Tuesday, August 13, 2019

It's A "W": Cramer Proves It: Cramer Proves Crash Coming After W

Ok, first note that the graphic below is a "Large Video Thumbnail" which is embedded in the linked story below.

If you look toward the bottom at the yellow "video". Directly above that is the 86 (8/30/2019). Next if you look to the left of Jim's head notice the numbers 814. 8 stands for kill and August and 242 the day of year. 4 stands for crash. 18 stands for Friday. 1 stands for the direction the market will go. 814 stands for 85...crash and 8/30/2019 Plus 242 (Day of Year). Finally to top it off notice the two colors of the numbers...yellow and red or 119. Friday (18), 8/30 (11). Case Closed. BAM.


Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
