for, what I have been trying to do for 4 years straight, pretty much non stop, night and day. And I don't mean the exact post or exact info. What I mean is a post that would completely prove that Your World Is Staged, always has been and they are getting ready to try and kill us all. If this post and the days that lie ahead that show it to be on target, accurate and unfold very much the way I present it, do not cause you to prepare then so be it, I have failed. I just hope that someone sees it and decides to move out of harms way and prepare.

On Monday, 8/26/2019 the Dow Jones will crash down to the level of the very bottom of the huge "V" that was on Christmas Eve, Monday,  12/24/2018.

Between Tuesday, 8/27/2019 and Friday, 8/30/2019 the market will make a huge snapback to the levels of the bottom of the "V-Bullhead" that formed on Monday, 6/3/2019.

On Tuesday, 9/3/2019 (After North Korea attacks Japan and South Korea) the Dow Jones will crash from the bottom of the smaller "V" to the beginning of the "Trump Rally", or Tuesday, 11/8/2016.

This is it folks, this is their grand plan. They always mark the future, in the past, and if you just look with an open mind, you can find and expose their evil dark asses. what I have done. This is what is going to happen, whether you want to believe it....or not.

One more thing: Do not be surprised ( I actually think this will probably happen) if on 8/26 the Dow goes all the way down to 18332 area and then comes back all the way to 12/24 to close. They do this all the time, mark where they will go with a long upper or lower wick. The market then moves higher only to come back to the level of the lower wick, and beginning of Trump Rally.

I don't like to change titles, but I had not finished with the post and my research and findings have changed. This is huge. This is the biggest thing, that I believe I have stumbled on in my own history of researching the market, or any of this for that matter. This is how they operate. All of this is tied together.

I remember where I was at and what I was doing during this whole trading day ( I swear that I thought is was going to keep going down, but then I remember vividly thinking that something was going to be noteworthy about this trading day). I remember it very, very well. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is going back to the close of December 24, 2018, and it is going to do it in one day, on one day and that day is Monday, 8/26/2019.

Please click the labels to the right for Stock Market Crash or other stock market words, check my last few posts as they go over this in detail. I will try to have this post finished by Monday morning my friends.

Below is "The Grand Plan" that they have lined up and planned well before hand, for years. The numbers are all here folks. This is what is going to happen. The only difference might be that 8/27/2019 is the second crash instead of 9/3/2019 but I believe this is a slim chance. There will be a false flag attack on Friday, 8/30/2019 and the DJIA will be at 24000, more than likely, when this happens. My hope is that you will see all the hard work I have done with this, see that I have gotten the gist of it right, and believe me about the real important part...they are going to flood us and if you or anyone you care  about lives near a river, reservoir, dam or any other structure or place or type of place or structure that I have warned you about...and not only believe me, but obviously take getting the hell out of there, or getting your college students out of there. That is what I hope that I have achieved. I do not know what else I can do now...for sure, except for pray for me, my family and yours. God Bless You All. I am not needed on here any longer. I am needed elsewhere., but I will continue to monitor the situation and use this blog to share information with. You know what the market is going to do. You know what the New World Order is going to do. And, you pretty much have a good idea of when, very close to when. Please warn others!

Grand Plan For Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dow Jones Close On 6/3/2019

December 24 is day 358 (88). 8/26 = 88.