Saturday, August 3, 2019

It's Monday August 12: All Proof Coming Up: 3-5 V Will Be Last Dow Jones V

Nine More Days Of Normalcy: Then 49 Days Of Confusion Lead To Hell, Chaos, Death. The instigator to WW3 will involve North Korea and South Korea and/or Japan. Point blank, plain and simple. Do not believe me at your own peril.

I am going to finish this my friends, but know that hell is near. There is no way possible that I can always get this shit right. I had it close, but sometimes you just have to wait until more info is there. Well that info is here, and some of it I just did not see. I am only one person, with a lot of stuff going on. I should have looked back and ahead more.

Note the graphic below: It was click bait for an article on 8/11/2017. I told you then that this graphic contained an important date of either BAM day, or the top of the stock market, or both. Friday, 8/11/2017 to Monday, 8/12/2019 = 2 years and 1 day...or 731 days. 12 for 8/12 and 731 for 83.
Also note, the red x's mean 9. September = 9. 9 can always be implied because it is the number always zeros itself out in horizontal math. Note the 4. That is the other value for September. So you have 933 and 433.

This Graphic And Article Were Released On 8/11/2017 (821)

One Caveat, Warning, or exception: If you notice yesterday was 8/2. Also note the famous Reagan BS that happened on 8/11/1984. Also remember that the graphic of the XXX, Days Are Numbered Article was released on 8/11/2017 or 821 or 812. Do not be surprised if this event coming up straddles the two dates. It could be Sunday, 8/11 here and Monday 8/12 there when it happens. Does not matter. Monday is when the market will first react and that will be 8/12/2019.

Note Below how close Korean War Anniversary close on 6/25 is to the close yesterday. Notice the numbers to the left of decimal are exactly the same just arranged different. Note how both decimal places equal 221.

Below is a annotated DJIA chart as of yesterday's close.
The numbers: 26485.01 (812, 48 days after 69th Anniversary on 6/25, False Flag (6))
-98.41 or 8 candle "V" ends on 8/9, and will be 5 more candles after 8/2. And it will be 8/3/3 or 86 or 14 or 5....BAM BAM BAM

Below is an intra-day chart, at the close, on 7/31/2019. This is the first day that the 3-5 "V" began. You can plainly see the "V". I saw this, and just thought it was alluding to the coming crash...and it is, but it was alluding to the "V" which was underway, leading up to that crash, a "V" that will last 8 trading days and be 3 on left side and 5 on right.

7/31/2019 Intra-Day 1 Minute Chart At The Close

8/12/2019 = 83 or 833
8/12 is day 224

Note: North Korea invaded South Korea on 6/25/1950. 67 = 13. 85 = 13. 6251950 = 46. 6/25/1950 to 6/25/2019 = 69 years. Remember this date 6/25, it is very important.

North Korea WILL ATTACK South Korea Or Japan On Monday, August 12, 2019
Any Event Happening After 12:59 PM In Korea On 8/12 Will Also Be 8/12 AM EST